Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 450 We Got Trapped (Part One)

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"Really?" Zac raised his eyebrows and said with a mischievous smile, "It's a coincidence that we have

thought of the same thing. I also want to send you a message to tell you that we are not divorced and

you are still my wife."

Essie snorted. "Sending this message to Leila must be more exciting than sending me this message."

"Well, you are right, in case you get disappointed." Zac sneered.

Hum! Again, Essie scoffed in her mind that it was impossible for her to be happy. What she could do

was to be scared into cold sweat!

"When did you finish the divorce procedure?" she asked.

"I don't remember." Zac said indifferently. How could he know that since he just asked a forgery guy to

chop the certificate randomly?

"I'll go to find out on the divorce certificate." Essie said, curling her lips. "I've decided to fix this date as

an anniversary in memory that I finally got freedom and got rid of the big ogre." Before she finished

speaking, he tightened his grip on her waist, as if someone was punishing her.

"Monkey King will never escape from the Buddha's five fingers mountain." The man squeezed the

threatening words one by one.

"Leila has been following you like a shadow all the time. You really can't get away from her," Essie said


Zac lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "I have a double body."

Essie's dark eyes rolled. Suddenly, he stretched out her little hand and kneaded his face carelessly.

Then, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, it is the real you."

Zac flicked her forehead. "Silly girl, you needn't wear the artificial mask. Even if you look exactly like

me, you won't wear it in the daytime."

With that, she placed her hand over her forehead. Indeed, it was useless to put on a mask, and one

would eventually fail if he observed it carefully. She looked away and didn't say anything more. She

continued counting the days. Friday was fourth of April, and Saturday was fifth of April. April five!

"Oh, it's the Tomb Sweeping Day!" She screamed like waking up from a dream.

Zac shook his head sadly. Today's stupid woman's brain was absolutely out of circulation, and she had

such an insensible hindsight.

"On this day every year, the descendants of the Rong family will come back from all over the country to

the cemetery to worship the ancestors," he said in a low voice.

Essie was surprised, with her mouth slightly open. Her eyes were as wide as two bells. She finally

understood why Leila had come and made a scene at the gate of the Rong Mansion. It turned out that

Leila came here in order to get the chance to take part in the sacrificial ceremony.

By worshiping the ancestors of the Rong family, she would be acknowledged by the Rong family as a

daughter-in-law. It was worth a try.

Unfortunately, the result still failed.

Now that Mary had 'lost her power', the two elders came back to host the family, so she couldn't get in!

In such a special period, Alice began to date with Fell, which attracted a lot of attention from the Rong

family and his group. At this critical moment, how could the Rong family allow the daughter of the Qin

family to marry in to meddle with the family affairs?

"Did grandma forget that it's the Tomb Sweeping Day? So she invited me here?" she asked in a low

voice. If so, she'd better leave as soon as possible. She was not a member of the Rong family

anymore. It would be so embarrassing to stand there.

"How could grandma forget such an important day?" Zac cast her a glance.

"But why did grandma ask me to come here?" Essie was puzzled and confused.

"What do you think?" Zac asked, showing no intention to answer her question. He knew very well that

she was in a conundrum and wouldn't understand what was on grandma's mind.

"I just can't figure it out. That's why I asked you." Essie rolled her eyes at him.

"Just stop thinking about it if you can't figure it out. You only need to do whatever grandma ask you to

do," Zac said in a bossy way. It sounded like she was his subordinate.

"I've been kicked out of the family by you. If the relatives see me, they may think that I'm begging you

to be together again, right?" Essie whispered in a low voice.

Zac's eyes became bigger and bigger. He was looking forward to the day.

"Maybe I'll consider it if you beg me."

"Dream at it! As the old saying goes, a good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture. I'm

going to marry Hanson. I'm not interested in you, the grass root, at all." She stared at him with anger.

Being kicked out of his house without any compensation. He not only disgraced her, but also made her

a laughing stock among the rich women in Dragon City. If she turned her head back to beg him, she

would be humiliated. Any female creature on earth might disdain her. She would never do such a

shameless thing.

"Don't jump to the conclusions too early. Leave yourself a way out," Zac said in a low voice, with his

eyes flashing. As soon as he thought that she was going to marry Hanson, he had an impulse to kill


"There is no way back for me. You cut off my path long time ago. Even if there are mountains and

rivers in front of me, I can only move forward, and I can't retreat any further." Looking at the road in

front of her, she gradually wore a faint sad smile on her face.

There was a hint of depression in her tone. He keenly felt that a sharp pain flashed through his heart

like lightning. Didn't she have any hope for them? Was it because of him or the resentment of the last



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