Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 277 Why Did You Kill My Child (Part One)

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He breathed a sigh of relief, stroked her head and said, "Now close your eyes and you won't have

nightmares as long as you think only me." There was a hint of tease in his tone to ease her tension.

She curled up into his arms, trying not to think of the dead fat pig, but the shadow lingering in her heart

could not get rid of.

She kept having nightmares the whole night, in which she gave birth to a very big and ugly child.

Everyone was laughing at her, humiliating her, and even Zac left her.

When she woke up, she was in a cold sweat and extremely frightened. She could not help but cover

her lower abdomen with her hands, telling herself desperately that the child was Zac's. He must be

Zac's... But her heart was still beating fast and she still felt uneasy.

The next day, she went to the studio. An old lady had been waiting outside the exclusive shop for a

long time. Amy and Jacy went to the client's house today, so the door of the studio was not opened.

"You must be Essie. Great! You are finally here!" The old lady smiled at the sight of her and introduced

herself, "I'm Todd's mother."

When she heard the name of Todd, Essie got nervous and said, "I don't know who is Todd. You've

mistaken me for somebody else."

"How can I mistake you for someone else? I saw the video you took with my son. You are the one." The

old lady grabbed her arm and said, "I heard that you are pregnant. This is the only blood of my son.

You must give birth to the baby, please!" Then she suddenly knelt down in front of her.

However, Essie was so painful that she stepped backwards as if she was stabbed by a needle. She

yelled, "I don't know Todd. Please go out!" The salesgirl downstairs heard the noise, rushed up,

grabbed the old lady and dragged her out of the house.

"I will come to you again. I must get my grandson back." She shouted as she went downstairs.

Essie curled up in the corner and covered her ears with her hands, not wanting to hear any word.

This time, she thought of Zac. If the baby was not his, he would surely become the laughing stock of

the whole Dragon City. His wife cheated on him and even gave birth to a bastard. He was a noble and

superior man. How could he bear such ridicule? Grandpa, grandma and Daddy were all so nice to her.

How could she disappoint them and let them be disgraced because of her?

She bit her lips hard and rushed out. She didn't want this baby any more. Even if she couldn't have a

baby in the future, she wouldn't let this bastard born.

In the hospital, director Li arranged the surgery for her, which was the last one of the afternoon.

She waited alone in the corridor, her thin figure trembling like a leaf blown off by the cold wind.

All of a sudden, a low voice came through, "What are you doing here, Essie?"

When she raised her head and saw it was Hanson, she was shocked. Then she subconsciously shrank

back behind the chair, as if she wanted to hide herself.

Hanson was with Christina. She cut her hand by accident and was applying medicine on her wound in

the surgery room. They were on the same floor, so he saw her soon.

She lowered her head, panic stricken, and didn't know how to answer him. At this moment, a nurse

came over, "Miss Yi, the operation has been completed, and it's your turn to get ready."

"What surgery?" Hanson asked in a hurry.

"An abortion? You are her husband, right?" The nurse looked at him strangely.

Shocked, Hanson grabbed Essie by the shoulders and asked, "Essie, you want an abortion? Did Zac

ask you to come?"

Essie shook her head. Tears began rolling down her face.

"What happened? Did he treat you badly? " Hanson asked in a hurry.

Essie shook her head and broke into tears. She was so sad that she couldn't speak a word. Her tears

poured down on Hanson's heart. He hugged her in his arms and consoled, "Don't be afraid. I'm here

with you. Don't be afraid."

Lying in his arms, she cried out bitterly. She was in despair, helplessness and pain. She had a

complete breakdown.

Hanson hugged her tightly in his arms. He felt sad and uneasy too. "I'm taking you out of here. You

don't have the operation today," he said. As soon as they stood up, a fierce force like a wind swept


Before Hanson had time to raise his head to look at the man in front of him, he was knocked to the

ground with a punch. Blood immediately oozed from his nose and the corners of his mouth. When the

man was about to hit him again with his fist, Essie rushed over to protect him. She said, "Zac, what are

you doing?"

Holding her up like an eagle that had twisted a chicken. The rage in his heart made him want to throw

her to the ground, but his remaining sensibility forced him to endure it and slowly loosened his grip.

Hanson jumped up from the ground, like an injured beast pouncing on him. While he was off guard, he

gave him a punch in the face. "Zac, you are a bastard!"

Rage flashed in Zac's eyes, and a heavy punch came at Hanson like lightning. He couldn't have

dodged it, but unexpectedly, Essie rushed over again and protected him. With a quick turn of his fist,

Zac banged into a wall. The wall began to crack open and all four walls started to tremble and then fell

down like snowflakes.

Seeing that Zac hit Hanson with great force again, Hanson could not imagine how terrible the result

would be if such a punch fell on him. She said, "Don't fight in the hospital.


Rage flashed in Zac's eyes, and a heavy punch came at Hanson like lightning. He couldn't have

dodged it, but unexpectedly, Essie rushed over again and protected him. With a quick turn of his fist,

Zac banged into a wall. The wall began to crack open and all four walls started to tremble and then fell

down like snowflakes.

Seeing that Zac hit Hanson with great force again, Hanson could not imagine how terrible the result

would be if such a punch fell on him. She said, "Don't fight in the hospital.



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