Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 287 The Baby Was Born

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Half a year later, in New York.

In a luxurious villa in the East District, a beautiful woman sat on a soft leather bench in the garden,

enjoying the bright sunshine.

She touched her lower abdomen and fixed her eyes at an unknown corner in the garden. Her mind

wandered back to the Dragon City hospital half a year ago.

"Doctor Li... Please do me a favor and tell the outsiders that I lost my child. "


"…… Someone wanted to kill my baby. They won't kill me as long as they think that the baby is gone. "

"Okay. But you have to be careful. You can't hide it from them for a long time. You are pregnant for

almost two months. You belly will be bigger soon."

"What are you thinking about?" A voice came from behind, breaking her thoughts.

"Hi, Hanson." She smiled.

"It will be due time. Of course I have to come here as soon as possible." Hanson smiled. Shortly after

Essie arrived in America, Alice revealed her whereabouts to Hanson. In Alice's opinion, Hanson was

more suitable for her younger sister than Zac.

She sat up with her heavy body and was about to stand up, but a sharp pain came from her stomach.

She cried out and fell back painfully.

"What's wrong?" Hanson asked.

"My belly aches." She frowned and held her belly.

"You're giving birth to the baby. I'll take you to the hospital." Hanson lifted her to his chest and walked

out of the garden in a hurry.

In the hospital of New York.

Essie gripped Hanson's and the midwife's hands. She felt so painful that she was about to pass out. In

the past half a year, she tried hard to restrain herself from missing Zac, but she failed. He kept

harassing her like a ghost. When she was awake, he wandered in her eyes; when she was asleep, he

wandered around in her dream; she couldn't get rid of him.

Now she really hoped that he could stay with her and wait for their baby to be born.

"Mrs. Xia, come on. The kids will come out soon." The doctor said in English. In New York, Essie and

Hanson always pretended to be a couple in order to avoid the neighbors' random guesses and

discussions. However, Essie had already told him very clearly that it was impossible for them to be

together again. She was a woman who had been married and had children, so she did not deserve


But Hanson had never thought about giving up. Although many things had changed, his feelings for her

had never changed. At this moment, he was more nervous than her, trembling all over his body. Her

painful cry was like thousands of sharp claws scratching his heart.

After three hours, the two babies' loud cries rang in the delivery room.

"Yes, a boy and a girl. Congratulations, Mr. Xia and Mrs. Xia." The midwife said with a smile.

With tears and sweat streaming down her face, she took a look at the baby in the midwife's arms and


A day later, she woke up and turned her head to see two beautiful babies in the crib. They were white,

tender, small and so delicate. They had just finished breastfeeding and were sleeping soundly with their

eyes closed.

Hanson, lying on the bedside, hummed a lullaby softly, his eyes full of love. They would be his children

and she would be his wife.

Seeing such a cozy scene, Essie chuckled and said, "Hanson, I have already prepared the pet name

for our child. The girl is called Mili and the boy is called Dot."

"Well, good names." Hanson nodded with a smile.

Time flied. Three years had passed.

Essie hadn't been to her dream school Istituto Marangoni, but she had been studying in Parsons

School of Design at The New School. It was the second most venomous design school in the world and

the best design school in America.

Today was the day that she graduated. Hanson, Holy, Lucy and Bob came along with Mili and Dot to

celebrate her graduation. A year ago, Holy came to America. At that time, Alice was very worried about

his safety. So he asked Baron to send him to Essie's. And Baron already knew who Essie was. So he

felt relieved that Holy was in her house. What's more, Holy also had his uncle, Martin, who could

protect him.

The two kids were only three years old, but they were excellent. Mili drew a family photo and Dot made

a sailboat model for Essie. They gave it to their mom as gifts.

"I got a present for you, too, sister." Holy took out a lipstick.

With a smile on her face, Essie asked, "Holy, why did you want to give me the lipstick?" Did this little

guy start his puberty and know what girls like.

"Sister, this lipstick is not for you to make up." Holy chuckled, his eyes glittering mysteriously.

Essie raised her eyebrows in confusion, "are you sending me a souvenir?"

"No, no, no." Holy shook his fingers and said, "it's for your self-defense."

"Weapon?" "Is it a gun?" Essie once read on a book that a German female spy took a lipstick gun

secretly with her during World War II. The bullet could only be put in the gun, targeted at assassination.

"Almost. But it's not a bullet, but a neurotic poison. As long as you have a drop on the opponent's skin,

you can quickly paralyze the opponent's muscles and nerves for ten minutes. And it can pass the

security check smoothly without being found out. "

"Wow, that's amazing. Your uncle gave it to you?" With an amazed look on her face, Essie marveled at

his uncle's excellent job. He deserved to be called the top-level agent of FBI and James Bond in the

twenty-first century.

