Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 655 Eating Is The Only Advantage

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"Don't worry. I have a solution." She had brought a lot of heating pads and a hand warmer bag, which

were enough for outdoor use.

"In fact, the best way to keep warm is to display your special skills and eat more," Jim said casually.

"That's really a good idea. It's so cold today. Hotpot is the best. Among them, the spicy Chongqing

hotpot is the best. It must be very warm." As soon as she heard the words 'eat', Eva became excited.

Her eyes seemed to be ignited and glittered.

Jim couldn't help laughing. This girl was the best of the foodies. No one could be a match of her.

"There is no Chongqing hotpot in Iceland. Because it is close to the Arctic Circle, there are not many

food materials here. The most famous one is fish," Jim said slowly.

Shrugging her shoulders, Eva said, "I've heard about it on Baidu before. There is a famous dish here,

called Hákarl. It's a completely rotten shark meat buried in the sand for three to six months. It smells

stinky and fishy, but it tastes absolutely delicious. It should be similar to the stinky tofu in our country. I

must have a try. " She licked her lips as she spoke.

"Since it's a local specialty, of course you have to taste it. But remember to brush your teeth after

eating it," Jim reminded her. He was a neat freak and would never allow any peculiar smell to touch his


Knowing his mysophobia, Eva was slightly shocked. "Scum Jim, will you also eat it?" She thought he

would stay away from it and never touch such kind of food.

Jim raised his eyebrows and said, "I've even eaten durian and stinky tofu. There's nothing I don't dare

to eat."

Eva gave a thumbs up and said, "You're really brave."

"Heaven pepper, don't forget your duty. You are my meal partner," Jim reminded her.

"I didn't forget. At the worst, let's eat the stinky shark together." Eva stuck out her tongue at him.

They arrived at the most luxurious five star hotel in the city. There was no doubt that Jim would live in a

presidential suite. Eva and Mandy were in the same luxury room. They put down their luggage and

started to shoot.

As a public figure, Eva couldn't affect her image too much. She could only take off the long and thick

down jacket and thick sweater, put on a few heating pads, change into a mink fur dress and a short

down jacket.

Mandy grew up with her and knew that she was not afraid of heat, but she was afraid of cold the most.

"Eva, I know you're afraid of cold, so I bought you a hand warming bag. It's very useful. You can put it

in your pocket and keep warm for eight hours." She handed her an exquisite handbag.

"Thank you, Mandy." Eva took it over with a smile, without noticing the malicious look in Mandy's eyes.

Compared with Eva, Yancy was more afraid of the cold. What made her depressed was that she even

left her hand warming bag in a hotel in the United States. Most people in Iceland wouldn't use it and

she couldn't buy it even if she wanted. She had to hold on.

She spent the whole day shooting in the cold and snowy outside. She kept rubbing her hands and

wearing gloves, but she didn't feel warm.

This time, Eva and Yancy were in the same group. Seeing that Yancy was shivering with cold, she took

the hand warming bag that Mandy gave her and said, "You can use it first. I have put some heating

pads on. It's not too cold."

"Thank you, sis Eva." Yancy didn't reject. She took it over and said, "It's so warm. You are fully


"This is a gift from Mandy. I've prepared one for myself. If you don't have it, I'll give it to you first," Eva

said generously.

"Great!" Yancy was overjoyed.

For the whole day, Eva was thinking about the northern aurora light, and the shooting team was also

preparing for the shooting at night. However, Jim was absent. He was not only absent, but also took

Eva away by force.

Depressed, Eva said, "Scum Jim, you have no professional ethics. Our absence will affect the

audience rating."

"Cut the crap. You are my meal companion. I want to have midnight snag now, so you have to

accompany me." Jim pinched her cold red nose. Fortunately, he didn't exert too much strength, or her

nose might be pinched off by him under the freezing condition.

"What do you want to eat?" Eva curled her lips.

"You'll know when we get there," Jim said in a low voice and started the engine.

When she drove to the seaside, she was surprised to find a beautiful villa there. Jim drove the car into

the iron gate and stopped directly at the gate of the villa. It seemed that he was worried about this

heaven pepper. "If you are afraid of cold, go inside quickly," he said lightly.

Eva didn't say anything more. As soon as she got off the car, she walked towards the door.

The door was unlocked. There was an iron gate outside, so it didn't matter if it was locked inside or not.

But what about the owner of the villa?

When she was wondering, a maid came over. "Boss, Miss Fang, the midnight snack is just ready. You

can eat it now."

Standing behind her, Jim nodded. Eva turned around and looked at him in surprise, "Scum Jim, is this

your house?"

"Of course. If it's not mine, can you come in?" Jim shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the

dining room.

"Why are you buying a house here?" Eva followed him and asked curiously.

"To watch the aurora," Jim said with understatement. His villa was specially built to watch the aurora. It

was the best view to watch the aurora from here, without any cover.

Eva's eyes lit up with excitement as if Columbus had discovered a new continent. No wonder that

Scum Jim would act alone tonight. It turned out that the mystery was here.

