Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 485 Opponents Always Meet

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Zac was very depressed. It was the biggest 'stigma' in his life and she always kept it in her heart. She

would not feel relieved until the day the truth came to light.

"Essie Yi, what you need to do now is no more nonsense. Keep your word." He shifted the topic to the

main contradiction.

Feeling that he was guilty, she sneered at him and passed him by, heading to the pavilion. No matter

why he had to marry Leila, she would never forgive him for what he had done to her was so unkind.

After dinner, she left with the kids.

She took a few days off after the engagement ceremony to relax herself. At the same time, she wanted

to avoid the gossip of others. The next day, when she arrived at the company, she received a lot of

sympathy from the people around her.

After all, it was a rare thing that one to experience such a thing to be robbed of the love at the certain

time by two sisters. It was enough for him to mobilize everyone's potential to gossip.

The only person who could share a woeful destiny with her was Ivy, who had the same suffer.

Ivy had cried for many times because of this accident. Today, her melancholy attacked again, and she

couldn't help but come to tell Essie about her misery.

However, Essie didn't want to talk about it in her office right now. She took her to an English style tea

house in the afternoon. She wanted to comfort the girl. No sooner had she sat down than Leila and her

sister came in.

"Damn it. What a small world!" Ivy's eyes blazed with anger when she saw them. They were like dark

clouds, which made her feel more depressed.

Leila and her sister also saw them, and they came over on purpose to say hello to them, "What a

coincidence! You're here to have afternoon tea too." Leila put on a false smile.

"Yes. I come here with my sister in law to have a chat." In order to give Leila a hard time, she

deliberately stressed the word 'sister-in-law'. In the beginning, she didn't have much issues with Leila.

After all, the triangle love between Zac, Essie and Leila had nothing to do with her. However, because

of Christina, she hated her.

There was a flash in Leila's eyes, did she call the wrong person? She was Zac's legitimate wife, her

legitimate sister in law.

"Ivy, she is your sister-in-law, then what am I?" she asked sarcastically.

"Your Qin family and our Rong family are enemies. What else could you and your sister be except that

you are my enemies?" Ivy refuted, giving no face to her at all. Like sisters, like sisters. The two sisters

of the Qin family were both unethical and often became a mistress.

Leila's face darkened when she heard her words. People in the Rong family was ignoring her, who was

going to be the future hostess of the Rong family. How dare even a little girl tease her. When she

became the hostess, she would definitely kick out all the people who went against her from the Rong

family. She would let them know how awesome she was.

"Ivy, you should know that she has divorced your cousin. I am his real wife, and the future hostess of

the Rong family. You should respect me."

Ivy laughed as if he had heard a very funny joke. "Leila, you are coveting the position of future hostess

of our family even when you deny entering the Rong Mansion. Do you marry my cousin not because

you love him, but because you want to be the hostess of the Rong family? "

Her words seemed to have successfully read Leila's mind. She blushed and said, "Your cousin is going

to be the successor of the whole Rong family. I'm his wife, so I'm his future hostess. Am I wrong?"

Ever since her identity was exposed, her status fell sharply. She was no longer the resplendent Golden

Phoenix, but a worthless vulture. Only by being the hostess of the Rong family could she regain all her

glory back.

Moreover, she was a greedy person in the first place. What Essie could get in such a high position, she

would get it all either. She wanted to get everything she wanted, just as much as possible. She couldn't

be defeated by Essie.

Looking at her with extremely sympathetic eyes, Ivy said, "Leila, I advise you not to hope too much.

You are the daughter of Qin family. If one day you are accepted by our Rong family, you should pray to

God. And don't think about anything else. You will never be the hostess of Rong family."

Leila was so angry that her face turned red. If she couldn't be the hostess, no one else could be her,

especially Essie. She wouldn't dream of remarrying Zac for the rest of her life.

"Don't be so sure. I'm afraid that someday when I become the hostess, I won't let you come back to

visit your mother."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I can't see this happening in my life." Ivy sneered, "There is one thing that

you mustn't know. Besides that the hostess of the Rong family can't have a relationship with the Qin

family, she has to be investigated up to the three generations of her family. As long as the three

generations above you was innocent and didn't do anything wrong, then could you be the hostess of

our home. Do you have any ancestors? You don't even know who your biological parents are. Who

knows what your biological parents do? They won't be good people if they abandon their children. "

Her speed was as fast as a machine gun.

Noticing that, Essie was flustered. She knew that Ivy regarded Leila as a punching bag. Because for a

long time, Christina stood aside without saying a word. She had no idea where to vent her anger, so

she could only start with Leila.

