Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 693 He Is Not My Child

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Right after she finished sitting her month, the first thing Essie had to do was to visit her son in the


The baby boy was already becoming white and fat. He would be discharged from the hospital and

reunited with his parents in two days.

At this moment, he seemed to hear the voice of his mommy and daddy. He quickly opened his beautiful

big eyes and looked around. The nurse carefully took the baby out of the incubator and handed it to


Looking at the little baby in her arms, the maternal love in Essie's chest was like a torrent of river water,

which could never be used up.

She took her son into the nursing room. This time, he didn't need a breast feeder. He could have a

good meal.

She stared at her son in her arms without blinking and doting. He was not like Mili who looked like her

mother a lot or Dot who looked like Zac a lot. His eyes and brows were really like Walt's words, just like

Abel when he was young.

"Baby, Mommy will pick you up this weekend and take you home. Grandpa, grandma, brother and

sister are waiting for you." She lowered her head and gently kissed her pink face.

After coming out of the nursing room, Zac took the baby over and held it in his arms. "Boy, do you know

how lucky you are? You can enjoy special treatment as soon as you go back. You can sleep beside

daddy and Mommy, which your brother and sister have never enjoyed."

Hearing that, Essie was in a slight sweat. Her husband's domineering disorder was so serious that it

could take effect at any time in front of her baby. It seemed that it was time for him to take the


The baby seemed to have heard his words. He waved his hands in the air, as if he was happy. Seeing

this, Zac couldn't help laughing, showing his father's love on his face.

The two of them loved their son very much because he had gone through a lot of difficulties before he

managed to come to live. What's more, the baby was very smart, which was different from others in

Mommy's belly, so they liked him more.

"Boy, when you grow up, you will definitely surpass me and be stronger than me," Zac said with a


The little baby kicked his little feet, as if responding to his words. He opened his eyes wide and looked

at the place where the familiar voice came from. He couldn't see clearly the people and things in front

of him, so he could only judge the direction according to the sound.

Zac sat on the chair and hummed the English song that his son liked best. Soon he closed his eyes

and fell asleep. He carefully handed the baby to the nurse and put it into the incubator.

Essie looked at her son with reluctance. She really didn't want to leave and wanted to hold him in her

arms twenty-four hours a day. Therefore, she decided that as soon as her son was discharged from the

hospital, she would not let him leave her sight for even a minute.

After walking out of the hospital and entering the car, Essie touched her chest and said, "Icy guy, it's so

strange. As soon as Dawny left my sight, I felt very flustered, as if he would suddenly disappear and I

could never find him again."

Zac put his arm around her shoulder and said, "The baby is back, so you are too nervous. He is very

healthy now. We will pick him up on weekend. Don't think too much."

"Okay." Essie nodded. She was worrying too much. She almost lost this child, which made her feel

scared and guilty.

When she returned to the Rong Mansion, she met Walt and Leila.

"You went to see the baby?" Walt tried his best to keep his voice calm in a casual tone. In fact, he even

wanted to see his child in his dream. He could have a child with the woman he loved most in his life, he

would die with regret.

Zac nodded slightly with a playful smile on his face. "Hurry up, too. Don't fall behind too much."

Walt smiled, hiding the coldness in his eyes. From the expression on Zac's face, it seemed that he no

longer cared about the blood relationship of the child.

Well, anyway, the child's surname was Yi, not Rong. He probably thought that he had an adopted son.

As long as he didn't do the paternity test, this scandal would not be known, and his face would not be


Leila held Walt's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder, looking like a lovable little bird. "I have been

preparing with Walt. Maybe there will be good news next month."

She opened her mouth and laughed exaggeratedly and hypocritically, hiding all the unwillingness and

resentment in her heart. If it weren't for the objection of Walt and Willi, she would have revealed the

identity of the child, which would ruin the reputation of Essie and make her the biggest joke in the

celebrities circle to relieve her hatred. At the same time, she also took revenge on Zac, for his

indifference, ruthlessness and cruelty.

Walt trembled slightly. This woman was really shameless. Otherwise, she wouldn't have pestered Zac.

"Aren't you going shopping? It's rare that I'm free. Let's go." He squeezed out a smile to respond to her

and played with her.

As soon as they got into the car and drove out of the Rong Mansion, the expression on his face

became cold.

"Call Willi right now. I have something to talk to him," he said seriously.

