Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 382 The Political Marriage (Part One)

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"It's so rare for you to be so open-minded." Mandy gave her a fake smile. She took a sip of tea and got

down to business. "Are you really not going to have dinner with Bles tonight?"

"If Bles want to catch up on the old days, I will prepare the best Longjing tea for him in my office

tomorrow." Essie said with a mischievous smile.

Mandy knew that she couldn't invite this honorable lady to dinner today, so she had to go back and tell

Bles the truth. If he was rejected again, he must fly into a rage.

As the saying went, 'be careful is the best strategy'. Now, Essie was very cautious. She wouldn't accept

any invitation from Elizabeth or Bles. It was hard to predict if these two old foxes would set any trap to

attract her into it. And she wouldn't trust them anymore.

Of course, Bles couldn't refuse to see her this time. He arrived at the Hengyuan building before noon

the next day.

"You are too busy to have dinner with me." He maintained a gentle smile on his face.

"I'm really sorry, uncle Bles. I've been busy lately, and I have to attend a lot of social activities." She

smiled and asked her secretary to prepare the best Longjing tea.

After they sat on the sofa face to face, Essie handed the tea to Bles respectfully. After all, he was her

uncle, so she had to show her respect to him.

"Uncle Bles, I know you like the Longjing tea the most, so I prepared this West Lake Longjing tea for

you. It's of extraordinary quality. Please have some and see how does it taste?"

His face darkened as he said, "So you must know I'll come."

"Since the new year, we haven't seen each other. As a junior, I should visit you in person. But I'm too

busy with the business of the group and have too many social engagements to spare time in a short

time," Essie said in a polite way. She couldn't compete with Bles regarding to cunning and scheming.

Although she was inferior to Mr. Song, she could challenge him in strategy. Because she had Zac, this

great strategist behind her.

"Since you took office, you've done a great job. You have cut off a lot of the dead branches and rotten

leaves in the group, and also dug out a lot of scum. It's true that the 'Newborn calves are not afraid of

tigers'," Bles said that in a meaningful way. He seemed to praise her, but in fact, he was mocking her

for her arrogance.

Of course, Essie knew what he meant. She smiled and said, "Thank you for your praise, uncle Bles. In

fact, I don't want to be too aggressive. Slight negligence may lead to great damage. As a result, it will

definitely have a bad impact on the company's reputation if it is not removed sooner."

Bles picked up the porcelain cup on the tea table and sipped at his tea.

The taste of the tea was mellow, and the tip of his tongue was sweet. It was the top West Lake

Longjing tea, but he didn't have any thought to taste it. How could he have the mood to taste the tea at

this time.

"You have put too much strength on it. It will make everyone panic that they wouldn't be able

to focus on their work. People work here to make money. It is human nature for some of them to

obsess with some more money and fame. Why do we make a fuss about it?" Bles said slowly.

"You're right, uncle Bles. I'll pay attention to it." Essie smiled faintly, as if she was wearing a mask. In

order not to let any other emotions come out, she only had a pair of deep and hard eyes, as if the dark

sky had hidden all the secrets.

Looking at her harmonious expression, Bles didn't want to say more. He'd better get to the point as

soon as possible.

"I heard that you have sent someone to South Africa to clean up the local mining industry?"

"I only change to a new management personnel according to the company's policy," Essie said in a

casual tone.

"The overseas management personnel in the branch of South Africa are changed every three years. It

has only been two years this year. Why did it suddenly change?" Bles chatted casually. After all, he

was one of the major shareholders of the group. It was reasonable for him to ask about the great

personnel change of the group.

"Mr. Li's wife has just given birth to their second child, one is elder and one is younger. Her wife can't

take care of them all by herself. Last month, she came to Mr. Ji and asked him to move Mr. Li back. I've

done my research. Among the overseas workers in South Africa, four of them have their family here. It

is not good for the couple to separate from each other for too long. So I changed these personnel in

advance and sent some of the young people who are willing to start business there. I let them work

hard there to make enough money so that they can come back to marry,"

Essie said with a slight smile on her face, which fully showed how considerate she was to her

employees as the new CEO. In fact, it was she who asked her men to take over the South Africa

mining group, and cut off the smuggling activities. Bles was cut off from his business.

"South Africa is a far more chaotic place than our country. It was difficult to deal with the local

government. If they were all replaced now, they would have to spend more time and money to bribe

these officials," Bles said in all sincerity, as if he was completely considering for the Xu group.

Essie shook her head and said, "Don't worry about it, uncle Bles. I've already looked into it. The

government has also changed a lot as the new mayor sworn in the local government. It's the right time

for them to meet the new mayor and build a new partner relationship. "


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