Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 697 Find Clues

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Eva specially took a week's holiday to Yang City with her best friend. When Irene heard about it, she

took the opportunity to ask Ivy to go with them and help her persuade Essie. Zac agreed.

There were the best memories of Essie in Legendary. Here, Zac was just a poor hobo. Relying on her

luck, he made some money by stock speculation and was promoted to be a house owner. She was a

small designer who ran a Taobao shop. Although she was not famous or had no background, with her

own talent and efforts, she barely reach the well-off level.

"Icy guy, if only we were two ordinary people, then we wouldn't have so many enemies and fights." She

leaned on his chest and burst into tears.

Zac knew that she was in a special period. The change of hormones in her body made her extremely

depressed. According to the doctor, after the puerperal period, her body gradually recovered and her

mood would be slightly better.

"My little fool, everything will be fine. Trust me." Zac comforted her. Her face was pale and colorless.

He felt as if a knife were piercing his heart.

Eva came over and held her hand, "Essie, do you remember that when you were in Yang City, Sunny

always went against you? She used her father's power in Yang City's fashion industry to hinder you

from finding a job, which made you fail in every interview. She wanted to kick you out of Yang City, but

you were not afraid at all. If you didn't have a job, you could open an Internet store on Taobao. You

were still popular. In our iron triangle friendship, you are the toughest and will never yield to the

enemies. You will be able to find Dawny this time. Let's work together to find him back! "

A teardrop fell from Essie's eyes. She also wanted to cheer herself up and think positively, but she was

not in a good mood. When she calmed down, she would think of her little baby. She was afraid that he

would be mistreated by her enemies, that he would not be fed, that he would be sick, and that he might

already... These terrible things kept torturing her fragile nerves, making her anxious and uneasy,

making her worry so much that she would collapse at any time.

"I'm a little tired. I want to sleep for a while," she buried her head in his arms and said in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll take you upstairs." He lifted her up and walked upstairs. His steps were heavy, just like his


"Icy guy, can you sing for me? 'You Raise Me Up' is the favorite song of Dawny and me. " Lying on the

bed, she leaned her head against his shoulder as a pillow.

"Okay," he nodded and said in a low and magnetic voice like the sounds of nature, "When I am down

and oh my soul so weary..."

"Icy guy, you sing so well! You should be a singer, a soul singer. Dawny heard your singing and he

came back to us. I think no matter where he is now, no matter how old he will be, as long as he hears

your song, he will definitely remember us and recognize us... " She closed her eyes and her voice

became lower and lower, and finally disappeared from her lips.

Zac lowered his head and gave her an affectionate kiss on the forehead. He knew that her depression

was only temporary. His little fool was the strongest. As long as she passed through this difficult period,

she would cheer up.

In the hall, Eva and Ivy took the children to the open-air garden. Irene was making coffee in the kitchen.

What Zac needed most now was a considerate confidant who could help him solve his problems. She

believed that she was that kind of woman.

"Cousin, have a cup of coffee. I made it for you." She deliberately carved a beautiful latte art with a

smile on it. This beautiful woman stood for herself.

"Thank you," Zac said indifferently, taking a sip of the coffee. Now for him, it was not only coffee, but

everything he ate or drank were all bitter.

Irene sat beside him and sighed, "I didn't expect that sister-in-law would become like this. I've checked

Baidu just now and found that she has serious postpartum depression and will continue until the child

goes to school. If sister in law also in this kind of situation, what should we do? "

"Essie's condition is only temporary. She will get better after the puerperal period." There was a touch

of firmness in Zac's tone, hiding all the worries in his heart.

Irene believed that he was comforting himself. She didn't know when Essie would recover.

"Cousin, if you want sister in law to be happy, you have to be happy first. Look at your sad face. Sister

in law will not be happy to see you. " Irene grinned at him and said, "Cousin, let me tell you a joke."

Seeing that Zac didn't respond, neither shook his head nor nodded, as if he hadn't heard her words,

she said to himself, "At a wedding ceremony, the bridegroom persuaded the best man kindly," Look, we

are married. It's time for you to find a wife to get married. The groomsman shrugged his shoulders

helplessly and said, 'I want to, too. But every time I finally save some money for my wife, I give you

some cash gift for your marriage. So, I have to own some shares of your wife.' Cousin, is it funny?"

