Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 656 Mother In Law's Plot (Part One)

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Eva and Jim were driving on their way back,.

The night spread its black wings on the cold ground, covering the sea, glacier, forest and houses.

The sky was like a boundless ocean, quiet and mysterious. The stars were incomparably bright, quietly

overlooking the world.

All of a sudden, a magical ribbon of light like a rainbow shone out from the seven stars of the North

dipper. It was sometimes moving and sometimes quiet, like smoke or fog, or like a light waterfall

pouring out from the sky.

This was a firework feast given by nature, full of mystery and surprise.

"It's so beautiful." Eva sighed. She had no regrets in her life since she had seen such a spectacular


"It's more beautiful to see it in my villa," Jim said in a low voice, with a touch of impatience in his eyes.

The phone call really ruined his mood. Wasn't it just an accident? They could just deal with it directly.

Why did they have to ask this heaven pepper back?

When they arrived at the hotel, they found that it wasn't Yancy who was in trouble, but her assistant,


Yancy asked Rita to charge her hand warmer bag, but she didn't expect that the hand warmer bag

would explode in the middle of the charge, with hot liquid inside splashing. Rita's face and hand were

seriously scalded, and she was being rescued in the hospital.

Yancy was frightened. Fortunately, she was not there, or she would be disfigured.

"Sis Eva, where did you buy this hand warming bag? It must be a fake and inferior product. You have to

ask the factory for compensation," Yancy said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Yancy. I didn't expect that." After saying that, she turned around and walked to Mandy who

was not far away. "Mandy, think about it carefully. Where did you buy this hand warming bag? Is the

trademark still left on it? We have to ask the legal department to make a compensation claim to the


There was an imperceptible treacherous look and a little disappointment in Mandy's eyes. She had

never expected that Eva would lend her hand warming bag to Yancy.

"I used it several times, but it didn't had any problem. It must be because of the inappropriate operation

of Rita." Mandy pouted.

"Sister Mandy, it's not the time to look into it. Just think about it. Which shop did you buy it from?"

Yancy said.

Mandy's big black eyes fluttered left and right for two times. "I bought it at a roadside stall when I went

to the night market."

"Are you kidding me? You don't lack money. Don't you have any sense of safety to buy this kind of

product?" Yancy was speechless.

Mandy rolled her eyes at her and said, "I've been using it all the time. Nothing happened. Why did it

explode as soon as I arrived at your place? I don't know if it's a moral problem of you." She was angry

that her plan failed. If it weren't for the fact that Yancy borrowed the hand warming bag, Eva would be

the one who was lying in the hospital now, her task would have been completed.

Hearing this, Yancy was furious, "Mandy Lu, what do you mean? You are still the pillar of Yang City's

satellite TV station. How can you be so mean?"

"Well, Yancy, Mandy is also a victim. Now our main problem is to save Rita. If she needs a plastic

surgery, I will pay for it," Eva said.

Hearing this, Yancy stopped talking. The two of them were both more famous than her. Anyway, it was

not her who was injured, and it was not good for her to offend them.

Walking up to the person in charge of the crew of the program, he said with a gloomy face, "From now

on, you can deal with this kind of trifle by yourselves. Don't disturb me."

The man in charge nodded and bowed, and apologized again, afraid of offending him. However, he felt

a little wronged. He called Eva, not this crown prince!

Eva was a little sleepy. When she was about to go back to her room, she was stopped by him. "Come

to my room. I have something to tell you."

"It's too late. I don't think it's a good idea." Eva curled his lips and thought, 'I have to avoid arousing

suspicion. I can't let my little Vinton misunderstand me.'

"It must be worse if I carry you on my shoulder," he threatened her word by word.

Eva was speechless. "Okay, ten minutes." There must be no misunderstanding in such a short time.

After entering the presidential suite, Jim closed the door, crossed his arms over his chest and looked at

her deeply. "You need to be careful and keep an eye on Mandy Lu from now on."

Eva chuckled and said disapprovingly, "Mandy just accidentally bought some fake and inferior goods.

Don't take her as a sinner. It normal that people have been fooled several times in a life time."

Before she finished speaking, she was knocked hard on the head by him. "I always see people

accurately. This woman doesn't really treat you as her best friend."

"We are now in the recovery period of our friendship." Eva wrinkled her nose at him.

"People are afraid of making friends carelessly." Jim glared at her. Women must keep their besties on

guards. That was the correct way.

"I grew up with Mandy and Essie. We have been in the iron triangle friendship for so many years. I

believe our friendship can stand the test," Eva said seriously.

"Essie and you are iron friendship. But this Mandy, forget it. You are such a stupid woman. If you are

sold by her, I guess you will still be grateful to her." Jim looked at her with a sneer.

Hearing this, she rolled her eyes at him and said, "It's me who was sold, not you. What are you worried


His handsome face darkened. Of course, her life or death had nothing to do with him, but...


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