"Is it about the baby?" With a weird smile, Leila reached out her hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry. Willi has arranged everything for you."

The corners of his mouth twitched violently. "What does he want to do? If he dares to hurt my child, I

will cut him into pieces. "

"You misunderstood. He still wants to reunite you and your son. Of course your son will be with you.

How can he be with your enemy?" Leila said slowly.

"I hope so." Walt put away his anger. It would be great if Willi could get the child out and let him raise


When the car stopped at a crossroad waiting for the traffic light, Leila put her hand into his shirt and

said, "In fact, if you want a baby, we can have one too."

With a sneer, Walt turned his head and gave her a mocking look. "I'm not in the trash bin. Even Zac

doesn't like you. Will I take you?"

Leila's face turned red and purple in an instant. "How can I not be as good as Essie? You are all dizzy

and irrational because of her?" she gritted her teeth and said with jealousy.

Looking at her from head to toe coldly, the criticism in Walt's eyes was as sharp as an arrow. "Is there

anything you can compare with her?"

"Bastard --" Leila roared hysterically and threw a punch at the window. She really wanted to disfigure

Essie, throw her into the madhouse, and let a group of madmen take turns to rape her, and then

dismember her into pieces. Only in this way could she vent all her resentment and hatred.

Walt looked at her with a sneer.

At this moment, Essie and Mili and Dot were decorating the room. She asked the servants to move the

baby cot to the big bed of her and Zac, and hung a beautiful little bell on it. The shopping cart, the little

Rocking Horse and the toys were all moved into the room.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Zac leaned against the door and looked a little speechless. The

romantic style of their bedroom had completely changed into a baby room.

He seriously suspected that it was not the baby who was kicked out of this room two months later, but

him, the master of the room.

"Honey, he only stays here for two months and will go back to his room. You don't need to be too

considerate," he cleared his throat and reminded seriously.

Essie rolled her eyes at him and said, "Even if my son only stays here for one day, I will decorate it well

so that he will be happy at the sight of it and smile at me."

"He can't smile now." Zac touched his forehead.

"Mili and Dot laughed before one month old. So does Dawny." Essie pouted at him. She knew at a

glance that he would be a prodigy and as smart as his brother and sister. Or maybe even smarter.

Mili looked at her daddy and chuckled, with a gloating expression on her little face. "Daddy, you always

occupy mommy and don't let mommy sleep with us. Now we have a little brother, and he wants to

sleep with mommy. You have to step aside."

Zac stretched out his big hand and rubbed her little head. "With a brother, Mommy won't sleep with

you. Aren't you jealous?"

"I'm a grown-up now. I don't want to sleep with mommy. Unlike you, you are an adult. Why do you still

hold mommy to sleep?" Michelle wrinkled her nose at him.

Sweat broke out on Zac's forehead. When he was about to teach the little girl who was inherited from

him a lesson, he heard Dot say slowly, "Sister, that's not right. If daddy doesn't sleep with mommy in his

arms, how can he have the chance to sneak the little brother into her belly when Mommy is asleep?"

Zac was petrified.

Mili nodded. She thought what Dot said made sense. She raised her black eyes and looked at Zac.

"Daddy, I want a sister. Next time when Mommy is asleep, you can secretly put a sister into her belly,

okay?" Then she added, "Don't make a mistake. It must be a little sister. It can't be a little brother


Zac was so angry that he almost spat out blood.

Essie giggled, covering her mouth. If the two little devil kings worked together, the big devil would be a

little difficult to deal with. If there was another little devil, it would be impossible for him to defend


Zac gently pinched her pink face, which was pink, and said, "You don't have a little sister anymore. Go

and make the crib for your youngest brother."

Mili was not reconciled. Her big eyes were full of confusion. "Why don't you have a little sister?"

Zac couldn't explain it, so he had to be perfunctory. "There's no reason. A lady should be less talkative.

If she talks too much, she won't be cute." Then she left in a hurry for refuge!

On the early morning of the weekend, Essie went to the hospital with Zac to pick up the child.

The nurse took the child out of the incubator. When Essie's eyes fell on the child's face, she suddenly

froze and a violent spasm rolled over her body.

She unbuttoned the baby's clothes tremblingly and looked at the star shaped birthmark on his left arm.

But the baby's arm was snow-white and smooth, and there was nothing.

"He's not my Dawny! He's not my son!" she screamed in horror.


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