Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 560 Between Father And Daughter

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After greeting the guests, Baron called Essie into the study.

"Cathy, play chess with dad. We haven't played chess together for a long time."

Essie nodded and sat down. She knew that Baron must have something more than playing chess with


The servant brought two cups of black tea.

Baron took a sip and smiled, "I still remember that you were very active when you were a child. You

always couldn't sit still, so every time you played chess, you ran away halfway."

With a faint smile on her face, Essie thought that she was never fit to play such a game that required

her to think a lot.

"Mr. Baron, my sister is much better at playing chess than me. You should ask her to play with you."

Baron sighed, "Cathy, when will you call me daddy again?"

Essie lowered her eyes and a touch of sadness swept across her face. "Mr. Baron, you have sister,

brother, Valery and Holy. It's dispensable to have me as daughter. But my father is different. He only

has one daughter, so... " Her voice was very low. Father Yi had devoted all his father's love to her since

she was a child. It was enough for her to have a father, and she didn't need another one. Since she left

the Xu family at the age of seven, Baron, this father had been redundant to her.

His words stabbed into Baron's heart like a dagger. He had done a father's duty to his kids

from Alice to Holy, except for her. He hadn't been a good father, and he had been absent for so many


"I know. I'm sorry for you and your mommy. I want to make it up to you and give me a chance," he said

in a low voice.

With a faint smile at the corners of her mouth, Essie said, "I'm fine now. I don't lack anything, so you

don't need to compensate me anything." She didn't lack money, nor did she lack her father, nor did she

lack his love. What could he compensate her? The only thing she wanted was a happy childhood, but

he would never make it up to her.

Baron's heart was in turmoil. He knew that she hadn't forgiven him. She was smarter and more

sensible than other children since childhood. From the moment Elizabeth entered the Xu family, the

way she looked at him had changed. She no longer regarded him as the person she worshiped and

respected most, nor was she as intimate as before, as if he was no longer her father. Therefore, when

he divorced Luce, she resolutely chose to follow Luce and completely abandoned him, her father.

"No matter how good Bob is, he is not your biological father after all."

"After leaving the Xu family, Elizabeth sent killers to assassinate us, trying to kill us all. It was him who

saved us. Without him, my mother and I might not have lived to this day. He is not my biological father,

but gave me a new life. So, in my heart, he is more important than my biological father. " There was

firmness in Essie's tone.

Baron heaved a heavy sigh and said, "I know Elizabeth is a woman who always reaches her goal by all

means. But after all, she is the mother of Vinton and Valery, and she has saved your grandmother's life,


"You don't need to explain to me. She is your wife and has nothing to do with me." A sad smile

appeared on Essie's face. She knew that Vicki had forced him not to divorce Elizabeth. He had always

been obedient to Vicki, and it was the same until now. For him, she no longer held any hope. If it

weren't for Holy, she would have quit the president of the Xu group and completely severed the

relationship with the Xu family.

"You must hate her very much, right?" Baron said slowly.

"Yes." Essie said frankly. "When you were in a coma, she tried to kill me again and again. Do you think

I should forgive her generously?"

"But Elizabeth is Elizabeth, and Vinton is Vinton. After all, he is your brother," Baron said in a low voice.

"I know what you mean. She must have told you that I introduced Eva to my brother and wanted to play

a honey trap on him. I don't care whether you believe me or not, and I don't need to explain. My family

name is Yi, and I'm the daughter of the Yi family. The property of your family has nothing to do with me.

As long as you say a word, I can immediately resign from the position of president of the Xu group, and

I don't want to be involved in any family or any old thing. "

"Cathy, that's not what I mean," Baron explained hurriedly.

Essie waved her hand, with her eyes full of disappointment. "Mr. Baron, I don't know how much aunt

Elizabeth has poured dirty water on Eva, but as her best friend, I have to let you know that Eva is a

good girl. At that time, she refused to accept the hidden rules of the agency. She had offended many

producers and investors, and was banished and suppressed. The reason why she could achieve

today's achievements was all because of her own efforts. She was not influenced by the black water in

the entertainment circle, and Zac and I would not allow anyone to pollute her and insult her. As for

Wendy... "

She paused and changed her tone slightly. "I remember that in order to control uncle Bles, Vicki

married her niece to him. Now I think aunt Elizabeth must be following Vicki's example. She married

her relatives to my brother, controlled his every move and made him her puppet. It's not like what a

biological mother can do. As for you, Mr. Baron, do you want your son to be a puppet of his mother? "

The corners of Baron's mouth twitched slightly. To be honest, he had never thought about this. After all,

Elizabeth was Vinton's biological mother. How could she hurt her son?

