Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 498 I Will Stick To You For The Rest Of My Life

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Dot found that recently his mommy was staring at him in a trance. Sometimes, she could stare at him

for a whole day, as if she could imagine him through her eyes for countless times.

In fact, it was not that Essie was looking at him. She was just letting her mind wander about Zac.

"Dot, I am so happy. You look like your father so much," she murmured in a very low voice, as if she

was talking to herself.

Dot was keenly aware of her thoughts. He stretched out his little hand and gently stroked her head,

saying, "Mommy, if you miss daddy, just go and find him."

She shook her head and felt a sharp pain as if she had no soul. She covered her chest with her hands

and breathed heavily to endure the pain. She wouldn't go to visit her husband again. Never.

"Did you quarrel with each other again?" Dot heaved a sigh.

"No, we won't fight anymore." A warm stream of blood rushed into the eyes of Essie. They had no

chance to quarrel any more. She stretched out her hands and hugged Dot in her arms. "Baby, don't

change. Be like Daddy all the time." 'In this way, Mommy will see you as if I see daddy.'

She swallowed the rest of the sentence in her heart bitterly and did not speak it out.

Dot hugged her back with his little hands. He didn't know what had happened to his parents, but he

knew something bad must happen.

Their hearts were together, but they were walking in the opposite direction. The more they walked, the

more distance they were.

While he was sighing, her phone rang again. She glanced at the screen. It was from William.

Was there anything wrong with Zac?

She quivered slightly and slid the answer button in a hurry...

The private room of the Victoria Tea House was very quiet. Because of the soundproofing, it was a very

suitable time for their secret meeting.

"Is he alright?" She asked anxiously when she saw William.

"No, not good." William sighed heavily. "The damage on boss's arm is more serious than expected. He

has completely lost consciousness. The doctor said that there is little chance for him to recover. Most

importantly, he was in a bad mood, so he was eager to recover. If he continues like this, it will have the

opposite effect and do no good to the therapy. "

It seemed that Essie was hit by a lightning and she was petrified and split into pieces. "It's my fault. It's

all my fault. If I could leave him earlier, I wouldn't have brought disaster to him." She buried her face in

her hands and burst into tears. He was an arrogant king, so arrogant, so arrogant that he could not

accept the weakness and cripple that could happen to him?

William was looking at her with a deep look in his eyes. "If you think in this way, you are just about to

fall into the trap of your enemy." Afraid that she would not hear, he raised his voice slightly.

She shook violently and put down her hand. "You... What do you mean? "

"Have you always wanted to know why boss divorced you when you were in a coma and married

Leila?" William asked with a depressed voice.

"What do you want to say?" The nerves of her whole body were tightened in an instant, and her eyes

were as big as brass bells. She was waiting nervously and confusedly for what he would say later.

Gritting his teeth, William didn't say anything. He wanted to give her some time to consider, because he

knew what he was going to say would give her a great impact.

"Go ahead!" Essie urged anxiously, her heart almost popping out.

"He wants to save you," William said slowly yet clearly.

Feeling like being stabbed by a needle, Essie jumped up from her chair and asked, "What did you

say?" Her voice trembled with fear.

"Leila has colluded with those people. She is holding your antidote preparation in her hand and

threaten our boss to divorce you and marry her. Only in this way can she give you the antidote


His tone was very light, but it was like an end hurricane, in her heart it created a great tsunami that

could swallow the whole world. Her head was convulsed violently. Her limbs and cells were convulsed.

Then tears rushed out from her eyes like the flood of the end of the world, instantly wetted her face.

'I see!

I see!'

No wonder he always showed a helpless and bitter face every time she complained! No wonder he

said he would wait for her for three months! No wonder he said he would come back to her!

She clenched her fist and beat her head hard.

Why didn't she notice? Why didn't she think of that?

She was such a fool, the biggest idiot in the world!

"Zac!" she cried She couldn't help covering her face with her hands and crying bitterly.

"Mrs. Rong, boss really needs you. Only you can bring him back to himself," William said solemnly. He

didn't tell her about the false divorce, because he was worried that she would spill it out emotionally. It

would be enough for her to know what kind of thing that Zac did. He believed that she wouldn't care

about that piece of paper.

"Take me to visit Zac!" Essie said while sobbing. She couldn't wait any longer. All she wanted was to

jump into his arms and hug him tightly, and never separate with him again.

