Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 645 Hype

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"Eva, come and eat my food." Mandy handed the mushroom balls to her. She had been on a diet

recently. She only ate vegetables and didn't eat meat, lest she had too many calories.

Eva smiled, "My best friend is the most considerate." After saying that, she glared at Jim and continued

to eat.

Jim ignored her, put the roasted beef ribs on the plate and began to eat elegantly.

The constant fragrance from the side attracted the greed on the tip of Eva's tongue. She turned her

head and stole a glance at it. The beef ribs were so well roasted that they were both burnt and tender.

She couldn't understand why a person like Jim who was well-off and well-dressed was able to cook so


In a trance, she seemed to see a cow rib flying towards her and to her mouth. The fragrance

penetrated into her nose, making the greedy in her stomach excited. It directly attacked her brain,

making it unable to play normal sense again.

She couldn't stand it anymore and bit it.

'Oh my God! It's so smooth, so delicious, so crispy and so yummy. I have never eaten such delicious

beef ribs in my life.' So she opened her mouth wider and was about to take another two bites when the

beef ribs suddenly flew away. A low voice came from the side, "is it delicious?"

"Yummy." She nodded like a chicken pecking rice, as if she had been hypnotized.

"Do you want to eat more?"

"Yes, I do." She nodded calmly.

Jim couldn't help laughing. He had seen a greedy cat before, but it was the first time that he had seen

such a greedy cat like her. He seriously suspected that one day, the heaven pepper would sell herself

for delicious food.

A gust of night wind blew from the valley, and Eva seemed to wake up from a dream. When she saw

the handsome and mocking face in front of her, she realized her gaffe. Embarrassed, she turned her

head, lowered her head and ate the mushroom balls without saying anything.

Jim smiled and gave her the beef ribs on the plate. "For the sake that you are my companion, I'll give

you this reward."

As soon as Eva saw it, her face lit up with laughter. "Then I won't be so polite." She never fought with

food. The world was big, and her stomach was the biggest. Even the end of the world could not stop

her from tasting food.

She ate up the beef rib quickly.

"Heaven pepper, the camera is still on. Do you want the whole country to appreciate your horrible

eating?" Jim sneered, as if he was reminding her to pay attention to her image.

She choked hard, covered her mouth and coughed for a few times to ease the air. "If I am shot, I'll ask

the director to cut it off." She said awkwardly.

"That's a good idea." With a faint smile, Jim picked up a chicken wing and roasted it.

Eva also picked up one and was about to put it on the fire to roast, but he stopped her. "Wasting food is

a shameful behavior." This was a mockery.

"Don't look down upon me. I'll cook it well this time." Eva shook off his hand angrily. She was absent-

minded just now, so she burnt it. This time, she must take it seriously.

But the bonfire seemed to be against her, once again roasted her chicken wings into charcoal.

She was so angry that when the photographer turned the camera to her, she quickly reached out her

hand and covered the camera. "It's burnt. Don't shoot me. Shoot others."

The photographer chuckled, "Sis Eva, barbecue is your weakness." Because Eva was the most

popular star of the Sino Star, everyone in the entertainment circle called her sis Eva.

Eva smiled awkwardly, "I'm exposed."

The photographer moved the camera away with a smile, letting Eva focus on eating. Everyone in the

entertainment circle knew her temper. As long as she could eat well, everything was negotiable.

Her assistant began to work beside her, but the food she cooked was totally different from that of Jim.

Eva looked at Jim's plate while eating.

Jim sensed that. He didn't know if it was because of the Buddha's light last night that he generously

gave her the freshly roasted chicken wings. What made him more dizzy was that her greedy look made

him very satisfied. Then, he couldn't help but roast her four beef ribs, half a big fish, three chicken

wings, and a corn until she was full.

With an unbelievable and grateful look on her face, Eva seriously suspected that this guy was

possessed by angel in Yellowstone National Park.

"Jim, you should come to America more often in the future."

"Why?" Jim asked.

"You've become very popular here." Eva smiled gracefully. She was too satisfied with the food. Jim

seemed to have a pair of magic hands. No matter what kind of food he had, it would become delicious.

Beside the bonfire, many people were watching this scene. The relationship between Jim and Eva

seemed unusual. However, in the entertainment circle, it was not ruled out that the two of them were

deliberately hyping and creating some ambiguous topics when the new play was just put on.

