Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 516 The Coming Crisis

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'The two children are Essie and Hanson's when they were in America. How could they be the kids of


Leila couldn't believe it. She really couldn't believe it. This news was like a thunderbolt to her.

But that bitch Essie concealed it from her.

In order to make sure that Leila could have a son, she specially asked the doctor to perform sperm

separation techniques, which meant that there was a high possibility to have a son. Her child was the

eldest grandson of the Rong family, and the crown prince of the Rong family who would take over the

throne in the future. Moreover, Essie's son shouldn't even exist in this world.

She clenched her teeth. She couldn't let this bastard to threaten her son's status. The future of the

Rong family belonged to her and her son. If anyone dared to block in her way, she would relentlessly

eradicate him.

She picked up her phone and sent a message to one of her business partners, telling him about the

children, "the boy must be a big hindrance to our plan."

The other party soon replied, "I know. Don't worry. Think it over..."

It was late at night.

Essie fell asleep quickly.

It was quiet in the room. Only her sound breathing could be heard.

She didn't know how long she had slept. In a daze, she suddenly felt a hand untying her pajamas. She

thought she was dreaming, so she didn't open her eyes, turned over and went on sleeping.

Soon, she felt cold all over her body and she also felt a heavy force.

She gave a sharp shudder and instantly became wide awake.

She opened her eyes and was about to scream when her lips were covered by two thin lips.

All of a sudden, her sleepy eyes opened as big as two bells. Through the dim light, she saw a

handsome face of the invader. What a familiar face.

She tried hard to push him away and turned her head to make her mouth open.

"Zac, what are you doing by sneaking into my room in the middle of the night?" She was ashamed and

angry. She had locked the door. How did he sneak in?

"It's very late. What else can I do?" He lifted the corner of his mouth and flashed a cunning smile.

There was a passionate flame wildly flickering in his icy eyes.

"Don't forget, what we should do now is to hide under the ground like a rat without sunlight. If others

know that you come to my room and caught us, what should we do?" She twisted her body in an

attempt to free herself from him. But he was as heavy as a mountain that she could do nothing.

"It's three o'clock in the morning. Even the birds are asleep. Who will know us?" He gently flicked her

forehead. He was speechless about her silly words. He came in at this time just to avoid being seen.

"How do you know? Maybe some one is still awake." Essie pouted again. It was already three o'clock.

With Zac's super energy, he wouldn't stop tormenting her until dawn. She couldn't continue to sleep.

"Don't waste time on me. Everything you spend with me is invaluable." After saying that, he lowered his

head to kiss her and went straight to the point.

The dawn was coming and the intense fight in the room was over.

After a while, she opened her mouth and weakly said, "you should go now."

Zac's arms were still around her waist. It seemed that he liked this position very much. He did not

intend to put her down. "Don't worry. No one will find out." He said lightly. Even if he was discovered, he

had an excuse. After all, they were at his own home, not in a hotel.

Seeing that he didn't care about it at all, Essie didn't want to worry about him any more. She was too

tired to think when she was lack of oxygen in her brain. Even so, she felt very tired to think. However,

she still worried about something. "If Leila knows about the Mili and Dot, she'll go crazy."

"I will protect our kids." He gently stroked her back, with a comforting tone. If anyone dared to hurt his

child, he would tear him to pieces.

Essie nodded. She wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her children. She would try her best to protect them.

She rested her head on his shoulder and said, "Zac, I'll live well for your sake. But one day, if they go

too far, I'd rather give up my life than let them succeed in their revenge."

He held her head and made her look up at him. "Idiot, your life is more important than anything else.

No matter what happens, you must live."

A thin layer of mist emerged from her eyes, and her eyes fell on his unparalleled handsome face. Her

eyes were deep, sad, and a little melancholy. If she had to live without him, what was the meaning of

her life? As long as she could be with him, even if it was only a short day, she felt that her life was


"Icy guy, do you really no longer like Leila?"

"Not really." The words were like a cold wind blowing into the window.

She frowned and bit her lips as if she was brought by the cold wind. She lowered her head and covered

her upset eyes with thick eyelashes.

A hint of slyness flashed through his dark eyes. He smiled and said, "why? Are you jealous?"

"No, I am not." She pouted, "I just think you have a high IQ and low Eq. She lied to you and threatened

you. She's just too paranoid. If she doesn't really love you, why do you still want to waste your feelings?


