Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 504 What Do You Want To Say

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It seemed that Essie was hit by a bullet at a vital point, and her face suddenly turned pale. "Brother

Jim, what do you mean?"

Jim slightly raised his beautiful bushy eyebrows and said word by word, "Zac gives you to me."

His words were like a thunderclap, and she jumped up from the chair in surprise and shouted, "Brother

Jim, don't talk nonsense!" Her nerves were on edge. Her face was distorted in fury.

"I'm serious about every word I said. In fact, it is Zac who arranged the meeting for us on purpose." Jim

said in a clear and forceful voice.

"I'm not a toy that he could give anyone at will." A rage rose from her chest. She couldn't imagine that

Zac would leave her to Jim. She was following him like a shadow these days, which made him feel

annoyed and want to give her to others?

"Don't get him wrong. He just wants to protect you." Jim explained, "He wanted to create a new

protective umbrella for you, so he chose me."

"I don't need his protection. I can protect myself." A warm wave rushed into her eyes. She was not a

fragile flower, but a strong grass. She had already gone through countless trials and hardships, no

matter how strong the storm was. She was no longer defeated by such a trivial things.

"You have to let him see this clearly," Jim said.

He knew very well that this woman held a special position in the heart of Zac. Even though Zac asked

him to help him, even if he had a good impression of this woman, he would not do anything to try to

compete with him. He didn't want to disappoint Zac, and he couldn't lie to Essie either. The best way

was to put the matter straight, so that Essie could cooperate with him to act.

When she thought of this, her heart wrenched. It was so painful. Perhaps Jim was just comforting her.

Perhaps it was because Zac really hated her and wanted to drive her away that he came up with such

a bad idea.

"Things change. I really didn't expect we would end up like this." She lowered her eyes. The delicate

eyelashes cast a sad shadow on her eyelids. "He is just like a book without words, too profound for me

to understand in a lifetime."

"Maybe you will understand if you act a few scenes with me." Jim's lips curved in a mischievous smile.

She slightly trembled and raised her eyelashes to look at him. Her eyes deepened in the light...

The next day, she went to the Blue Coast.

Zac just came back from the treatment. The moment he saw her, there was a glimmer in his dark eyes,

like a meteor, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Stupid woman, why are you here again?" His tone was even colder than his expression.

"Why did you stand me up yesterday?" she asked angrily.

"I didn't plan to go, I just wanted to punish you. Why do you follow me like a shadow? It's so annoying,"

Zac said with a sneer.

It seemed that her heart was stabbed by a needle. There was a faint pain in her heart. She took a deep

breath and tried her best to calm herself down. "It doesn't matter. Anyway, brother Jim and I had a very

nice dinner last night," she said angrily.

Immediately, Zac felt like he was forced to eat a lemon. The extreme bitterness spread from the tip of

his tongue to his internal organs. "Very good. Maybe you can try to get along with each other." His

voice was extremely hoarse, as if his throat was injured by this sourness. Although he voluntarily quit,

he still felt reluctant to let her go.

In the eyes of Essie, his answer indirectly proved that what Jim said last night was true. He was an

extremely possessive demon king in the universe, but now he was so generous. It was obvious that he

was tired of her, a inflatable doll, and was about to give it to someone else.

"Zac, do you remember the True Color Bar we met for the first time?" she said slowly and in a low


Zac flickered his cold eyes. How could he forget that? He was lucky enough to meet a muddle headed

woman there. From then on, he was willing to be a slave of his wife and give up his body, heart and

soul without reservation.

"What do you want to say?" he pretended to ask casually.

"We played the dice. You lost twelve times in a row and you lost yourself to me. If you want to save

yourself, you must win me. Otherwise, you will be my spoils all your life. " Her voice was like a breath

softly across his face.

He shuddered at her suggestion, his face beaming with lust all over his body. "All right. Let's play

another round," he said. He said in a low voice.

Frowning in pain, Essie said, "Go to that True Color Bar. Start from there and end it there." There was a

hint of despair in her tone.

Zac bit his thin lips into a line. He did not open his mouth. Instead, silence replaced his answer.

They set out for Yang City at noon.

Essie had booked the whole bar, so there were only two customers in it, just like last time.