William took out an artificial mask from his bag and said, "Leila is threatening boss again. She asked

him to renounce you. You should put this on when meeting boss in the future, in case that the enemy

and Leila would discover this. The more they want your life, the harder you should try to survive. Only

being alive can you take revenge. "

Essie nodded vigorously.

Yes, she wanted to be alive, to fight back, to take revenge, and she would not let go anyone who

wanted to hurt her and Zac!

In the villa at the blue coast.

A roar came from the room, "Get out!" Then came the clink of things.

The maid stumbled downstairs, her face pale with fear.

Ann signed. She had come from the lakeside villa to take care of Zac.

When Essie came in and took off her mask, Ann's eyes lit up as if she had seen the Savior. "Mrs.

Rong, you're here. It's so nice." She was the most loyal housekeeper to Zac. Having been his assistant

for so many years, she knew what he was thinking. Essie was his true wife in his heart.

"How is Zac?" Essie frowned and said worriedly.

Ann shook her head and sighed again.

"I just wanted to help him put on his clothes, but he asked me to get out," the maid said, feeling


"Let me have a look." Essie rushed upstairs.

In the room, Zac was sitting on the bed and dressing himself clumsily with his left hand. He didn't

believe that he couldn't do this simple thing well. In fact, he didn't care whether he was incomplete or

not. What he cared about was that he didn't have the ability to protect his beloved woman.

When Essie pushed the door open again, a teacup was smashed against her face. Luckily, she had

been prepared in time, or her head would have been broken and bleeding.

"Get out! Do you want to die?" the man inside roared.

"Icy guy," she called him in a low voice. Her heart wrenched when she saw the shirt that he had put on

an arm.

He shook violently and turned his head in disbelief, thinking that he had misheard and had an illusion.

When he saw her fresh and beautiful face, his quiet heart suddenly seemed to be regained, fiercely

and wildly beating.

Infinite missing and deep emotion filled his eyes, but all of a sudden his heart froze and was swallowed

up by darkness.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" he growled. He did not want to see her, nor could he see her.

He didn't want to see her because he did not want her to see his awkward situation. He couldn't see

her because if he saw her, she would be hurt.

He could only torture himself and punish his incompetent arm for vent his anger.

She went straight in, as if didn't hear what he said, pulled up his shirt and wanted to put it on for him.

But he threw it away. "I asked you to get out. Didn't you hear me?"

"I won't leave!" A wave of warmth rushed into her eyes. She opened her arms and embraced him

abruptly. "Icy guy, didn't you say that I would come back to ask for your forgiveness one day? I'm back

now. I don't want to break up with you anymore! I don't care even if I can't marry you, I want to be your

lover, and I don't even care to be a destroyed rats all my life."

There was a strong feeling overwhelming his heart. He had been waiting for this moment for a long

time. He wanted to hug her tightly, kiss her and love her deeply. But he couldn't. before he could protect

her enough, he could only obey the threat of his enemy and stay away from her.

"You always want to leave me, don't you? Now I'm giving you a chance to disappear in front of me as

soon as possible. Leave me alone!" He grabbed her hands and tried to break them apart, but she clung

to his arms and refused to let him go. "I've changed my mind. I'll stay with you for the rest of my life."

"But I'm not interested in you anymore." He tried his best to sound more indifferent than he thought.

"It's okay as long as I'm interested in you." She made a scene and then rested her head on his


"You think I can't deal with you with just one hand, don't you?" His fingers tightened slightly and held

her hands firmly. He wanted to force her to let go of him. She felt so hurt that she furrowed her

eyebrows. But she still held it back and was not willing to surrender.

"You are a demon king and I am an ant. Even if you don't use your hands, you can flatten me to death.

But even if I will die, I will not let go of you. I will stick with you till the end of my life," she said seriously

and firmly. She had decided that even if the world fell apart and she would take the risk of being tired of

by him, she would never leave him again.

"Don't mention death in front of me!" he growled. Now he was scrupulous, very scrupulous!

"Okay, I won't mention it." She said hurriedly, "We all have to live well, there are still a lot of things to be

done! We're going to travel around the world, watching Mili and Dot grow up and grow old together. "

Her voice was gently whispering in his ears, like a hot wave, gradually burning his eyes.

'You little fool, if you want to live well, you must leave me, at least for now!' He replied in pain in his

heart. He couldn't bear to see anything happen to her. He had to be heartless.


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