Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 440 Be A Lobbyist

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"You bastard! You are just like your mother, rude and impolite and ill-bred." Mary was so angry that her

mouth was trembling. She raised her hand and wanted to hit Mili. But she was stopped by Zac. "If you

dare to hit Mili, you are not my mommy from now on!"

"You..." Mary was about to explode. She was worried about her son. He lost his mind, for the sake of

this bitch.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Rong. As long as you're alive, I won't be with your son again. I won't be with the son

of my enemy," Essie said, as she pulled the two kids behind her.

Mary's stomach twitched a little. She was afraid that Essie would say something she shouldn't say, so

she softened her tone. "Zac has his own family and you are going to get married. If you continue to

argue with each other, you will hurt a lot of people."

Essie didn't say anything. She just took a glance at Zac and said, "I'm taking care of the kids. Bye!"

Then, she took Mili and Dot and went out.

"Mommy," Rabi cried sadly at the back of the car. As a little boy, he could not understand such a

complicated situation. He just felt that he would not be able to see his mommy and brother and sister

for a long time after they left.

Taking Rabi in his arms, Zac coaxed him. Then he asked the bodyguards to take him out for fun. He

had planned to go to the Children's Park with the kids in the afternoon, but his mother's drama spoiled

all his plans.

"Mommy, I hope you won't interfere with my affairs because of your personal problem. I know what I

should do."

Mary was furious. "Your wife is Leila. You are responsible for her. And you still have feelings for Essie.

Didn't you ever think about hurting her?"

Zac snorted and there was a touch of cruelty on his face. "Now you know you are here to protect my

marriage. You tried every means to make me divorce, and you kept stuffing other women into my

marriage. Did you have a double standard?"

"You and Essie are not meant to be together. I don't think she will be a good wife. But Leila is different.

She is better than Essie in every aspect. I'm satisfied with her. So I hope you can set your mind at rest

and live a better life with her," Mary said.

A trace of sharp light flashed in Zac' dark cold eyes. "Mommy, are you afraid of Essie?"

Mary trembled. "What am I afraid of? Why do I have to be afraid of her?" I am the hostess of Rong

family. Even if she takes over the Xu group now, she dares not do anything to me."

Zac looked at her with his eyes full of sharp judgement, piercing into the darkest part of her heart.

"There are two reasons why people hate others. The first is because of hatred, and the second is

because of fear. I think you are the second. Essie knows your secret. You are afraid that your

reputation will be ruined if she leak it out. That's why you are always afraid of her. You want to drive her

away from me, don't you? "

Mary swallowed, trying to stay calm. Only a muscle on her face was twitching slightly, which showed

that she was frightened. She said, "Zac, that woman is very cunning. No matter what she said to you,

you can't believe it, okay?"

"I only believe in my own judgment." Zac said in a firm tone. "I feel like you are lying. You are not telling

the truth about what happened in the past."

"I didn't lie." Mary replied decisively. She would never admit what she had done. Even if Essie laid out

her crimes one by one, she would never admit it. She had to provide solid evidence to testify against

her, but after so many years, it was impossible to have any evidence.

"Mommy, I just hope that you can dissolve the resentment between you and Luce Du." There was

nothing he could do about his mother's stubbornness.

"I don't have any grudge to dissolve with her." Mary snorted. She would keep it to herself until she died.

Zac didn't say anything more. He was very disappointed with his mother. But he had to make it clear, or

there would be no chance for him and Essie to be together again.

On the way back, Mili sat beside her mother, feeling her face tenderly with her little hand. "Mommy,

does it hurt?"

"Mommy is fine." Essie touched her head and forced a smile.

"Daddy is a good man. Why is his mommy so bad? She is a witch." Mili said angrily with her arms

around her chest.

"She who grows old but would not earn the respect of others," Dot opened his small mouth and said.

"My babies," Holding them in her arms, Essie said, "You can't do this to her. After all, she is your


"I don't want her to be my grandmother. She is helping the bad mistress to bully you. She is not a good

person." Mili pouted. Anyone who bullied her Mommy would not be a good person. She was familiar

with the notorious fame about her evil grandmother.

"Mommy, you'd better not be with Daddy. Otherwise, the bad grandma will often bully you," Dot said.

Mili sighed sadly. With such a bad grandma, it seemed that her parents would never be together again.

When she came back, she took out her iPad and wanted to have a good chat with Zac.