She ordered two bottles of cocktails and a bottle of mineral water for Zac. He was having a treatment

now and alcohol was just too much for him.

"More than three years have passed, but the place is still the same as it was when we first met. But our

love and marriage, as if we had been through a world war, were smashed into pieces," she looked

around and said sadly.

On Zac's handsome face, an emotionally throbbed violently, and the nerves of his whole body began to

give out sharp pain, as if the fish had been stripped off scales.

He poured a glass of water and took a swig, calming all the emotions in his chest. "We are not meant to

be together."

"You didn't say that before. You said we were destined to be together. No matter what happens, we will

never be separated." There seemed to be canker-root in her mouth. The extreme bitterness was sent

into the blood along her taste bud, so that even her pores seemed to emit a bitter taste.

"I was just joking. I didn't expect you to be so stupid to take it seriously." Nicholas tried his best to put

up with the pain of breaking his skin and being knocked out, but he dared not show any emotion.

She poured another half glass of cocktail, raised her head and drank it all. Then she said, "You know

what? Since I left Xu family, I have been an unlucky person. I was so unlucky that I almost lost my life

in gambling. I didn't expect that I would win all the time. I seemed to have gained all my good luck in

my life. "

"You overused my good luck." Zac groaned, "It's my bad luck to meet you. I was either shot or disabled.

You are simply a disaster. For the safety of my life, I must stay away from you." He said coldly and


Every word of her was like a firecracker echoing around her ears, but also like a sharp arrow stabbing

into the deepest and most vulnerable part of her heart.

She felt the same way. She was a disaster. She took all his good luck away from him, and gave all the

bad luck to him. She made him to be constantly hurt and be her body armor and flesh shield.

"I'm sorry," she said in a trembling voice.

If he left her because he was worried about her, or he blamed her because of the injury on his arm, she

would not give up. She would definitely insist on staying with him.

However, if he wanted to stay away from her because she was a disaster, she had no reason to refuse

to let him go.

"You don't have to apologize to me. Just get out of here and disappear in front of me." The voice of Zac

came through coldly, interrupting her thoughts.

He had his own plan. If Jim could protect her with all his might, he could temporarily settle down to deal

with Leila's matter.

Essie bit her lips. "I promise you, that I will leave you as long as you win. I won't bother you anymore.

But can you just tell me the truth? Do you have any feelings for me? " She stared at him without a blink,

eager to find out some secret on his face, but he seemed to wear a cold mask, which froze all the


He took a sip of the water slowly, moisturized his painful throat, and then opened his mouth coldly.

"Essie Yi, I'll tell you clearly once again. I've never liked you, and all the things I've done is out of

emotional investment."

"Not at all?" Strong hurt feeling and pain transferred to tears which streamed down her face.

"No, I didn't." His answer was clear-cut. The ruthless words had kicked her into the bottomless abyss

when she was forced to the edge of the cliff. The despair came to her like the flood, and surrounded

her again and again. She could no longer see the sunlight, sight and warmth.

"Okay, got it." Tears fell down from her eyes. She raised her head up again and again, trying to push

them back, but failed. So she just ignored them and let them bully her. Perhaps, this was the last time

she cried in front of him. She would never show her fragility to him in the future.

She didn't know that his heart ached as a result of his love for her. Her tears were like lava, melting his


"All right. We are not here to clear up. Let's get down to business." He changed the subject on right. He

was worried that if he continued to drag it down, he would not be able to control himself and thus his lie

would be exposed.

"Can't you just wait until I finish crying? People all have bad luck when they cry. I don't want to bet you

at this time," she said while wiping away her tears.

She cried so sadly, but he was indifferent. He had really changed, colder and heartless than when he

lost his memory. No, it wasn't changed. It was the truth. He didn't disguise his feelings for her anymore.

He didn't love her at all. He didn't love her at all.

All these were her wishful thinking.

She was such a fool, a big fool.

She bit her lower lip and bowed her head. Desperate as she was, she didn't want to give up because

she still had a tinge of residual feelings in her heart.

Jim told her that she could act a few scenes with him, and then she could understand Zac.

She must have a try, or she wouldn't give up.

Zac frowned, seeming to be a little angry at her cheating.

"The worse your luck is, the happier I am. Otherwise, how can I win you?"


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