Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 600 I'm Not Afraid With You Beside Me

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Speaking of this, Jim's charming eyes twinkled slightly. He took out his cell phone from his pocket and

put it on the table. "Heaven pepper. After dinner, I'll share a micro movie I made and directed for you."

Eva raised her eyebrows slightly. Looking at his mysterious appearance, she didn't know what trick he

was up to, but she didn't ask more. She had to fill her stomach first.

Although Jim had a good appetite, he tried his best to control it. When he was seventy percent full, he

put down his chopsticks. It couldn't be the third time. He had lost control of himself for this Heaven

pepper for two times.

The rest of the dishes on the table were all swept away by Eva, and there was not even a leaf left. Jim

admired her appetite again. He found another benefit of eating with her. The food would not be wasted.

Half an hour later, he opened the video.

Eva soon understood what he meant. He was afraid that she would vomit. She soon recognized that

the person who bit the insect leg was her half-sister, Shelly.

Seeing her wailing and almost spitting out all her internal organs, she could vent her hatred as much as

she wanted.

According to Vinton, the person who hurt her last time was this bad woman. She even dared to provoke

the most evil man in Dragon City. She deserved it.

It was said that Jim had created nine hundred and eighty-one kinds of evil tricks. If anyone offended

him, he would be out of luck. In the Dragon City, everyone knew that whoever provoked Zac must feel

that life was worse than death, and whoever provoked Jim must seek death with all his heart.

"Scum Jim, you are quite talented!" She gave a thumbs up. Biting the leg of the millipedes? This guy

was so creative.

A wicked smile appeared on Jim's face. It was invented by him when he was five years old. There were

many more exciting and wonderful tricks.

However, looking at the happy heaven pepper, he found that her bearing capacity was beyond his

expectation. Vinton couldn't even drink coffee when he watched for a while.

"Scum Jim, I heard that you have created a lot of tricks. When can I have a chance to see other tricks?"

Eva said with a smile.

"Don't you want to have a try yourself?" Jim grinned wickedly.

"Scum Jim. I'm not afraid of bugs. I raised bugs when I was a child." Eva stuck out her tongue. She was

called Bold Fang when she was a child and dared to do anything.

Jim could tell that she was a wild girl.

"There are not only bugs, but also insects that flying in the sky, swimming in the water and running on

the ground. You can choose as you like." His weird smile made her hair stand on end.

"Scum Jim, is it really good to be so evil?"

"The law of the jungle is the law of nature," Jim said indifferently. Mercy to the enemy was cruelty to


These words sounded irrefutable. But in Eva's opinion, the person should be forgiven when necessary.

Unless this person was really too hateful, such as the kind of people like Wendy and Elizabeth and her

daughter, who provoked over and over again, which was intolerable.

In the Xu family's manor, Elizabeth was trying to persuade Vinton. Knowing that he also wanted to be

the executive vice president, she felt more and more crisis.

In her plan, the best position for Vinton was to be her puppet, so that she could control behind the

scene in the future. Once his wings were plump, he would get rid of her control, and then she really

couldn't control him.

"Vinton, you are still in the period of learning experience. Don't dream of rising to the top step by one

step. Your sister is more suitable than you. When you two work together to be the assistants of your

father, no one can shake your position."

"Mommy, my sister has been working in the Xu group for only three months, and I have been working

there for more than a year. How can she be more suitable than me? Besides, I'm the eldest son of the

Xu family. I am the best candidate for the executive vice president, I won't allow anyone to replace me.


There was a touch of coldness on Vinton's face. His mother was always on Valery's side. No matter

what Valery did, she was one hundred percent supportive and tried her best to help her. As for him, she

had never really cared about him. She only wanted to control him.

"If you want to be the executive vice president, I can support you as long as you marry Wendy."

Elizabeth made a condition.

"Mommy, as long as daddy and grandma are here, does it matter whether you support me or not?"

Vinton sneered. Even without her, Elizabeth, his position as the eldest son of the family could not be


Elizabeth's face turned blue and pale. When Essie took office of the president, she had almost cleared

up the power that the Wang clan and Bles had planted in the Hengyuan Co., Ltd. She had indeed lost

the control. The reason why she had to put Valery in the position of vice executive manager was for the

convenience of setting up new forces.