Before she finished speaking, she was flicked on the forehead. The big demon was irritated. "Stupid

woman, which eye did you see that I liked Leila with? Which ear did you hear that I liked Leila with? It's

your own idea during the whole process. You just think too much on your own. One day I'll take you to

the doctor to cure the fantasies. "

Hearing his words, Essie shivered. Ignoring the pain on her forehead, she widened her eyes and

looked at him with confusion, as if she was looking at an unsolved mystery. Then a smile, like the

sunlight outside the window, slowly spread in the night, dispelling the darkness and coldness in the air.

"You're the president of the Emperor and the fourth leader of the Rong Group. It's no doubt that your

EQ and IQ are always in direct proportion. How can they be in the opposite way?"

Zac scraped her nose. "Don't be complacent. Even if I don't like her, it doesn't mean that I will like you.

You are far from my expectation. "

His words were like cold water pouring down from her head, pouring down her heart. "What's your

expectation?" She pouted and asked.

At the same time, a crafty smile crept on Zac's face. "You need to do whatever I say and follow what I

say at daytime. Remember to do whatever I want at night and never get tired of it."

Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Essie who was ashamed and annoyed. "You'd

better find a robot to serve you. Every day you just need to apply oil on it, and I'm sure that you will

have no complaints. It is energetic and full of energy, completely following your instructions to meet

your fantasies."

Zac cast a stern glance at her and said in a cold tone deliberately, "so, you are not a part of my plan.

Don't expect that I will fall in love with you."

Essie jumped up and rubbed his face with her little snow-white paws, and then tossed them into his

dark hair. She really gave him a good vent to her anger.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she would not affect his image. Although his head was in a

mess, he also looked as beautiful as before.

He was so perfect and handsome. What a sin! For a president of the handsome Association like her,

his beautiful look was like a deadly weapon to her. His every act, every smile and every move would

defeat her.

When she was staring at him like an anthomaniac, he turned over, "you silly woman, do you want to

rebel? You need to be taught more lessons. "

Seeing that he was on the verge of breaking out again, she hissed and dared not to move any more.

But it was too late.

The back of Mili and Dot was a happy event for the entire Rong family, but there were still some people

who were unhappy.

Walt had hardly slept the whole night.

Was god so good to Zac that he and his little sun had two more children? Did he just want to help them

and didn't want to separate them?

He had married Leila and would have a child soon. How could he win Essie again?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

The story of the children soon spread throughout the whole celebrity circle.

After being warned by the Rong family, all the media were forbidden to publish any photos of the


According to Rong family's rules, the person in charge couldn't be exposed to the media before he

ascended the throne. Therefore, everyone was secretly speculating that Dot had been secretly

designated as the fifth heir of the family.

As soon as Alice heard the news, she rushed to the mansion on Phoenix Road. It was not until then

that she realized that she had never seen the kids of Essie before. It was said that Dot looked like Zac

very much. If she had seen it earlier, she would have discovered the secret in advance.

However, what she didn't know was that Essie was on her guard on purpose. Every time she came,

she would ask Pana to take the kids out and not let her see them.

Now that the matter had been exposed, Essie didn't need to hide them anymore.

This time, Alice finally got the chance to see the two kids.

"Essie, you hid it so well that even I, you sister was deceived by you. I thought they were really the

children you and Hanson gave birth to in the United States."

"Sis, you knew it from the very beginning. It's just that you lost your memory and forgot it." Replied


"Really?" Alice was taken aback. With a complicated look on her face, she continued, "I really hope that

I can regain my memory as soon as possible and remember everything." She smiled embarrassedly, as

if trying to hide something, so that she wouldn't blame Essie anymore.

"Aunt, you used to come to visit us often when you were in America. But now you have lost your

memory. It's so terrible that you can't even remember us," said Mili with a smile, revealing two adorable

dimples on her face.

"It doesn't matter. I will remember all of you in the future." Alice wanted to get on well with them and let

them fully trust her, so that her plan could be carried out smoothly.

"Sis, you knew it from the very beginning. It's just that you lost your memory and forgot it." Replied


"Really?" Alice was taken aback. With a complicated look on her face, she continued, "I really hope that

| can regain my memory as soon as possible and remember everything." She smiled embarrassedly, as

if trying to hide something, so that she wouldn't blame Essie anymore.

"Aunt, you used to come to visit us often when you were in America. But now you have lost your

memory. It's so terrible that you can't even remember us," said Mili with a smile, revealing two adorable

dimples on her face.

"It doesn't matter. | will remember all of you in the future." Alice wanted to get on well with them and let

them fully trust her, so that her plan could be carried out smoothly.


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