Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 611 An Incredible Truth

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Zac was in a mess and felt a row of crows flying in front of him. Sooner or later, these two little devil

kings would piss him off to spit blood.

"Your mommy is mine, and so are you. Is it necessary for me to be jealous of Hanson? He is more or

less jealous of me."

"In that case, what do you mind if we go out with daddy Hanson?" Dot asked.

"I'm just worried about your safety. You can play if you want. You must have bodyguards with you." Zac

gave him a reproachful look.

"Okay, we will obey your arrangement." Dot nodded, giving him a step down. After all, the great devil

king was a domineering ruler. If he really irritated him, he would probably be punished to be locked up.

Looking at the three of them, Essie covered her mouth and snickered. It seemed that no matter how

powerful the big devil king was, he couldn't resist the two little devil kings.

Back to the Blue Sea and Sunny Sky, Zac's face was still gloomy.

Essie poured him a glass of milk and said, "Hanson and I are just good friends now. Are you really so

mean that you are not happy because he had dinner with us?"

Zac reached out his hand and touched her slightly raised belly. "I'm just thinking about your mother. We

have already held a wedding, but she still can't accept me."

"If you want mom to accept you, you have to do your mom's job first. Only when the grudge between

them is resolved, she will accept you without any hesitation." Said Essie.

Zac understood what she meant, but his mother never thought she was wrong. How could she

apologize to his mother-in-law and ask for her forgiveness? What's more, the matter was so serious

that even an apology could not solve it.

"Why should the resentment of the last generation affect the next generation?" He sighed.

"Your family and the Qin family have become incompatible as fire and water, and you have issued a

family ban that you will never get married. Isn't it also because of the grudge of the last generation?"

Said Essie in a cold tone. Sometimes, things didn't happen to himself and he wouldn't feel pain.

Zac's cold eyes twinkled in the light. "You didn't forgive my mommy, did you?"

"Should I forgive her?" Essie asked. If this woman hadn't colluded with Elizabeth, she would have a

happy family and a happy childhood.

"My mommy has changed a lot. I guess she has realized her mistake." Zac patted her on the shoulder,

not knowing whether he was comforting her or himself.

There was an imperceptible sneer on Essie's face.

A hypocrite can't be completely trusted. On the surface, she may pretend to be kind to you, but in fact,

she would stab you in the back and let you die without knowing how.

However, she didn't say it out, in case that Zac would think that she was picking on his mother with


"If my mother forgave her, I will." She said slowly. If her mother let go of her hatred, she was willing to

let it go. If she couldn't, she would be against Mary to the end, even if she was her mother-in-law.

Zac understood what she meant. "In fact, the culprit is Elizabeth. My mother must have been instigated

by her to make mistakes."

"If it weren't for her design, Mr. Baron wouldn't have had sex with Elizabeth at all. And the following

matters would not happen. And at that time, Elizabeth had no power and money. How could she fight

against my mother? If she hadn't given her advice and financial support, could she have succeeded in

getting the position? "

The angry and cold voice of Essie echoed in the air. She knew that Zac would speak for Mary. After all,

she was his mother. Even if she was unpardonable, he would not dislike her.

"In fact, no matter what she does, you won't forgive her, will you?"

"Do you know what is the biggest pain for a woman? She couldn't give birth to a baby for her beloved

man. In order to help Elizabeth get the position, your mommy bribed a doctor of Dragon City hospital.

When my mother gave birth to me, she had a ligation operation secretly, so that my mother could not

have another child. Because of this, she was despised by Mrs. Vicki, and because of this, she was

despised by my grandparents. If it were her, Mary, could she bear and forgive the chief culprit? "

Every word of Essie was like a firecracker in the ears of Zac. She didn't say it before, but today she

couldn't help but spit it out.

Zac trembled violently. He couldn't believe that his mother would do such a vicious thing.

"Are you sure it was my mommy who did it?"

"My mommy is the daughter-in-law of the Xu family. How dare ordinary people hurt her? Do you think

Elizabeth has the ability to bribe the doctor to take the risk? " Essie snorted.

"Why did my mommy do that? Even if Elizabeth is her good friend, she doesn't deserve to take such a

risk to do such a vicious thing! " Zac couldn't believe it. Everyone has a motive for committing a crime.

What is his mommy's motive?

Essie changed a comfortable posture and leaned against the sofa. "She did this not for Elizabeth, but

for herself. There is one thing you don't know. Your father dated with my mommy before. Later, he went

to the United States to explore the business of his family, and my mommy married Mr. Baron.

According to my guess, the reason why your daddy married your mommy might be stimulated by the

breakup. "

She paused, took a sip of milk and continued, "a woman who hasn't completely got her husband's

heart is always afraid of losing. Your mommy was always worried about it, and also secretly harbored

grudges against my mommy. She must be always worried that your father and my mother have a

connection, so she wants to take revenge on my mother and let her taste the feeling of her husband

being taken away. "

She spoke very slowly, but clearly, like a round bead slowly rolling on the smooth slide. Since Zac

cared so much about his mother-in-law's attitude towards him, it was the time to let him know the

grudge among the previous generation.

