Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 418 Complaint

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It was because of Hanson. He thought she would be sad about the wedding between him and Leila. He

misunderstood. She would never cry for him but for Hanson.

"You are such a coward, crying for a man." His tone became as cold as ice, freezing the air around him.

Yes, she was a loser. She was abandoned by him, but she was still willing to be his mistress. She had

decided to make a clear break with him, and she still couldn't help missing him day and night, and now

she was tortured to faint because of him holding a wedding with someone else. How cheap she was!

However, people were just so strange. They could control their hands and feet, but could not control

their hearts.

Once a person's heart was manipulated by love, it would become blind, abandon self-esteem and do

anything. Even if he knew there was a mountain of fire and blade in front of him, he would be unable to

help but bury himself into it.

"I have all kinds of shortcomings. I am stupid and confused. I am not ambitious. I love to be cheap, and

I am not as good as your first love Leila. So I deserve to be divorced by you when I am dying in the

hospital. I deserve to be replaced by your first love. I deserve to be a laughing stock in the whole

Dragon City." She stared at him angrily and insidiously. She couldn't control her tone, which was almost


Zac's thin lips trembled. He wanted to say something, but he didn't make a sound. He just sighed sadly.

After a moment's silence, he said, "if it hadn't been for this matter, your mother still wouldn't have let us

be together. Will you have the courage to defy her?"

With a shudder, she lowered her eyes, as if she had lost all courage in an instant.

She couldn't fight against it. Although it was not a deep-rooted hatred, without Mary, her family would

not break up. She and her mother would not have a narrow escape. And the Xu family would not be in

such a situation.

The most hateful thing was that Mary had never felt any guilt. Instead, she made every effort to make it

hard for Essie. Such a person didn't deserve to be understood.

"If you were me, would you accept the child of your enemy?" She asked.

"I asked my mommy, and she told me that she just provided some kind help to Elizabeth, and she didn't

hurt your mother," Zac explained.

"You believe her?" She sneered and thought that a hypocritical woman like Mary would never confess

her crime.

Zac understood her doubt. "My mother is not a bad person. After all, Elizabeth is her good friend. She

couldn't be indifferent when she came to ask her for help." He hoped that all of this was a

misunderstanding, a misunderstanding between his mother and Lucy. As long as the matter was made

clear, the previous grudges could be resolved.

Essie looked at Zac coldly and criticized him in a sharp voice, "I knew you would take your mother's


"Yes, I'm talking about the right thing and the wrong person. Can you guarantee that your mother didn't

vent her anger on my mother because of Elizabeth?" Zac frowned. It was possible to hate Mary

because of Elizabeth.

With a snort, Essie said, "Zac, do you know the difference between premeditation and murder?"

Zac was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"Go back and ask your mommy." She turned her head away, as if she didn't want to talk to him


"I will figure it out." Zac squinted and a sharp cold light flashed through his eyes.

The dishes on the table had already become cold. Zac asked the bodyguards to heat them up before

bringing them. After saying that, Essie felt hungry and began to eat.

When Zac didn't come back at night, Leila was worried again. She was afraid that he would go to see

Landis and made many phone calls.

"You'd better go back, in case she's suspicious again. Since you've decided to be her real husband,

don't create any more gossip." She lay on the bed side and played the iPad. She would just play

games to kill the boring night when Zac came back.

Zac turned off the phone and put it back in his pocket. "Don't spoil women too much, or things will be

out of control." His eyes fixed on her while speaking, as if he was talking about her.

She didn't look up at him during the game, but her heart had been very emotional. Although they had

registered for marriage, it was not justifiable for them not to hold a wedding ceremony. Now that they

were married and they were going to hold a wedding ceremony, it could be regarded as valid. It was

none of her business how he wanted to live with Leila. She had no right to interfere in it.

Then, the two didn't talk much. They sat down on their own businesses, but their eyes were full of each

other, and couldn't contain anyone else.

The next morning, the doctor did a complete physical examination for her. When he was sure that there

was nothing wrong with her except for malnutrition, he was finally relieved.

As the two of them walked out of the hospital, they bumped into Alice.

At the sight of Zac, mixed with surprise and ruthlessness, Alice pulled a long face.

"Are you all right? You called me yesterday to say you need to stay in the hospital for observation,

which scared me to death." She pretended to care about Essie before she turned to glance at Zac and

asked, "ex-brother-in-law, why are you here?"