The director winked at the photographer, and the photographer quickly aimed the camera at Eva again.

"Sis Eva, how is the cooking of Jim?"

Eva chuckled, "do you know what delicious food is? It's the thing I've just eaten. Now I finally know who

our king Jim is. He is the God of food! "

Jim's charming eyes narrowed slightly. The heaven pepper was quite good at flattering.

As soon as Eva finished her meal, she was very excited, even forgetting her grudges for the time

being. "Do you know what kind of leisure activity we usually do when I am filming with Jim?"

"What is it?" The staff asked.

"Fight!" Eva chuckled.

"Then who wins every time?" Yancy asked.

Eva scratched her head and said, "Although I can't defeat him, I'm also very powerful."

"How about you fight with each other now so that we can have a good time with the audience in front of

the TV?" The staff said.

"Okay." Eva smiled and waved at Jim. Jim put his hand on his forehead, feeling a little helpless. How

could she get drunk without drinking?

It seemed that he had to teach her a lesson to wake her up.

Jim stood up. When he was off guard, Eva threw a left punch. He dodged lightly and grabbed her wrist

back. She tried to get rid of the disadvantage with her left leg horizontally, but Jim's flying sweep just hit

her left leg. She staggered and fell backwards. Jim grabbed her hand in a flash and pulled it back a

little. Then she threw herself into his arms.

The audience around them kept applauding.

Leaning against Jim's solid chest muscles, Eva's heart suddenly stopped beating, and even her breath

was disordered for a moment. The scorching heat spread from her neck to her cheeks. Fortunately, it

was dimmed by the light, and only Jim could see it.

An indescribable strange feeling rose from Jim's chest. For a second, he even wanted to kiss her on

impulse. However, he soon suppressed his strange feeling. There was no special expression on his

face, only a pair of brown peach blossom eyes appeared particularly deep in the night.

Eva stood up straight, took a deep breath gently, and then returned to her chair and sat down.

"Although I lost every time, I still made progress. I could only catch one move from him before, but now

I can catch three moves from him." She smiled with self-mockery to ease the embarrassment.

The staff burst into laughter.

Mandy looked at her in silence, with a weird smile on her face.

Next, there were two small games. After a day's shooting, everyone went back to their limousine to


Eva and Mandy were in the same limo.

"Eva, we haven't slept together like this for a long time." Mandy said with a hypocritical smile.

"Yes, when we were in Yang City, the three of us were together on weekends. It's so good to think

about it now. " Said Eva, looking at the roof of the car.

"Now that everyone has their own family and life, I don't think such a life will happen again." Mandy

sighed slightly.

Eva turned around, held her head with one hand and looked at her. "Mandy, are you still with that old

man of the Xu family?"

Mandy was silent.

The limousine was so quiet that the sound of beasts outside the window could be heard.

"Mandy, you have a good condition. You should find a man at your age. Even if you like mature men,

you should find a one who is still unmarried." Eva advised.

"Eva, don't worry about me. I'll handle it myself." Mandy didn't want to hear it anymore. It was a sharp

thorn in her heart. If she didn't touch it, she would feel numb and pain. Especially when she saw that

Essie and Eva had found an excellent husband, her heart ached even more.

Eva sighed helplessly. She really couldn't figure out why Mandy insisted on being with Bles, a married

old man. It couldn't be that she abandoned herself just because her admiration on Zac had been


However, since she didn't want to hear it, Eva didn't mention it anymore, lest she would be unhappy

and ignore her again.

While she was deep in thought, Mandy said in a low voice, "I find that you have a good relationship

with Jim. Tell me honestly, are you deliberately hyping for the new play, or are you really in love with

each other?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I have a boyfriend." Eva curled her lips.

"Are you hyping?" Mandy didn't want to let her go easily.

She didn't say anything. People who were in the entertainment circle were sensitive and would

deliberately exaggerate any news. They seemed to ignore the bickering between her and Jim. When

Jim was so kind-hearted that he roasted something for her, they were very interested in it.

Mandy thought that she acquiesced, with a malicious smile on her face.

"I knew it. You have Vinton. How could you be with Jim again? But last time, your cheating news went

so crazy. Isn't it a little risky for you to hype about your relationship? "


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