"Cathy, maybe you think too much. How can a mother not care about her son?"

"I'm also curious. My brother is Elizabeth's biological son, and he is also her treasured sword.

According to the rules, she should love my brother very much, take good care of him and educate him

seriously. However, what she did was totally different. She didn't care about my brother at all and just

wanted to train him to be a man who didn't do his work. In fact, my brother is a very smart person. He

has a good management of the project I gave him before. He is not a dissolute Playboy as Elizabeth

said. Why did Elizabeth treat her own son like this? " Essie said in an emotionless tone, as if she was

just telling a fact.

Baron fell into silence. His marriage with Elizabeth had existed only in name for a long time. For so

many years, he seldom went back to the Xu family's villa and had been living in the villa outside. He

didn't know how Elizabeth cared about his son and taught him.

"It seems that you know your brother very well."

"To be honest, before I knew him well, I didn't like him and also opposed him to be with Eva. I don't

want my best friend to be fooled by him. But during your coma, brother and I got to know each other

more than before. In fact, he was kind, innocent and responsible. Unlike Valery, he was neither bossy

nor ruthless. It seems that he doesn't inherit the gene from aunt Elizabeth. He inherits all the

advantages of your Xu family. I'm glad for you and for your family,"

Essie said frankly. At first, she just wanted to use Vinton to destroy his relationship with Elizabeth, but

now, she really treated him as her brother. She just hoped that he could get along well with Holy in the

future and manage the Xu group well together.

Baron's dark eyes twinkled in the sun. He suddenly found that he didn't know Vinton at all. For him, all

he could do was anger and disappointment. He had never thought that he would have such a side.

"It seems that I have to spend more time on Vinton."

Taking a sip of tea, Essie pushed the chess piece forward and said, "Mr. Baron, I hope you can

seriously consider my brother's marriage. Even if he doesn't marry Eva, his wife should have nothing to

do with Elizabeth. This is good for him and for the Xu family." She had spent so much effort to eradicate

the Wang clan from the Xu clan, and she didn't want them to come back again.

Baron didn't say anything. He looked at the chessboard with an unreadable expression on his face.

Essie didn't know if he would take her advice, but she had tried her best. The rest depended on her


There was a moment of silence in the room. Baron seemed to pay attention to the chessboard. After a

long time, he pushed the 'soldier' forward and smiled, "Well, don't just talk about your brother. Tell me

about you too. How are you and Zac recently?"

With a slight smile at the corners of her mouth, Essie said, "We are fine."

Baron took a sip of tea and said, "Your mother came to see me. She is worried about you and is afraid

that your mother-in-law will treat you badly."

Hearing that, Essie was shocked. Her mother had worried too much. After all, Zac was different from

the person in front of her He had his own thoughts, and even Mary could not restrain him. Therefore,

she believed that her fate and mother's would not be the same.

"In fact, my mother-in-law has been nice to me recently. Maybe she has accepted me." She smiled


"No matter it's Mary or Zac, as long as they dare to bully you, you must tell me. I'll uphold justice for

you," Baron said.

His daughter was courageous, intelligent and resourceful. He believed that she could cope with Mary.

Most importantly, the marriage with the Rong family was the best for the Xu family. Her daughter would

be the hostess of the Rong family in the future, and her grandson, Dot, would undoubtedly become the

future leader of the family. As a capitalist, it was impossible for him to help Luce to break up such a

good marriage.

With a slight smile on her face, Essie said, "Don't worry. My situation is different from that of my mother.

There are grandma and grandpa in the Rong family, and there is a father-in-law. My mother-in-law

alone can't do anything alone."

Baron's eyes darkened. Her words undoubtedly hurt him. Vicki had always been domineering at home.

Since he was a child, he had been obedient to her and never dared to go against her will. Even now, he

still didn't have the courage to resist her.

Outside the study, someone had been eavesdropping at the door. She followed them since they

entered. She gritted her teeth, with a malicious light shining in her eyes.


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