With an extremely sinister look on her face, Leila thought, 'It's all my past. Now she just mercilessly

uncovered my glorious skin.'

"Ivy! Don't go too far!" she growled. If she was not the heiress of the Rong family, she would have

slapped on her face already.

However, Ivy wasn't scared at all. Instead, she continued, "Shame on you women of the Qin family!

One of you takes away the other's husband when she was in danger, and the other designed to get

pregnant to steal the others fiancee. Your father is the third son. So all of you end up being the other

woman and the mistress, huh?"

"Ivy Rong!" Leila's blood was boiling and her hair was about to smoke.

Christina knew that she was the target of Ivy. Even she didn't say anything, how could the others


"Ivy." She opened her mouth slowly, "I know you like Hanson, but he doesn't like you, nor is he your

boyfriend. You are just being wishful thinking all the time..."

However, before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Ivy, who said, "It is just your wishful

thinking that Hanson has a crush on you, Hanson doesn't like you, too. He only loves Essie. Don't you

feel ashamed to ruin their ceremony by dirty means? "

"Anyway, Hanson must be responsible for me since I'm pregnant," Christina said slowly, but her tone

was domineering.

Giving her a ferocious stare, Ivy said, "There are who give birth to a child but will not get married.

Hanson can be responsible for the child, but he doesn't need to be responsible for the vicious woman

who set him up."

"Are you jealous of me?" Christina teased.

Ivy was so angry that she wanted to beat the table. However, Essie patted her hand slightly to calm her

down. She took a sip of tea slowly and opened her mouth, "This is a place where celebrities come and

go, and what you have done is very sensational. It's better to keep a low profile, in order not to damage

the family's face." She was the victim, and it would be her right to blame any of them.

Christina kept silent. Leila didn't want her to gain the upper hand. "Essie, my sister had ruined your

relationship with Hanson. But I didn't. The person brother Zac loves is me. It's you who got involved in

our relationship. Now I'm just getting him back."

"My cousin doesn't love you for a long time. He must have been brainless to marry you." Giving her a

disgruntled look.

"He has always loved me and never changed. This is what he said on our wedding night. He also

promised that he would give me a wedding no matter how much pressure he would put on. And he did

it. After the South Sea project is started, we still have to go on a honeymoon. This is the proof of his

love for me. " Leila said without a blink. She kept telling herself that even if you imagine for a long time,

it would become an undeniable fact in her heart.

Essie hated to hear these words, and she hated every word she said. Every time Leila started to show

off their love, her heart ached as if there was a sharp claw scratching it.

At the same time, her resentment towards Zac would be deepened. Since he loved Leila so much, why

did he bother her? Why didn't he let her go?

He was too greedy, much greedier than glutton!

If he wanted to be with two women at the same time, many women would be willing to do that. But if he

came to her, he found the wrong person. She would never be his mistress. She would rather die!

"Miss Qin, we're here for tea. If you don't have anything else to do, please go ahead." She didn't want

to waste her breath, let alone listen to her nonsense.

"Please call me Mrs. Rong," Leila said word by word, stressing each syllable.

Essie picked up her teacup and sipped her tea, ignoring her.

Ignoring the existence of the two sisters, Ivy set her eyes on the tea too.

Christina held her sister's arm and said, "Let's sit on the other side. Just ignore them."

Leila didn't move. She hadn't finished yet.

"Essie, I know you've been to the Rong Mansion a lot recently. I warn you, don't have any intention on

taking control of Zac, or you'll be doomed!"

Essie didn't make any response, as if she hadn't heard what she had said.

However, Ivy couldn't calm down. Her eyes were blazing with fury. "Leila Qin, what right do you have to

warn my sister-in-law? Our Rong family doesn't give a damn about the paper. The one my grandfather

recognizes is his granddaughter in law and the future hostess of our family. For those who didn't gain

the admit of the elders of our family, you will only be mistress even if you have ten papers in hand."

Leila's face turned livid. "You little girl, you are going to get married sooner or later. You have no right to

talk nonsense here. Even she is accepted by the elders of your family, so what? Zac doesn't love her.

She only has an nominal name. "

"Only my cousin himself knows who he loves. Others' random guesses don't work." Ivy was outrageous

today. She would never let go of the sisters of the Qin family today.

"I'm the only woman he loves. I'm the only woman in his heart, and no one can replace me!" Leila

repeated, fearing that someone would not believe her.


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