At this time, Zac just sent Rabi back to the Rong Mansion. Since the Tomb Sweeping Day was drawing

near, people in the Rong Mansion were busy preparing for it. The grandparents of the Rong family

would come back in a few days.

After received Mili's message, Zac went upstairs to his room to avoid being disturbed.

"You must be scared today. On behalf of grandma, I apologize to you," Zac answered.

"Bad grandma doesn't like mommy. She won't allow you to be with Mommy, will she?" Mili said

dejectedly as she sending a frustrated emoji.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Zac sighed.

"Daddy, if you were with Mommy, would bad grandma often bully Mommy?"

"No, I will protect Mommy," Zac replied immediately.

"You can't be with mommy all day long. Maybe she will take the chance to bully Mommy when you're

not home." Mili was worried about her. She often saw on TV that an evil mother-in-law often bullied her

daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law was so pitiful in the drama.

"When I was not here, I sent some bodyguards to protect Mommy." Zac shook his head with a bitter

smile. He had never thought that his mother would be the biggest obstacle to his marriage.

"Daddy, I wanted you and mommy to be together again in the past. But now I have thought carefully.

Mommy is more suitable to be with daddy Hanson. Bad grandma doesn't like mommy. When they

quarrel with each other in the future, you will always be in a dilemma. You will often be upset. My

grandma Xia loves my mommy very much. She is very nice to my mommy. From now on, Mommy will

be on good terms with her and there will be no family dispute between them. " Mili sent a sad Emoji.

Hearing that, the corners of Zac's mouth twitched. He felt like he had been abandoned. He had been

passive enough. Now even the children did not support him anymore.

"Mili, there's just some misunderstanding between Mommy and grandma. I'll figure it out and

explain it to them later, then everything will be fine," Zac explained.

"I can see that she's on the side of the bad mistress. She's helping the bad mistress to bully my

mommy. They'll definitely work together to deal with my mommy. As long as they're there, it'll be difficult

for you and mommy to be together again," Mili analyzed.

Zac was clear that now Leila and his mother were on the same boat, trying to stop him from getting

back together with Essie. The most hateful thing was that he was now very passive. As long as the

virus in her body was not cleared up, he would not be able to do anything.

At this time, Mary was thinking about how to let Leila accept by the elders of the Rong family as soon

as possible. Only when her relationship with Zac was stable, there would be no chance for Essie. And

in the morning, Leila knelt down and cried to beg her for help, so that the elders of the Rong family

would accept her. She agreed. She didn't care who would marry her son as long as it wasn't Essie.

She prepared an afternoon tea and asked her husband and son to come to the garden.

"Albert, I'm wondering if you are too harsh on Leila. After all, she was brought up by Qin family. It's not

very kind to break off the relationship with Qin family. After so many years of ups and downs, she and

Zac finally got married and she held the wedding secretly. Do you want Leila to come back to worship

the ancestors together this time?" She said so as if it was for the kids' sake.

"You woman's dumb opinion!" Albert said slowly. He would never make a concession on this matter,

and the elders voiced the same opinion.

"What I care most about is our son's happiness. His happiness is more important than anything else."

While she was talking, she was not only talking to Albert, but also to Zac.

Zac stole a glance at her with a meaningful look. If she really cared about his own happiness, she

wouldn't stop him from being with Essie again and again.

"Mommy, it's not only daddy's idea, it's also mine. When Leila gets married to me, she can only be my

wife, not a daughter-in-law of the Rong family. Only when she completely breaks off the relationship

with Qin family can she enter our Rong family." His attitude was very determined, and he completely

blocked out her excuses just now.

"Zac, you'll hurt each other in this way." Mary sighed heavily. Now, Leila was the best tool for her to

destroy Essie. She had to help her, just to make Essie disappear.

"I married her under so much pressure. Shouldn't she make some sacrifices for me? If she couldn't

even leave this little family bond behind, it means that she doesn't really love me," Zac said slowly.

"The favor of raising her is greater than everything. They are her foster parents. If we ask her to break

the relationship, we will let her be a ruthless person," Mary said earnestly, totally different from what

she had done in the Italian restaurant at noon.

"Mommy, I told her about the consequences before we got married. I let her make a choice. Since she

had chosen me, she should be mentally prepared. But you can't have it both ways." There was a touch

of coldness in Zac's tone.


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