Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 517 Leila's Trick

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Lucy was a little depressed. She had lied in order to cut off the relationship between her daughter and

Zac. Now that they had known the truth, it was impossible for them to not meet each other again.

The day before yesterday, she called Hanson to comfort him, asking him not to give up. She would try

to make her daughter reconciled with him. Now the exposure of the children made it more difficult for

them to get together.

"Essie, I have to say it in advance. You are different from the children. They will be glad to have their

father, but you can't be with Zac anymore."

Hearing that, Essie lowered her head and didn't say a word. She thought that she had to calm herself

down for the time being and solve some problems first, then she could dissolve the matter among the

older generation.

With a smile on her face, Alice said, "Mom, don't worry. Zac has been married. He and Leila are going

to have a child soon. Essie won't go back with him." Alice said these words on purpose to stimulate

Essie. She wanted to make her give up the idea of restoring her relationship with Zac.

Essie shrugged and said in a casual tone, "I'm dating with Hanson now. I have never thought of

restoring the relationship with Zac."

"That's good." Lucy said with a smile.

Mili took a look at Lucy, and a hint of dissatisfaction appeared on her face. "Grandma, dad is dad,

grandma is grandma. Grandma is not good, but daddy is good. Why don't you want mommy and daddy

to be reconciled? Mili and Dot want a complete family. We don't want daddy and mommy to separate. "

Lucy was stunned. This was the first time she heard such words from Mili. "Mili, don't you like daddy

Hanson very much? If mommy and daddy Hanson are together, you can also have a complete family. "

"We do like daddy Hanson and want to live with him, but daddy won't agree. If mommy and daddy

Hanson get married, we have to leave mommy and live in the Rong Mansion, just like our brother.

Daddy said we were from the Rong family. We can't live with others. " Mili said seriously.

Hearing that, the corners of Lucy's mouth twitched slightly. She hadn't thought about that before. Since

the Rong family was so powerful, they had changed the surnames of the children. If Essie marry into

the Xia family with the children, they would never agree.

"It would be great if your father could wake up. Then someone will help you." She sighed.

"Mom, you're wrong. If dad were here, he would only advise me to give up on the custody of the kids.

Dot are the great grandson of Rong family, and will become the head of the family in the future. This is

a great benefit to Xu family, which is also what he wants. "

"Don't worry. If the Rong family really wants to take these kids from us, we should hide them

somewhere and prevent them from finding," "I'll do it. I promise you that I'll take the kids to a place they

won't find." Alice promised to Essie.

Essie took a glance at her and said, "sister, the children have their own ideas now. If Zac really want to

fight for the custody of the children in the future, I will respect their opinions. If they want to be together

with Zac, just let them go back to Rong family."

"How can it be? They are your children. We can't let him take them away. " Alice didn't agree with


"They are also the children of Zac." Essie's eyes darkened and looked very determined.

Dot crossed his arms over his chest and fixed his big eyes on them. After a while, he said in a low

voice, "everything will be solved if mommy and daddy get back together. Marriage and relationship are

their own business. It's not up to others to decide. "

"Adults are complicated. You are too young to understand." Alice gave him a stern look. She thought

that Mili and Dot were too smart.

"It's because you adults are too selfish and greedy to consider all kinds of interests that the simple

things become complicated." Dot countered slowly and steadily.

At the mention of this, Alice chocked and then turned to Essie and said, "your son is just like the

second Zac."

Essie smiled and touched Dot's head, saying, "it's said that a son is like his father. It's quite normal for

a son to look like his father."

Alice cured her lip secretly. In her opinion, that was not a good thing.

While they were talking, Leila had already quietly gone to Yang City. She wanted to see Hanson. Her

cooperative partners let her wait for a good time, but she couldn't. She heard from Mary that Abel and

Alena had decided to let Dot be the fifth leader of the family. If she didn't deal with Dot as soon as

possible, she wouldn't be able to sleep or eat well.

Hanson frowned when he saw Leila. Actually, he didn't like her at all.

"If you come to me because of Christina, please go. I have nothing to do with her."

"I didn't come for her. She deserves it. I can't help her either. I came here for the sake of Essie and

Zac." Leila replied leisurely.

