Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 630 Being Unreasonable

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"Uncle, aunt, will I go to jail? I didn't expect it to be so serious. I thought she just had a rash and

everything would be fine with some medicine. " Joy was a little scared. He wouldn't be afraid if it was

an ordinary person who would sue him, but it was the mother-in-law of Essie and the hostess of the

family. If she couldn't let him go, Essie might have no choice.

Bob sighed. Joy was the only child of his brother. He was only twenty years old now. How could he

watch him go to jail and ruin his bright future and life?

"Tomorrow, your aunt and I will go to the hospital to visit Mary and apologize to her. Let's see if she can

drop the lawsuit."

"Dad, I will go back and persuade my mom. They are all relatives. She won't make things difficult for

him." Said Zac in a low voice.

Essie sneered in her heart. She had no hope for Mary.

She didn't leave with Zac, but asked him to leave first. Zac didn't say anything more and left alone.

Bob noticed that there was something wrong with the two people today. After Zac disappeared at the

door, he asked in a low voice, "Essie, did you quarrel with Zac because of this matter?"

"No, I didn't. It's just that there are some things I can't say when he was here, so I have to send him

away first." With a smile at the corners of her mouth, Essie tried her best to put on a relaxed expression

in case her parents would worry about her.

"Essie, what do you want to say?" Lucy asked hurriedly.

"Now that Mary chose to call the police, it means that she not only won't give up, but also wants to

make the matter a big deal and let mom be the target of public criticism." Essie analyzed rationally.

"A clean hand wants no washing. I've never done it. I'm not afraid of her, Mary!" Lucy said angrily. She

didn't get even with her, but she still wanted to get even with her.

"Mom, although there is no evidence to prove that you are innocent, there is no evidence to prove that

it was you who instigated you to do so. So you will be fine. But Joy is different. He did it. If Mary insist

on suing him, he is likely to be in jail. "

"I don't want to be in jail. Sister, I also want to help you vent your anger. You must save me." Hearing

this, Joy was so frightened that tears fell down.

"How could I not save you?" Stroking his head, Essie said, "Dad, we'll take Joy to the hospital to find

Mary and apologize to her as you said tomorrow. It's her business whether she will accept it or not, but

we have to put it ahead of others. We can't let others tell the truth. "

Bob nodded.

At this time, instead of going back to the villa, Zac went straight to the hospital to visit Mary.

Mary was waiting for him.

"Mommy, how do you know it was Joy who did it?" Asked Zac in a low voice, with a sharp look in his


"You can investigate, and I can also investigate. How can I be indifferent to someone who wants to kill

me?" Mary said casually, "I don't want to tolerate adultery any more. I'll leave it to the police."

"Mommy, Joy is also a relative of our family. You don't have to be too cruel. What's more, if this matter

is spread out, it will have a bad impact. It's better to deal with it internally. " Zac advised.

"Internal treatment?" Mary snorted, "will Luce obediently admit that she instigated Joy to do it? I'm

afraid that she is unwilling to admit her guilt now. I must ask the police to investigate her as soon as

possible and find out who she is! "

"It's still uncertain whether my mother-in-law did it or not. Don't be too arbitrary." Zac poured her a glass

of water.

"Except her, who else is so crazy in Dragon City? Except her, who else dares to lay a finger on me? "

Mary gritted her teeth.

"Maybe that person's purpose is to provoke the conflict between you and my mother-in-law. If you don't

let it go, won't you fall into his trap?" Said Zac calmly.

"She and I are incompatible as fire and water. There is no need to worsen the conflict between us."

Mary snorted from her nose. It was God who helped Luce and her daughter to live till now. Otherwise,

they would have died in the hands of Elizabeth, and they wouldn't have come back and ruined her

good days.

"Mommy, what can I do to make you withdraw the case?" Zac had a headache about his mother's

stubbornness. It seemed that she had never considered the feelings of him and Essie, but focused on

her own grudge.

But Mary was such a person. She always put her own interests in the first place. She could do anything

to achieve her goal. No matter who, even her closest relatives, as long as they blocked her way, she

would not be polite.

"I won't withdraw the case. That bastard is tired of living. It's hard for me to vent my hatred if I don't let

him stay in prison for ten or eight years." She said insidiously.

