Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 273 Being Set Up And Pregnant (Part One)

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In the morning, after receiving a few orders from the studio, Essie took Amy to the nearby supermarket

to buy some fruit. Recently, she had a bad appetite, so she wanted to vomit every morning. She

needed to eat more fruit to supplement nutrition.

When she saw the orange which was newly sold in the market, she was somehow very greedy, and her

saliva was almost flowing out. She quickly took a plastic bag to choose.

"Haven't you always been afraid of being sour things, sister Yi? This orange skin is cyan, it must be

very sour, don't buy it," Amy replied.

"Go back and try some. Maybe they will not be that sour." Essie shrugged. She really wanted to eat

that very much.

Then they bought some apples and grapes.

When she returned to the studio, she cleaned the fruit, took out half of it and gave the rest to the shop

assistant. She then ate with Amy and Jacy.

Jacy put a piece of orange into his mouth, took a bite and spat it out. "Oh my God! They are

so sour."

"Not at all. It's delicious." With these words, Essie gave him a teasing look as she enjoy it very much.

Jacy and Amy looked at each other, and as if they had discovered a new continent, they both

exclaimed, "Sister Yi, are you pregnant?"

"How is that possible." Essie knock on the head of them and said, "How could I get pregnant since I

take pills every day?" Before she could finish her words, she suddenly felt a burst of nausea, and

quickly covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

"Yes, there is a problem." Jacy touched his chin.

"Something must be wrong." Amy took the phone and searched Google for information.

After vomiting for a while, Essie felt better. When she came out, she felt dizzy and almost fell down.

Fortunately, Jacy and Amy each supported her with their hands.

After sitting on the sofa, Amy learnt the symptoms of pregnancy from the Internet as she read it to

Essie, "Sister Yi, the most important symptoms of pregnancy is that your period stopped coming. Did

you have your period this month?"

Essie took up the calendar and calculate carefully. It seemed that her period had been delayed for two

weeks. But this didn't seem right. Her period was always punctual. Was she suffered from endocrine


Amy knew she did not had her period this month from her expression, and she continued, "There may

be some symptoms of pregnancy, vomit, dizziness, weakness of limbs, appetite changes... Sister Yi, do

you have it?"

Essie was in horror! No way, she had all those symptoms! She thought she was so tired preparing the

family feast of mid-autumn festival that she got sick... She shook her head at once. It was impossible. It

was impossible. She had taken medicine every time and never forgot. It was impossible that she was

pregnant. Absolutely impossible.

Amy patted her on the shoulder and said, "Sister Yi, listen, the pills aren't as safe as you think. To avoid

something dangerous, I'm going to buy a box of test kit. We'll know what the result is."

Jacy nodded vigorously. "Yes, you're right. Hurry up."

Amy quickly bought pregnancy test sticks from three different brands in case of mistakes.

Essie went to the bathroom. She believed she was not pregnant, but suffered from either endocrine

disorders or exhaustion.

Five minutes later, Amy picked up the pregnancy test stick and said, "Oh my God, there are two red

lines with a deep color. Sister Yi, you're really pregnant."

"That's impossible! I have my medicine! That's impossible!" Essie repeatedly shook her head.

"Sister Yi, is the drug you've taken past its expiration date?" Jacy said.

"My husband just brought it back from Germany. How could it past the expiration date?" Hearing that,

Essie took the medicine bottle out of her handbag in a hurry. It was valid until two thousand seventeen.

"Ah, you've been taking medicine all the time and you're pregnant. Will there be something wrong with

the baby?" Jacy covered his mouth and looked worried.

"Bah, bah, you are a half man and a half woman little bastard. You know nothing, don't scare our sister

Yi." Amy stared at him with anger.

Essie touched her forehead and thought, 'Zac said this medicine had no side-effect at all. Does it have

little side effect and poor protection?' She felt speechless, it was indeed 'every advantage has its


Amy's aunt happened to be the director of the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology in the Dragon

City Hospital, so she suggested that Essie go to have a physical examination with her. Essie nodded

and went to the hospital with her in the afternoon.

Outside the obstetrics and Gynecology room, Valery happened to come over for a pregnancy check.

When she saw that Essie took the test sheet and went into the obstetrics and Gynecology room, she

was shocked and quickly asked Sage to listen in.

Amy's aunt, looked at the blood test and smiled, "You are really pregnant, for two weeks."

Hearing that, Essie felt dizzy. "Aunt Li, I take pills every day. How can I get pregnant?" she asked.

"Yes, aunt, will it have any impact on the baby?" Amy asked politely.

"What medicine did you eat? Do you bring it here?" Director Li asked.

Essie nodded and took out the medicine bottle from her handbag.

Director Li poured out a pill, looked at it and asked, "Where did you buy it?"

"My husband bought it for me. He said it was brought from Germany. It has no side effect."

"Yes, there was no side effect, neither was there any effect of contraception." Director Li laughed. She

pointed at the medicine and said, "It's the vitamin C, not the contraception."

what? Seeing these two letters, she would not associate them to be the vitamin C, as she had never

seen them before.

Amy patted her forehead and said, "I know, sister Yi, your husband must want a baby very much and

he doesn't want you to use any method of birth control, so he cheat you with the vitamin C."

There was no need to say. That bastard, son of a bitch, liar, evil! He was sure that she was a little fool

and would not be

able to find out. So he changed the medicine and lied to her that it was contraceptive. Then he fed her

the baby without being noticed.

Amy's aunt, looked at the blood test and smiled, "You are really pregnant, for two weeks."

Hearing that, Essie felt dizzy. "Aunt Li, | take pills every day. How can | get pregnant?" she asked.

"Yes, aunt, will it have any impact on the baby?" Amy asked politely.

"What medicine did you eat? Do you bring it here?" Director Li asked.

Essie nodded and took out the medicine bottle from her handbag.

Director Li poured out a pill, looked at it and asked, "Where did you buy it?"

"My husband bought it for me. He said it was brought from Germany. It has no side effect."

"Yes, there was no side effect, neither was there any effect of contraception." Director Li laughed. She

pointed at the medicine and said, "It's the vitamin C, not the contraception."

what? Seeing these two letters, she would not associate them to be the vitamin C, as she had never

seen them before.

Amy patted her forehead and said, "| know, sister Yi, your husband must want a baby very much and

he doesn't want you to use any method of birth control, so he cheat you with the vitamin C."

There was no need to say. That bastard, son of a bitch, liar, evil! He was sure that she was a little fool

and would not be

able to find out. So he changed the medicine and lied to her that it was contraceptive. Then he fed her

the baby without being noticed.


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