Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 290 Compensate Me With Ten Times

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"If you don't take us to see our chairman today, we won't leave." Elizabeth held Mrs. Vicki to sit on the

sofa, with an arrogant attitude.

"Cathy, you've been thrown out of the Xu family a long time ago. Why do you come back now? You

don't have a damn share of our property." Vicki glared at Pana with resentment.

"The chairman asked Miss Xu to take over the Xu's Group. She is now the acting supervisor of the Xu

family. She can decide whether you are willing to it or not. She can only make decisions for the Xu

family, including the affairs about the chairman," said Essie.

Vicki turned around. Her face darkened at the sight of Essie. "Why are you here again? What are you

doing in Hengyuan?"

"Long time no see, Mrs. Xu. I'm Miss. Xu's special assistant," With a friendly smile on her face, Essie

turned to Pana and said, "President, you have an appointment with Mr. Wang on golf. It's time to go."

She was trying to get her out of the way so that the two wouldn't pester her.

Getting her hint, Pana stood up and said, "grandma, aunt, I'm going to negotiate business with a client.

If you have something to say, you can talk to Essie." After that, she walked out of the room in a hurry

without waiting for their response.

"You..." Vicki was so angry that her face turned livid.

"Please come to my office." Essie asked them to go.

With the help of Elizabeth, Vicki went out with her reluctantly. In the next office, Essie ordered her

secretary to bring tea to them.

"Why are you still here? You have upset Rong family and now you are messing up our Xu family!" Vicki

thumped the table in anger.

"Mrs. Xu, please don't get angry. Take care of yourself." Taking a sip of tea, Essie said in a slow and

peaceful tone.

"Cut the crap. Let's meet the chairman in a hurry." Elizabeth rolled her eyes at her impatiently. She was

eager to know the condition of Baron now.

"Mrs. Xu, don't worry. The chairman is now in the ICU and is not allowed to visit. When his condition is

stable and he is transferred to the general ward, I will arrange for you to visit him." Essie looked at the

medicine list of the previous hospital and found that there were nutrition liquids every day, so they didn't

treat him. It could be seen that someone didn't want him to wake up at all.

"At least, you have to tell us which hospital he is in, right?" Elizabeth snorted.

"I'm sorry, for Mr. Xu's safety, it's not convenient to tell you before he wakes up." Essie refused coldly.

"I'm his wife, and Mrs. Xu is his mother. Why can't we know that?" Elizabeth slammed her hand on the

table and shouted harshly, "I think you have ulterior motives. You want to seize the opportunity to

control the chairman of the board and steal the assets of the Xu family."

"As for ulterior motives, it must be you who have it, Mrs. Xu." With a mocking smile on her face, Essie

continued, "you've colluded with a lawyer, falsified the chairman's commission. You are the suspect.

And about Alice, the police has found out that her brake has been damaged by someone. This is an

attempted murder, not an unexpected accident. Inside these things, you are the biggest beneficiary,

naturally also the biggest suspect. The police should soon come to find you to investigate the case. So,

before these suspects are cleared, you'd better be well behaved, lest the police be suspicious. "

"That's a pack of lies. Don't sling mud at me."

When Vicki heard this, she was shocked. She had stayed in the manor all day long, so she didn't know

what had happened outside. She had thought that there was a traffic accident at the beginning, but

now that she heard that Alice was murdered, she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?" She glared at Elizabeth.

Just as Elizabeth was about to speak, she was interrupted by Essie, "of course she doesn't want to tell

you. Because she was to replace Vinton, the one you pointed, and prepared to be the chairman of the

company herself. If your granddaughter hadn't stopped her in time, the Xu's Group would have

changed its name to the Wang's Group."

When Vicki was in panic, she violently twitched. She hit the floor with the walking stick in her hand and

said to Elizabeth, "if you dare to covet the Xu's Group, I'll break your skin."

"Mom, don't listen to her nonsense. I think Vinton is a self-willed man. I will take care of the Xu's Group

for him first. When he grows up, we can let him take over the company. He's my only son. Even if I

have a silver spoon in my mouth, I'll still give it to him. " Elizabeth hurried to explain.

"I don't think so. Empress Wu wanted to send the country to his nephew in Tang dynasty." With a

mocking smile, Essie turned to Vicki and said in a slow and clear voice, "Mrs. Vicki, although I'm an

outsider of the company, I'd like to remind you that Mr. Baron and Miss Alice were not hurt by

accidents. You must keep your shares in your hand. No one is allowed to take out your shares. This is

your life-saving principle. If you don't take out your shares, no one could hurt you. If you lose your

shares, those who have ulterior motives may think you are useless and hurt you like Miss. Alice. "

This made Vicki tremble with fear.

