Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 658 Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind (Part One)

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"He's old and has high blood pressure. He's been on duty the whole night. I asked him to go back and

have a rest." Steward Wang looked considerate, but in Essie's opinion, he was deliberately provoking

her. The electricity was cut off in the cold warehouse, and the beef had gone bad. He didn't bring him

here to ask him about it, but let him go back without permission. He didn't want her to figure out the

reason of the accident, did he?

"Have you made it clear?" she asked calmly.

"Yes, I've asked him. It's all the problem about the power supply room. As soon as Adolf found it, he

informed the power supply room in time and asked them to repair it. But they were too slow. It took

them a few hours to repair it, so the beef was rotten."

Turning to the servant next to her, Essie said, "Go and ask the person in charge of the repair in the

power supply room last night to come here."

"Madame, we'd better find a way to make up for it as soon as possible. Tomorrow is the birthday party.

These milk bulls are air freighted from Australia's pasture. Without them, how can we make the full

cattle meal banquet? As for the responsibility, let's talk about it after Master's birthday party," Steward

Wang cut in.

Essie glanced at him coldly, as if she hadn't heard him at all. Such a calm and deep expression

shocked him and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

The person on duty in the power supply room came soon.

"What's the problem of the power supply in the cold storage?" Essie asked.

"The transformer is broken," the person on duty replied.

"How did it break?"

"Maybe it's because the current is too strong at a time and burnt out."

"How long have you fixed it?"

"Two hours." The person on duty handed the repair record to her. When she received the repair phone

call and when it was repaired, it was clearly marked on the time. This was also the requirement of the

power supply management room of the Rong family.

Essie nodded and didn't say anything more. Now the most important thing was to solve the problem of

the milk cow, and it was impossible to let the milk cow be transported from the farm in Australia. She

had to find a way at home.

The Rong family had farms at home and abroad. These farms not only provided meat products and

milk products to the Rong family, but also sold to the outside. The domestic farms were built in the

Inner Mongolia grassland.

Essie called the person in charge of the domestic training ground. If she sent a cargo plane to fly here

in time, she could arrive at the airport in the evening. But they told her in a dilemma that they had sold

all the food and milk cattle here because he hadn't received any plan to need them.

At this time, Mary was eavesdropping at the corner of the corridor. She knew that Essie would ask for

help from the domestic farms, so she had already informed them in advance and asked them to find an

excuse to push her away.

Tomorrow's birthday party, Essie didn't have the meat to make a full cattle meal. At that time, the Rong

family would become a laughing stock of everyone. As the hostess of the family, she had to get out of

her position obediently.

Out of the corner of her eye, Essie caught a glimpse of her figure. In an instant, she understood that

her mother-in-law was making trouble for her again.

She was depressed. At this time, the only person she could think of was Zac. He was her backer and

her umbrella. In her eyes, he was the strongest person in the world. She believed that as long as he

was by her side, any difficulty could be solved.

She picked up her phone and sent Zac a message on WeChat, telling him that there was no material to

make a full cow banquet. Then she sent him three crying emoji.

Zac came back as soon as he saw the news. Essie pulled him to her room, fearing that Mary would


"What should we do? Tomorrow is the birthday party." She lowered her head and felt extremely


"Honey, it's not your style. You've been worrying about yourself like this with just for a few cows," Zac

comforted her with a smile.

"Then can you make a few of them for me?" Essie pouted.

"That's why I'm here." A charming smile appeared on Zac's face.

Lowering her eyes, Essie sighed, "I've already called the farms in Inner Mongolia. They told me that all

the beef was sold out at such big farm. I think someone told him not to give it to me on purpose."

Zac's beautiful thick eyebrows frowned slightly. He stretched out his iron arm and held her shoulder.

"Honey, since you are the hostess now, you should show the prestige of a hostess. If they are obedient,

they should stay, and if they are disobedient, get out."

Then he picked up his phone and dialed the number of the farms of Inner Mongolia. He handed it to her

and said, "Remember to be as fierce and domineering as you were in the Xu group."

Essie nodded, took the phone, cleared her throat, and clenched her left fist. "You'd better know the

current situation. Now I'm the hostess of the Rong family. Before six o'clock this afternoon, if there are

no five milk bulls are sent to the Rong Mansion, you'd better get out of here. Don't think you will have a

future." After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to find an excuse to


"How does it sound? Does it sound like you?" She turned to look at Zac and asked, completely

imitating the posture of Zac.

"Yes, not bad." Zac thumbed up.

"But will it work?" She was not confident. Her aura was much weaker. If it was Zac, the other party

would have been scare to death. But if it was her, she should not be so intimidating. They were still

obedient to Mary now.

Essie nodded, took the phone, cleared her throat, and clenched her left fist. "You'd better know the

current situation. Now I'm the hostess of the Rong family. Before six o'clock this afternoon, if there are

no five milk bulls are sent to the Rong Mansion, you'd better get out of here. Don't think you will have a

future." After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to find an excuse to


"How does it sound? Does it sound like you?" She turned to look at Zac and asked, completely

imitating the posture of Zac.

"Yes, not bad." Zac thumbed up.

"But will it work?" She was not confident. Her aura was much weaker. If it was Zac, the other party

would have been scare to death. But if it was her, she should not be so intimidating. They were still

obedient to Mary now.


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