Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 515 The Children's Last Name

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Since Leila's pregnancy news came out, Mary had been persuading her parents-in-law, hoping they

could accept Leila as their granddaughter-in-law. But they didn't change their mind. It seemed that they

didn't take this great grandson seriously at all.

Now she finally understood the reason.

'Essie is really a cunning woman who has hidden herself well. Everyone is fooled by her.' Mary thought

in her heart.

In the vast meeting hall of the Rong's house, the two elders sat upright, with Mili and Dot between


"It must be the ancestors of Rong family who came to help. They get the two children to recognize their

ancestors and return to our family on Abel's birthday." Alena put her hands on the shoulders of the

twins and said, "it's the first time that we have opposite sex twins in Rong's family. Abel and I feel

heartbroken at the thought that our two great grandson and great granddaughter couldn't live with us."

A hint of evil look flashed through Mary's eyes. She didn't like Mili and Dot at all. Even if they were her

grandson and granddaughter, she didn't like them because of their mother.

What was worse, they didn't even have the chance to have a paternity test, because Dot was too

similar to her son. She had no reason to bring up a question.

"In fact, I have always been fond of these two children and I always felt very close to them. I never

thought that they are really my grandson and granddaughter." Mary tried to put on a more exaggerated

smile, trying to hide the malicious and insidious expression in her eyes.

"Dad and mom have long regarded them as their great grandson and great granddaughter. I, as the

grandfather, was still kept in the dark. " Said Albert with a smile. Since the two children entered the

house, he felt that things were strange. He did not expect that the truth was on his grandson's face. No

wonder he drew a face every time he came, because he was afraid that the small secret would be


"I, as a father, don't know it at all, let alone you," Zac murmured beside, seeming a little depressed.

Albert understood what was on his son's mind. He patted his son's shoulder and gave him a comforting

look. "It doesn't matter if you knew it sooner or later. It's okay as long as they are your kids."

Well. The corners of Zac's mouth lifted. His mood suddenly changed.

Dot glanced at him. Her big black eyes flashed like stars falling into the sea. "Uncle Zac, don't forget

what you promised me on the boat that you would give me and my sister a complete family." He

deliberately called him "Uncle Zac" in a loud voice.

Listening to this particularly sharp voice, Zac frowned in dissatisfaction. "Kiddo, I'm your real father."

"I'll call you daddy after you keep your promise." Dot said in a domineering and tempting state.

Zac was a little shocked. No wonder that he was his son. Just like him, he was fearless and never bow

to anyone.

Caressing her great grandson's head, Abel turned to glance at Zac. "This is not only the request of Dot,

but also the request of your grandmother and me. You must do it."

Zac said nothing, neither denying nor confirming. He never made a promise when he was not sure if he

could do it. Since he had promised, he would keep it. But not now. He must wait until Essie completely


Essie lowered her head slightly and sat quietly beside. She was still a little uneasy. She was afraid that

Zac would fall out with her, fight for the custody with her and take away Mili and Dot.

She didn't know that what the Rong family was considering now was not the custody of the children,

but their surnames. Since Mili and Dot had come back, they could not use their mother's family name.

After the birthday party, the old lady asked her and Zac to go to the study.

"Essie, I have discussed with your grandfather and father. After all, Mili and Dot are the great

grandchildren of our family, and they will take over the responsibilities of our family in the future. Do you

think it's time to let them return to their surnames? "

"Right now!" Zac said the two words peremptorily. He completely deprive the decision-making power of

Essie. Of course, his children had to take his surname.

With a pitiful look on Essie's face, she turned to Alena and said, "grandma, I've considered that too.

When my parents got married, I swore in front of the grandparents of the Yi family that in the future,

one of my children must have the surname of my father. How about this? I'll change Dot's surname and

let Mili continue to follow my surname. "

Alena smiled kindly and said, "we have also thought about that. Rong's family always considers the

eldest grandson as the most important grandson. Mili and Dot are the oldest grandchildren and they

have the responsibility to inherit our family name. As for the children you give birth to in the future, You

can decide what surname they have. "

As expected, Essie smirked, and thought, 'aged ginger is more pungent.' she not only won the

children's surname, but also was forced to keep giving birth to their children.

In fact, if she wanted to refute Alena's words, she could also find a reason. Zac was a typical example

of rebellion as a young grandson. If the Rong family really thought highly of the eldest grandson, then

the fourth heir should be Walt. How could it be Zac's turn?

But she didn't dare to say that. Abel and Alena treated her well. She didn't want to disappoint them, and

they had made a concession as well. They agreed that her next great grandchildren could take her last

name. But it was inappropriate for her to oppose again.