Rich people were just willful and could enjoy themselves.

When the maid uncovered the lid of the plate, a stink came to his nose. Eva's eyes lit up, "Ah, is this

the famous stinky shark?"

"We have agreed to have a try together. Don't be stage fright halfway." Jim crossed his arms and

looked at her with interest.

"How could it be? There is a famous dish in Jiang City, called stinky mandarin fish. It's delicious. " Eva

licked her lips and was ready to eat. For the dinner in the afternoon, the crew of the program had also

arranged the signature dish of Iceland, but the artists had to maintain their image and didn't want

themselves to be smelly, so they all refused. How disappointed she was.

"Let's eat," Jim said, picking up the knife and the silver fork.

Eva cut a piece of fish and put it into her mouth. Then she praised, "Wow, that's great. It's even better

than the stinky mandarin fish in Jiang City."

Jim smiled, "Is there anything that did not taste good in your mouth?"

Eva rolled her two big eyes two times as if she was thinking about something. After a while, she shook

her head and said, "I haven't found it yet."

"Then what's the best food you have eaten?"

"The spaghetti with meat paste and barbecue you made," Eva almost blurted out, but she regretted as

soon as she spoke. This would make scum Jim smug!

Jim's enchanting eyes flashed in the light, and an indescribable color flashed across his eyes. "You are

lucky to eat what I cook."

"That's right. Are you the reincarnation of the God of food? The food you cook is naturally delicious in

the world." Eva chuckled. 'As you brew, so must you drink'. Since she was sitting by the dining table of

him and ate his ready midnight snag. It was not too much to praise him. She would take it as paying for

the meal.

"You finally learn to speak." Jim smiled.

Eva blinked her long curly eyelashes for two times, "Scum Jim, do you often show off your cooking

skills to seduce girls?"

Before she finished her words, Jim's voice came faintly, "Do you think it's possible?" Janice was the

first one to taste his cooking, and she was the second one.

"Why is it impossible?" Eva asked in a muffled voice while eating.

"I don't have the time," Jim said coldly. Janice was the only woman that he was willing to spend his time

on. The reason why he gave this heaven pepper the favor was that she cherished the food.

"So I'm lucky?" Eva grinned, revealing a row of white teeth. Her expression was like a child who was

excited to get candy.

"You were starved to death in your previous life. God should compensate you in this life." Jim gave a

playful smile.

Eva glared at him angrily and ate a large piece of salmon to vent her anger. Then she chewed it hard,

as if chewing the flesh of this enemy.

"Jim Jing, you are such a mean man. Can any woman really stand it?"

"Such a woman hasn't been born yet," Jim said slowly.

"Well, I'm just the one." Eva pouted at him.

"Are you a woman?" Jim sneered.

Eva didn't want to explain, so she took out her passport from her bag and said, "Gender, woman, have

you seen it clearly? Don't say that I'm not a woman anymore, or... " She held the knife tightly and

waved it in the air.

"You want to fight again?" Leaning against the back of the chair, Jim looked at her unfathomably. "It's

boring to fight with a loser like you."

Eva felt insulted, "Scum Jim, don't be complacent. I can learn something else since I can't defeat you

with a little meridians skill. There is always a way to restrain you."

"Study hard. I'll wait and see." Jim sneered.

"I won't let you wait too long." Eva stabbed the salmon aggressively. When she learned a new trick and

beat him to the ground to find his teeth, she would definitely put a banner of victory on his collar, and

then laughed wildly three times, looking coldly at his crying and failure.

However, in Jim's eyes, it was impossible for her to defeat him no matter how hard she practiced.

There was only one person in the world who could compete with him on the battle ring, and that was


"As a matter of fact, people should know their own strengths and weaknesses. How could they win if

they use their own weaknesses to fight others' strengths?"

"I have many advantages." Eva stared at him with arms akimbo.

"No, you only have one strong point that is you can eat!" Jim said word by word, "You can still win me

only in this competition."

Eva curled his lips. It was human's instinct to eat. How could it be regarded as her advantage?

While she was thinking, her cell phone suddenly rang. It was from the production team. Something

happened to Yancy.

"| won't let you wait too long." Eva stabbed the salmon aggressively. When she learned a new trick and

beat him to the ground to find his teeth, she would definitely put a banner of victory on his collar, and

then laughed wildly three times, looking coldly at his crying and failure.

However, in Jim's eyes, it was impossible for her to defeat him no matter how hard she practiced.

There was only one person in the world who could compete with him on the battle ring, and that was


"As a matter of fact, people should know their own strengths and weaknesses. How could they win if

they use their own weaknesses to fight others' strengths?"

"| have many advantages." Eva stared at him with arms akimbo.

"No, you only have one strong point that is you can eat!" Jim said word by word, "You can still win me

only in this competition."

Eva curled his lips. It was human's instinct to eat. How could it be regarded as her advantage?

While she was thinking, her cell phone suddenly rang. It was from the production team. Something

happened to Yancy.


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