"Vinton, do you really think that Essie wants to help you? The person she really wanted to support was

Holy. She pretended to be on your side, just to sow discord between us and let us kill each other. And

that Eva, she is just a honey trap that Essie played to you. You are so obsessed with her that you can't

tell right from wrong. Valery and I are your family. You can only rely on us to get the Xu group. "

Vinton sneered, "Mommy, since you care about me so much, you should support me unconditionally to

be the executive vice president, instead of persuading me to give up and give up my position to


"That's because you are not mature yet. Now you are obsessed with that coquette, Eva. Can you think

normally? If she and Essie sell betray you, I'm afraid you still think that they are trying to help you."

"Mommy, I'm almost thirty years old. I'm an adult. I'm in charge of everything. You don't have to worry

about me. Even if I'm cheated, I'm willing to take the consequences," Vinton said firmly. He had given

up hope on his mother, Elizabeth.

Seeing that he had become a wild horse without rein, Elizabeth was even more anxious. She blamed

all this on Eva. If she hadn't bewitched her son, he wouldn't have become like this.

Anyway, she had to find a way to get rid of this little tramp. She couldn't let her stay with her son.

On Wednesday, Essie took Mili and Dot to Hengdian. Because of her accident, the filming of Mili was

suspended for the time being, and the shooting was officially resumed.

In the morning, the shooting was about a battle between the human and the demon. The heroine

played by Eva was put on a cloak to protect her own home and fight the devil to death.

Wearing an armor, Eva looked valiant and heroic on a war horse. Jim thought this kind of dress was

suitable for her.

The whole battle was playing on the horse back. Eva insisted that she didn't need a double body but to

fight in person.

The horses used on the film set were professionally trained and very docile.

Essie and the kids sat in the resting area, while Jim sat next to them, playing with Mili and Dot.

"Sworn father, Christmas is coming soon. Have you prepared a Christmas gift for me?" Sitting on his

long legs, Mili fiddled with the tassel pendant around his waist.

"I've already prepared it. I believe you will like it." Jim smiled and gently rubbed her nose.

"That's great. I like sworn father the most." Mili grinned, revealing her white teeth.

At this moment, a horse's roar came from the film set. Then a crew member shouted, "It is

too bad! The horse is out of control."

Jim put Mili on the chair beside, stood up and looked at the film set. In the distance, a black horse

pulled out its front hooves, grinned and roared. It spun two circles aimlessly on the film set and rushed

towards the road ahead.

It was Eva who was sitting on its back.

"Damn it!" Jim cursed and rushed to the tree not far away like a strong wind. He untied the horse tied to

the trunk, jumped up and chased after it.

Essie was so scared that her heart was stuck in her throat. She hurriedly asked all the bodyguards to

follow her on the horse, fearing that something would happen to Eva.

Some staffs were calling the police and the some of them calling for the ambulance. The film set was in


Holding the reins tightly, Eva was flustered and scared. The horse seemed to be stimulated and ran

forward desperately. At such a speed, if it fell down accidentally, she must be dead or disabled.

"Heaven pepper, hold tight. I'll catch up with you soon." Jim's voice came from behind. The moment it

entered her ear, it was like a pair of powerful hands calming all her panic.

Soon, Jim's tall and strong figure appeared in her sight. The two horses were running almost side by

side. Jim held the rein with one hand and quickly held her waist with the other.

He pulled her to his side gently, and she took the opportunity to jump on the back of his horse, with her

hands held tightly around his waist.

Still in shock, she leaned against his back and trembled slightly.

"It's okay, heaven pepper." Jim breathed a sigh of relief.

Through the thin shirt, she could feel the muscles on his back were solid and strong, which made her

feel very safe and relieved.

Although she didn't like this scum Jim, it was undeniable that he had a very strong power, as if he could

stand up between the sky and the earth. Even if the sky fell, as long as she stood beside him, she was

not afraid of being crushed.

Jim ran back on his horse. The soft woman behind him clung to his body tightly, making his muscles a

little out of control and tense.

This heaven pepper was so thin that he thought her whole body was full of hard bones, but he didn't

expect it to be comfortable to lean on.

But even if he felt comfortable, he did not treat this tough woman as a woman. How could he have any

reaction to her? It was so weird!

When Essie saw them returned to the set safe and sound, she was relieved.

"Sworn mommy, I know you will be fine. Sworn daddy is as powerful as my daddy. He will definitely

save you," Mili said with a smile.

Thinking of how close and intimate she was with Jim just now, Eva's face blushed. Although there were

often intimate movements when they were filming, it was just because of work that she felt completely

different from before.


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