Hanson's expression softened a little. "If there's anything, you can say it directly. Don't beat about the


"Have you heard about Mili and Dot?" Leila picked up the coffee on the table, had a sip of it and asked


"They are the children of Zac. It's only a matter of time before they get reunited with him." He tried to

keep calm even though he felt restless inside.

With a heavy sigh, Leila pretended to look very painful. "In fact, Zac is a man of liberties. After he

married me, there have been many gossips about him. What's more, he was so possessive that any

woman who was with him would lose her freedom. The reason why he took advantage of Christina and

ruined your wedding was to turn Essie into his plaything. Even if he had been tired of her and didn't

want her any more, he won't allow other men to touch her. "

Hanson's eyebrows twisted with her words, and there was a sudden anger in his eyes. "I don't think I'll

allow him to hurt Essie anymore."

"Now that he knows the identity of the children, he can make use of them to get close to Essie at any

time. As for you, I'm afraid there's no possibility for you to win her." Leila continued to add fuel to the


Hanson gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. His handsome face was red with anger. He snorted with

anger and breathed quickly. "That's why you are here?" he asked. He said through gritted teeth.

"Of course not. I hope you can cooperate with me." Leila shook her head. She was quite satisfied with

Hanson's reaction. She believed that his hatred towards Zac and his love for Essie could make him do


"What kind of partnership?" A sharp light flashed across Hanson's eyes. He was filled with anger.

"We have to figure out a way to completely break up the relationship between Zac and Essie. Let them

never get back together." Leila said word by word, stressing each syllable.

Hanson picked up the coffee cup and took a small sip. He calmed down a little bit and asked, "do you

have any idea?"

With a slight smile on her face, Leila said, "of course there is a way. It depends on whether you dare to

do it or not."

Hanson leaned against the back of the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked at her deeply. His eyes were

sharp and gloomy. "Let's talk about your idea."

Leila shrugged her shoulders and said, "it's not a big deal. All you need to do is to lure that kid Dot out.

I will handle this. I know he is close to you and treats you as his father. He won't be wary of you. "

She said lightly and wasn't going to tell Hanson her plan. However, Hanson was not a fool. He smiled

coldly and said, "Leila, if you want me to cooperate with you, tell me all the original plan, or you can


The veins on Leila's forehead throbbed slightly. Looking at the firm and unshakable expression on

Hanson's face, she knew that if she did not say anything, he would never cooperate.

Something flashed in her dark and sinister eyes. She said, "I'm planning to arrange a kidnap, so that

Zac and Essie will witness the death of their son. Zac couldn't save his son, and Ethan would definitely

hate him to the core. At the same time, Zac would also blame Essie for not protecting her son well. By

then, they will definitely hate each other and break up thoroughly. "

After a pause, she added, "of course, I won't let the child really die. I will only hide him away and let him

grow up safe and sound. So you don't need to worry about it."

She said these words to comfort Hanson, in case that he would be too hesitant to make up his mind. In

fact, she wouldn't let Dot live in this world. He must die.

He looked calmer than Leila had expected. He took a sip of coffee slowly and stood up, "Leila, you

don't have to play the prank. You will never let him go. You are afraid that he will fight with your child for

the position of the director of the Rong family. You will kill him."

Leila quivered slightly, whose thought was revealed by his words. She said, "don't think me so vicious. I

will be a mother. I can't bear to kill a child. I'll hide him somewhere that no one can find them. "

She tried her best to cover it up, but she was very clear that wherever she hid Dot, he would be found

by Zac. Only death could make him disappear in the world forever.

Hanson gave a cold smile and said in a cold voice, "enough! Leila, you don't have to say good for

yourself. In fact, I have no feelings for the two children at all. On the contrary, I hate them very much.

They are the children of Zac. They just like thorns which have been deeply rooted in my heart. I can't

wait for them to disappear from this world. Only in this way can I feel at ease. " He said heartlessly,

coldly and decisively, with undisguised hatred and disgust on his face.

A faint smile appeared on Leila's face when she heard this.

That was to say, how could Hanson accept the child of his love and rival without any hesitation?

The so-called liking was nothing but a disguise. He was only trying to please Essie.


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