So she simply nodded and said, "well, just do as you say."

The old lady smiled. She knew that Essie was a sensible and reasonable girl, and she wouldn't refuse

her request.

This evening, the two elders of the Rong family asked the children to stay at their house for the night. It

was Zac's decision that he made them go to the Blue Coast every weekend to spend the weekend with


Essie could only nod but dare not to shake her head, fearing that he would take the custody away if he

got angry.

After this huge change, the children's hearts were also like a surge of mountains and rivers, difficult to

calm down.

In the evening, lying on the cot, Mili turned to look at her brother and asked, "are you happy now, Dot?

You don't have to paint anymore. "

"A little, but I'm really happy when mommy and daddy are back together." Dot crossed his fingers and

stared at the ceiling, holding the back of her head and thinking.

"The bad mistress has a younger brother. What if daddy can't divorce her?" Mili sighed.

"Daddy and mommy have three kids. The bad mistress has only one baby. She is no match for

mommy." Dot analyzed the situation rationally.

"Yes. Even if she has a baby, she can't compare with mommy. Mommy has more children than her."

Mili giggled as her knitted brows suddenly relaxed.

However, Dot was not as cheerful as she was. He thought of a more serious problem. His mother's life

was still in the hands of his enemies and bad mistress.

"What I worry most is that the bad mistress will continue to threaten daddy with mommy's life so that

daddy can't divorce her."

Mili's face tightened into a tight frown again. "Then what should we do?"

"I don't know." Dot shook his head. This was tricky. He couldn't risk his mother's life, otherwise his

father wouldn't be forced to compromise to the bad mistress.

"A bad mistress! She is so cruel! The god shouldn't let her get pregnant!" Mili pouted angrily. Breaking

up other people's families and building their own happiness upon the pain of others is the most

despicable and shameless thing in the world.

"No matter how powerful god is, there will be times when he is tired. Otherwise, there won't be so many

bad people on earth." Dot sighed. He wished he could grow up as soon as possible, so that he could

help his daddy protect his mommy.

At this moment, Essie just finished her shower and was about to go to bed. When she was about to

enter the guest room, Mary walked up to her.

"Essie, come in. Let's have a chat." Mary said with a smirk.

Essie nodded and entered the room with her. She didn't know what Mary wanted to say, but she

guessed that she didn't welcome Mili and Dot.

"I didn't expect that you would keep it as a secret. You are even misunderstood by us rather than

disclose the child's identity to the public." Mary said peacefully, trying to control her disgust for Essie.

She decided to hold a dagger in her hand and avoid any direct conflict with her.

"I just want to protect my children." Said Essie in a low but powerful voice.

"I thought you got the kids back because Leila was pregnant." There was an imperceptible insidious

expression flashing in Mary's eyes. She felt that it was a conspiracy of her parents-in-law and Essie.

They deliberately struck Leila and made her pregnancy meaningless.

"You are thinking too much. I plan to tell the kids the truth when they grow up. However, something is

predestined to have its own will. No matter how powerful a person is, he can't fight against the heaven.

" Essie sighed again. It had not been for the heavy rain, Dot's identity would not have been detected by


"Abel and Alena have accepted Mili and Dot as their great grandson and great granddaughter and they

will take the family over them in the future. You should be happy about that." Mary said in a casual

tone. It seemed that they were just talking about something unimportant. However, Essie knew that

Mary cared about the heir very much. She must be here to sound her out.

"I only hope that my children can grow up happily and safely. Anything else doesn't matter." She looked

calm. She didn't care if Dot would take over the Rong's family in the future. She believed that Dot would

lead a rich life as his father did on his own, and he didn't need to rely on his family.

However, in Mary's eyes, Essie was just pretending. Everyone wanted their children to be the king.

But she didn't expose her lie. She just smiled and said, "that's good. You don't have the intention to

fight. In this way, Dot and Leila's kid can live in peace."

With a smile at the corners of Essie's mouth, she said, "don't worry. Since the elders of the Rong family

are all here. We granddaughters-in-law are not allowed to make trouble. I'm not able to quarrel with


What she meant was that, when deciding the future master of the Rong family, it was all up to their

grandparents and Albert. Neither she nor Leila had the right to interfere. However, what Mary heard

was that Essie was suggesting that Leila had no right to compete with her.

That upset her. After leaving the guest room, she sent a message to Leila on wechat, telling her what

happened to Mili and Dot, she needed to get ready for a fierce fight.

Leila almost fainted at the news.


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