Zac could tell that his mother wouldn't give in. He would rather find another way than waste his time

here. His father would be back tomorrow. He had to ask him to solve this matter.

Knowing that it was useless for him to look for Mary, Essie didn't ask anything when she got home. She

just said lightly, "I apologize for what happened in the room before."

That slap was too impulsive.

Zac smiled bitterly. As long as it came to her family, her brain would be short out, becoming impulsive

and irrational. The most pathetic thing was that in her heart, his ranking had never risen. He had

always been the last one.

"Essie, we have gone through hardships. I didn't expect you to trust me so little." A cold light flashed in

his eyes, as if ice had been condensed from his eyes to the bottom of his heart.

Essie gazed at him deeply. Sometimes she felt that she knew him well, but sometimes she felt that he

was like a mystery which is difficult to solve!

"You don't trust me completely. You don't believe my words and my judgment. Until now, you still

suspect my mother, right?"

"I don't know much about my mother-in-law." Zac said in a low voice.

"If Joy tells you it's me, will you doubt me?" With a slight frown on her face, Essie was a little angry.

"No, I know you well." Zac said firmly and decisively without hesitation.

"Now that you believe me, you should believe my judgment. I know what kind of person my mother is. If

she wants to take revenge on your mother, she can tell everyone what she has done with Elizabeth.

There is no need to take so much effort and get Joy involved in it. "

Zac's dark and cold eyes flashed. He also hoped that this matter had nothing to do with Lucy, but he

would not completely dispel his doubts before he found the exact evidence.

"There won't be any problem with my mother-in-law for the time being. Let's solve the problem of Joy


"I will find a way to save him." With these words, Essie stood up and went upstairs. His suspicion of her

mother made her very uncomfortable, and she did not want to say anything more.

On the second day, Essie and her father Bob accompanied Joy to the ward to apologize to Mary.

"Mary, Joy is still young and thoughtless. I have taught him a lesson. He knows he is wrong." Bob

pulled his nephew over and asked him to apologize to Mary.

Joy bowed to her and said, "Auntie, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. You are broad-minded. Please give me a

chance to correct myself."

Mary snorted and looked at him as if he was a bug. "If it's useful to apologize, why do we need the

police? Besides, you are just nobody. The person who caused me trouble didn't come. What's the use

of your apology? "

"Mary, it has nothing to do with Lucy. Someone called Joy in a disguise. He is too young and impulsive

to tell the difference." Bob explained.

Mary sneered, "She is your wife. Of course you have to speak for her. I know what kind of person Lucy

is. She wants me to die from the bottom of her heart. If she continues to be a coward and is willing to

let this little bastard be the scapegoat, I will let him stay in prison for eight or ten years. "

"Mommy, please forgive him. It's his fault, but you are fine now. Can't you give him a chance to

change?" Hearing her vicious words, Essie was furious.

"Well, I'm not an unreasonable person. As long as Lucy reports to me that she instigated her nephew to

harm me and sincerely apologizes to me, I will let this little bastard go." Mary said word by word coldly.

Essie snorted in her heart. Apologizing was equivalent to admitting her crime. Mary was trying to force

her mother to take the blame by using Joy.

"Mommy, my mommy is also a victim. If you force her to admit what she didn't do, the real murderer will

get away with it. Is this what you want to see?"

"She is the murderer. There won't be anyone else. You and your mother are in the same boat. Maybe

you are also involved in this matter." Mary glared at her.

"Mary, you are making trouble out of nothing. We have apologized. If you still don't give up, we have no

choice. But you can't frame up Lucy for something she haven't done. It's her misfortune that Essie has

a mother-in-law like you. " Bob angrily took his nephew and daughter out.

Frustrated, Joy sat back in the car with his head down. Essie patted him on the shoulder and said,

"don't worry. It's okay. My father-in-law will come back tomorrow. Ask your aunt to intercede with him.

He will find a way to make Mary withdraw the lawsuit."

"You mother-in-law is really not easy to deal with. She didn't go to find the real murderer, but insisted

making trouble for your mother. No wonder your mother has always been worried that you will be

wronged if you marry Zac. With such a weird mother-in-law, can you two live a peaceful life?" Bob

sighed. He had comforted Lucy when she was worried about Essie. Now even he himself was a little



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