Elizabeth jumped up from the sofa and yelled, "shut up, Essie! Don't talk nonsense! You're frightening

the old lady!" She roared, with blue veins standing out on her forehead.

"Shut up, too. I'll tell it by myself." The old lady scolded Elizabeth. In the past few days, Elizabeth was

asking her to transfer her shares to Vinton to fight with Cathy. She was hesitant about it. And now, she

made a decision when considering what Essie said to her.

"If there is any change in Chairman's condition, please inform me at any time. Just call me directly."

Vicki reminded herself to be careful not to let others bully her after such a big change to Xu family.

"Don't worry. Miss Xu will keep you informed." Essie nodded.

After saying that, Vicki stood up and walked outside. Elizabeth glared at Essie in rage, as if she was

going to bite off her flesh. This woman had always ruined her plan and she was just like her nemesis.

Essie's eyes darkened, and there was a cold light flashing in them. 'Elizabeth, you'd better pray that my

father and sister will be fine. Otherwise, I will surely kill you, ' she thought to herself.

It was not yet the time to go off work when Zac sent her a message asking her to warm up her bed

tonight. Thinking of that, Essie became mad. It was not good to have her weakness pinched.

"When on earth can we sign the contract? You should give me a deadline, shouldn't you?" She stood

arms akimbo and stared at him fiercely. Her patience was limited, and she could not compel him

endlessly with it.

"I can sign it whenever I am in a good mood." He threw up his hands, lay on the lounge chair, picked up

the coffee at hand and took a sip.

"What can I do to make you happy?" She pouted.

"It depends on your performance." He lifted the corner of his mouth and a mischievous gleam flashed

in his eyes.

"……" She was upset. It was obvious that he was playing her. She thought that he might not be

satisfied with her whatever she did.

Zac's glorious light swept across the tip of her eyebrows and added a bit of gloom. The more she

resisted him, the more angry and jealous he was in his heart. In the past three years, she had always

smiled and said sweet words to Hanson, leaving him alone in Dragon City and suffering great pain.

Now she wouldn't be able to live peacefully. She owed him. She had to pay him back in ten times.

"I want to have the beef brisket stewed with radish, braised spareribs in brown sauce, eggplant with oil

on the floor, minced pork with fish fragrance, and Coconut Soup for dinner. Hurry up." He commanded,

like a lofty emperor.

"Okay." She stuck out her tongue and turned to the kitchen. Weren't she her mistress? Why was she

used as a cook? It had been three years, he didn't change. It was still hard to guess what he was


When she finished cooking, it was already dark.

Zac asked her to cook for him and serve him to dinner. Sometimes he wanted to drink soup, or

sometimes he asked her to pick vegetables for him. At this moment, she had become a maid from a


"Do you want me to feed you?" She said crossly. She had meant to tease him, but unexpectedly, he put

down his chopsticks and squeezed two words overbearingly, "feed me."

She petrified for a while, and then moved her stiff lips away. "Freezing house, how come I find that in

the past three years, you are not becoming more mature, but more childish."

You made me do this.

He cast a cold glance at her. "As my lover, you have to serve me. You have no right to complain." His

tone was cold.

"……" She took a deep breath and tried to bear it. But in order to solve the cooperation, she picked up

a piece of beef with chopsticks and put it to his mouth, then he opened his mouth with satisfaction.

So the meal was over after two hours with the slow pace of spoon feeding.

When they were about to go upstairs, the doorbell rang. The steward pressed the entrance guard

video. When he saw that it was Leila, he came to tell Zac.

Zac nodded slightly and the housekeeper opened the door.

In the past three years, without Essie, Leila finally managed to take her place and came back to stand

next to Zac. As a frequent visitor to this villa, she came over here very often. She tried every means to

make him happy.

"Zac, do you know what I have brought here today?" She raised the cage that was covered with a black

cloth in her hand. Leila was supposed to be filled with a bright smile. However, when she saw the

person behind Zac, she felt like he was hit by a thunderbolt. As a result, her whole body was twisting

violently. "When... When did you come back? "

"Two days ago." Essie replied indifferently, feeling a bit jealous. Needless to ask, they must have been

together a lot in the past three years.

Zac walked to Leila. "Let me see what you have brought today." He took off the black cloth from the

cage and saw a myna bird in it.

"It... It's great. It talked a lot. " Leila managed to squeeze a smile out of her stiff mouth, trying to control

her excitement and avoid being affected by Essie.

"Really?" Zac put the birdcage on the table. It seemed that he was very interested in this myna bird, so

he totally forgot the woman standing at the staircase.


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