A muscle on Zac's handsome face twitched slightly with her words. He remembered clearly that when

he was a child, his father often took him to visit Baron's villa. He thought that he had a deep friendship

with Baron, but now it seemed that he was not going to visit him, but for Lucy.

He remembered more clearly that his father would pick up a gift for her on her birthday.

Did he still miss her after they both got married?

He took a deep breath to calm himself down and said slowly, "you know so much."

"Because we both hope to resolve the grudge among the previous generation." Said Essie seriously.

Zac picked up the milk on the tea table and drank it thoughtfully.

It was totally out of his expectation that his father and Essie's mother had such a love story.

No wonder he had a good impression of Essie when he first met her. Later, he completely supported

her unconditionally. Obviously, he had already investigated Essie and knew her background very well.

"In that case, our marriage can also be regarded as the severed fate for my daddy and your mommy."

He raised the corners of his mouth and gave a seemingly invisible playful smile, as if trying to ease the

heavy atmosphere in the hall.

Essie glanced at him helplessly. He was still in the mood to joke.

He raised his hand and put it around her shoulder. "Honey, since your mommy and my daddy were old

lovers, can't she accept me as her son-in-law for the sake of my daddy?"

"If my mother could give birth to a baby for my father, the feud between her and Mary would be solved.

Otherwise, she will only see the Mary's shadow from you." Essie sighed. Looking at Zac, it might only

remind her mother of her sad past. The accident between her and Albert, and the persecution by Mary

and Elizabeth.

Zac's black eyes narrowed, "isn't there someone who has a tube baby at the age of sixty? How about I

send for a authoritative expert in fertility in the United States to help mother-in-law and father-in-law

have a try and make a test tube baby? "

"It doesn't work." Essie shook her head like a rattle drum. She had mentioned it before, but her mother

and father denied it at the same time. Her mother was not in good health. She couldn't stand the

operation and pregnancy at all. His father was a very open-minded person. He was satisfied that he

could live with his mother for the rest of his life. He would never let her take the risk of her life.

Zac also felt that his idea was a little ridiculous, but he couldn't think of any other way except this one. It

was not easy to have a child.

"Do you have a good idea?"

"Don't worry too much. Although my mother won't forgive your mother, it's possible for her to accept

you. After all, your father is Albert." Said Essie in a teasing tone.

Zac thought for a while. If his father knew that his mother had framed him, he would probably lose his

temper and divorce his wife on the spot. He believed that Essie knew how to behave herself, so she

didn't tell the truth to his father.

However, it was hard to say whether she could endure it all the time. After all, Essie was an impulsive

person. Once she was irritated, her reason would not work.

"Then I'll wait until your mother can accept me."

With a smile, Essie raised her hand to touch her slightly raised belly. "I've made up my mind that the

baby will be born with my surname. When your family forced me to change Mili and Dot's surname, I

was a little unhappy. This child can also be regarded as a compensation for her and father. "

"It's up to you." Zac nodded. There was a saying that a child should pay his mother's debt. If his

mother-in-law could accept it, he was willing to pay the debt for his mother.

At the corner of the stairs, Mili and Dot were eavesdropping on their parents. They had been worried

that their parents would quarrel because of daddy Hanson, so they didn't dare to go away. They didn't

expect that they were talking about grandmas.

After sneaking back to her room, Mili climbed onto her small bed and pouted. "It's so complicated

among adults. There are so many things between grandparents."

Zac also felt that his idea was a little ridiculous, but he couldn't think of any other way except this one. It

was not easy to have a child.

"Do you have a good idea?"

"Don't worry too much. Although my mother won't forgive your mother, it's possible for her to accept

you. After all, your father is Albert." Said Essie in a teasing tone.

Zac thought for a while. If his father knew that his mother had framed him, he would probably lose his

temper and divorce his wife on the spot. He believed that Essie knew how to behave herself, so she

didn't tell the truth to his father.

However, it was hard to say whether she could endure it all the time. After all, Essie was an impulsive

person. Once she was irritated, her reason would not work.

"Then I'll wait until your mother can accept me."

With a smile, Essie raised her hand to touch her slightly raised belly. "I've made up my mind that the

baby will be born with my surname. When your family forced me to change Mili and Dot's surname, |

was a little unhappy. This child can also be regarded as a compensation for her and father. "

"It's up to you." Zac nodded. There was a saying that a child should pay his mother's debt. If his

mother-in-law could accept it, he was willing to pay the debt for his mother.

At the corner of the stairs, Mili and Dot were eavesdropping on their parents. They had been worried

that their parents would quarrel because of daddy Hanson, so they didn't dare to go away. They didn't

expect that they were talking about grandmas.

After sneaking back to her room, Mili climbed onto her small bed and pouted. "It's so complicated

among adults. There are so many things between grandparents."


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