Zac nodded perfunctorily. In fact, he was not in the mood to listen to her or listen to these boring things.

Now, the only thing he cared about was two things. One was to cheer up his dazed Essie, and the

other was to find his little sweetheart.

Seeing that he was not interested, Irene changed her strategy. She stood up, walked around him, and

put her hand on his shoulder. "Cousin, I've learned a set of Tai massage techniques recently. Let me

massage you to relax, okay?"

"No, thanks." Zac broke free from her grip and stood up. When he was about to go upstairs, the

doorbell rang. He walked to the door and took a look through the peephole. When he saw the familiar

face of the person, he frowned unconsciously.

Hearing the doorbell, Mili and Dot rushed in from the open-air garden. "Daddy Hanson is here!" The

two completely ignored the existence of Zac. They ran straight to the door and opened it.

"Daddy Hanson." Mili threw herself into Hanson's arms. Hanson picked her up and kissed her cheek


Ivy held Rabi's hand and ran over. The reason why she agreed to come with Irene was that she wanted

to see Hanson.

Hanson knew that Zac didn't welcome him, but he was too worried about Essie and couldn't care too


"How is Essie now?" he asked in a hurry.

"Mommy is not good at all. We have tried many ways to make her better, but it doesn't work," Mili

lowered her head and said dejectedly.

"Bastard!" Hanson smashed his fist on the wall angrily. "They are just a group of extremely vicious

outlaws." When he was speaking, there was a faint cry upstairs. Without saying anything, Zac ran

upstairs, followed by Hanson and others.

Curling up in a corner, Essie cried in a low voice, and her tears fell down on the back of her hand one

by one.

Seeing this, Hanson felt his heart ache. He wanted to rush forward and hold her in his arms, but

someone had already given her a warm and solid embrace.

"Icy guy, I dreamed of Dawny. He was covered in blood all over his body. He cried so sadly..." she

mumbled, trembling in fear.

"It's just a dream, not true. It's just a dream..." Zac stroked her head and tried to comfort her.

"Your dream is always the opposite. If you dream that there is something wrong with Dawny, it means

that he is fine now," Eva said.

"I'm so scared!" Buried her head in the arms of Zac, Essie sobbed, which broke his heart and


"Essie, you have not only Dawny, but also Mili and Dot. They are still young and need you very much.

You can't let yourself collapse." Squatting next to her, Hanson looked at her worriedly.

"Hanson..." Tears welled up in Essie's eyes when she saw him.

There was a moment when she wanted to end such pain. She closed her eyes and didn't need to worry

about anything. But the remaining sanity made her stop the idea. She couldn't die. Dawny was still

waiting for her to save him. Mili and Dot also needed her. And Willi, the dead mouse, she had to save

her life to cut off his flesh, so that he could taste the pain and suffering.

However, she still couldn't control her depression because of her physical problem. Maybe as the

doctor said, she would get better after the puerperal period.

"I want to sit in the garden," she said haltingly.

"Okay." Zac lifted her up and went to the open-air garden. Eva poured her a glass of milk to

supplement nutrition.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of milk, Essie calmed down a little. She looked up at her friends who

were concerned about her and said, "Eva, Hanson, Ivy, Irene, thank you for coming to accompany me."

"Essie, I can do anything as long as you cheer up," Hanson said sadly.

"Essie, no matter what happens, we will be with you," Eva said solemnly and firmly.

Ivy and Irene didn't say anything. The two of them came here for other purposes. Ivy came for Hanson,

and Irene came for Zac. But they were also different. Ivy really hoped that Essie could be better, and

Irene hoped that she would never be good.

In the afternoon, William called and they had known the identity of the criminal.

Zac went into the study, turned on the computer and video chatted with him.

"When the nurses in the hospital sorted out the intensive care unit, they found a golden button. This

button is special, not something for the medical staff. We have contacted the international police office.

According to their investigation, the person who kidnapped young master is likely to be Reid, who

committed a series of crimes in Europe ten years ago. "

After a pause, William continued, "Reid is quite conceited. Every time he finishes a case, he will leave

a golden button as a show off and provocation."


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