"I happened to be here." Zac shrugged and didn't tell her the truth on purpose.

"What a coincidence!" As a matter of fact, Alice didn't believe what Essie said at all. She pretended to

go to the bathroom. She told Essie to wait outside before she went to the nurse room in secret. When

she learned that Zac had been staying in the ward to look after her for the whole night, her face

became gloomy. She quickly took out her cell phone and dialed Leila's phone number.

"Mrs. Leila, please take good care of your husband. Don't let him always harass my sister."

Leila was surprised to hear that. She had thought that Zac had gone to see Landis, but it turned out

that he was with Essie.

"Alice, what do you mean?" She pretended to be surprised and knew nothing.

"Your husband was with my sister last night. Aren't you going to have the wedding? Why is he still

chasing after my sister? Does he want to keep one eye on the bowl and the other on the pan? " Alice's

voice was very sharp. She wanted to irritate Leila to make her feel the sense of crisis and hold onto

Zac by all means.

Leila clenched her phone. Although she felt much better after hearing what they said at the restaurant

that day, she was still worried. After all, they had been together for so long. There would be feelings

even if there was no love. She couldn't let down her guard. Even if there was love, she had to stifle it.

After hanging up the phone, a sinister smile appeared on Alice's face. As long as she was there, it was

impossible for them to get back together.

"Mr. Zac, thank you very much. But I have to remind you that you are married now. If you stay with my

sister alone in a room, there must be someone talking about you behind your back. And your wife might

misunderstand you. So it's better not to do such things again. If anything happens to my sister, I'll take

care of her. You don't need to worry about her. " She looked at Zac and said bluntly.

It seemed that Zac didn't hear what she said at all. He stared at Essie and said, "after you go back

home, eat more. Don't let me see you like a ghost next time." Then he left.

When he was out of sight, Alice poked at Essie's forehead and said, "Why are you with him again?

When I was leaving, mom asked me to take good care of you and stop you being deluded by Zac. It's

only a few days, but you seem to be sick again."

"Sister, nothing happened between him and me. He just took care of me for the sake of business

cooperation. Don't get me wrong." Explained Essie.

"You are not allowed to meet him again." The tone of Alice was strong and firm.

"Sister, a divorce doesn't necessarily mean an enemy. Moreover, the Xu's Group is in a cooperative

relationship with the Rong's Group. It's impossible for us not to meet." Said Essie.

"Then you needn't to cooperate with the Rong's Group. Cooperate with the Qin family. Our Xu family

and the Qin family will cooperate together to defeat their great families and take revenge for you." Alice

said half-jokingly.

Essie then cast a meaningful glance at Alice. Hearing this, Essie was more certain that before she

regained her memory, the Xu's Group couldn't be handed over to her. Otherwise, it must be in a mess.

"Sis, no matter how your relationship with Fell is, even if you marry into the Qin family and become the

daughter-in-law of the Qin family, the strategic cooperation between us and the Rong's Group won't

change. As for whether we will cooperate with the Qin family or not, it depends on the specific situation.


The expression on Alice's face darkened. "Essie, I heard that my dad is authorized that he appointed

me and you to run the Xu's Group, so we should discuss with each other and reach a consensus on

such a great matter. Don't you think so?"

With a slight smile on her face, Essie said, "sister, although we're decision-maker, we can't decide on

the group's affairs. We need the approval of most members of the board of directors."

Alice rolled her brown eyes and put on a strange look. "Essie, I don't want to be only a vice president.

Since my dad let us take over the Xu's Group together, should we redistribute our positions? You'll be

the chairman of the company. I'll be the president of the company. Or I'll be the chairman and you will

be the president. "

"But sis, business is a war, not a game. How dare I hand over the company to you while you are talking

like that?"

"I just don't want to be too serious so I said that on purpose. Don't worry. I can manage the company

well. " But at the same time, Alice put her arm around Essie's shoulders to show their affection.

Essie sighed again and said, "sister, I know what you mean. As long as you recover your memory, I'll

arrange everything for you, no matter it's the chairman or the president. But before that, you'd better

get familiar with the business of the company first. "

A streak of malicious and cold light flashed through Alice's eyes. Although Essie spoke that in an

affected manner, she was actually omnipotent in terms of power, wasn't she? But no one was willing to

give up this position. She had to take it back by herself.


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