Holy nodded his head slightly, full of admiration for his uncle.

"Uncle Holy, when you grow up, do you want to be an FBI agent like Uncle Martin?" Dot asked.

But Essie just smiled and fondled Dot's head, saying, "Uncle Holy don't work as a spy. He is going to

be the CEO and take over the Xu family in the future."

"Like Daddy?" Mili's long and dense eyelashes fluttered.

"Yes." Essie nodded.

"It's not good to be a CEO. He'll always go back to Yang City. He can't stay at home all the time and be

with us." Mili lowered her eyes, depressed. Mili and Dot were very close to Hanson. Although Essie

had told them that he wasn't their father, they still called him in this way. Every child should have his

father. In their minds, Hanson was their father.

Hanson hugged Mili and kissed her on her cheek. He knew that the reason why Mili was sad was that

he couldn't stay with her often.

"I'll take you back to Yang City when you and uncle Holy grow up. Then we won't have to be separated


"Deal." Mili stretched out her little finger.

"Okay, deal." Hanson raised her finger and announced, "Let's make the deal. We are not allowed to

change in 100 years."

Then, they went to the Italian restaurant for dinner. After that, they drove back to the villa in the Eastern


A tall man had been waiting outside the gate of the iron fence for a long time.

Essie recognized that it was Lucy's assistant, Malcolm, and invited him in. Malcolm looked very

serious, and Essie looked at him with an ominous premonition in her heart.

She took Malcolm to the study room and asked, "what happened?"

"Mr. Xu fainted in the hospital due to a brain stroke five days ago. Lady Alice was hit in a car accident

on the way back from A City. Her car ran off the cliff and fell into the sea. No one knows whether she is

alive or dead."

"What did you say?" This time, it seemed that Essie was struck by a lightning and her body began to

convulse violently.

"Elizabeth is very efficient. She is in charge of the whole Xu's Group the next day after the accident

happened to lady Alice," Malcolm said.

"She was premeditated. The accident on Mr. Xu and my sister must have something to do with her."

Essie clenched her fists, hatred growing in her heart.

"Elizabeth will hold a general shareholder's meeting this Friday and officially take the position of

chairman. You and young master have to go back as soon as possible."

Essie nodded and said, "Okay, I'll prepare for it."

After Malcolm left, she booked the air ticket back to Dragon City by herself. She asked her parents to

take care of the twins. Her parents were both graduated from university and were good at English.

They didn't need to worry about communication problems. Moreover, there was one of the most

advanced security systems in the world that were installed by Martin himself, which could ensure their


"Dad, there are two guns in the villa. One is in the drawer of the study room, the other is in the car. If

you meet any difficulties, you can call Martin. He will help you." Essie didn't tell Lucy what had

happened to the Xu family in case that she would be worried.

"Don't worry. You should take good care of yourself and Holy when you go back." Lucy nodded.

Two days later, Essie, Hanson and Holy secretly returned to Dragon City.

"Malcolm, is there any news about my sister in A City?" In the past few days, there was not a moment

of peace in her heart. She was very worried about Alice. She hoped that she could get out of the car

and come back safe and sound.

"Jack has been in A City. The police have sent people to search in the nearby sea, but did not find the

slightest trace of Lady Alice." Malcolm frowned painfully. Only he knew that Alice was more than his

boss in his mind.

Holy lowered his head and clenched his fists, his chest filled with hatred and anger. He wanted to get

even with the evil witch and drove her out of the Xu family.

"Sister, when I came to America, my father took me to the bank and opened a safe box. He said that

there were very important documents in it. If something happened to our family, I would take you with

me to take the documents out of the safe box."

Shocked again, Essie told Malcolm to turn around and go to the bank first.

Holy took off the necklace, and it was not until then did Essie realize that the pendant was a micro seal.

The Bank Manager checked the seal and then took them to the private safe.

The safe was automatically opened after checking the three levels, including password, finger print and


Then she took out the documents and left with Holy quickly.

When she arrived at Hanson's villa in Dragon City, she opened the file bag in which there was Baron's

will and commission.

It seemed that Baron had prepared himself for Elizabeth a long time ago.

In the will, he divided his fortune into several parts. Forty percent of the shares of the Xu's Group he

owned was inherited by Holy; ten percent of the shares were inherited by Alice; the rest eight percent

was inherited by Cathy.

The villa of Xu family was inherited by Holy, Alice and Cathy. As for the rest of his assets, the overseas

investment properties were handed over to Alice, and real estate and funds were distributed equally by

the four children.

Another commission was that when he had an accident, the will's heir would not take effect until Holy

reached the age of 18. And all his shares and assets were under the management of Alice and Cathy,

and they were also Holy's legal guardians.


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