Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 540 The Fight Between The Rival In Love

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"Mrs. Rose, mommy, let's drink together. I'm glad that you can come to our family dinner today." Essie

raised her glass.

Mary put on a false smile. After clinking glasses, she took a sip and said, "I heard that you came here

to sell this kind of rose red wine to China."

Lady Rose nodded. "Irene and I have been investigating the wine market in China in the past two days.

We find that the Chinese people like red wine almost as much as French people, especially young

people. I believe that the wine of our Rose Wine Manor will be very popular here."

"It's better to invest cautiously. After all, there are countless red wine brands in China now." Mary

deliberately splashed cold water on Lady Rose, hoping that she could go back to Provence as soon as

possible, as far away from her.

"Don't worry. We are going to the high-end market. The wine in the Rose Chateau is popular among the

aristocrats not only in France, but also in Europe. I believe that the new rich people in the city will like it

very much. " Said Essie confidently.

An imperceptible cold light flashed through Mary's eyes. She always felt that this little tramp was selling

red wine as a cover, and she must be thinking of other bad ideas. If she wanted to use Lady Rose to

deal with her, then she would make a wrong plan. She would not let her succeed.

"Young people are always impetuous. They won't give up until they encounter some setbacks."

"It doesn't matter. Zac is here. He is the king of investment. As long as he gives me some instructions,

not to mention that money can produce money, even stones can turn into gold." Hearing that, Essie

smiled slightly. This investment was approved by Zac, so she was not worried at all.

Hearing this, Irene cried out. Her admiration for Zac was deeper. She didn't expect that [Zac was so

talented. She admired the man most.

Zac didn't say anything. He just held her hand with a rare modest smile on his face. He was satisfied

with his wife's trust.

After that, no one spoke, and the lunch quietly ended in a calm atmosphere.

After sending Lady Rose, Irene and Mary away, Essie quickly put the cups they had drunk in a vacuum

bag and handed them to Ford, asking him to send them for DNA testing. Whether Lady Rose had

anything to do with Mary would be soon determined.

In the evening, the celebrities of Dragon City began to enter a crazy state.

Because Vinton, the eldest son of the Xu family, held a birthday party in the midnight club tonight.

He was the king of parties in Dragon City. Everyone would have a good time at his parties.

Of course, Vinton's female companion was no other than Eva. But his fiancee, Wendy, who was

designated by Elizabeth, also came without invitation. To be exact, she came with Valery.

Valery was always rude in front of Vinton, and even her words were like boss giving orders to his


"Vinton, Wendy is your fiancee. Today is your birthday. You should be with her. You'd better let those

unimportant women go."

Vinton was furious, "it's none of your business." He said angrily, and then took Eva's hand and walked

inside. He didn't want to talk to her anymore.

How could Valery stop? Anyone who was close to Essie was her enemy, and Eva was Essie's best

friend, and her second enemy.

"Vinton, do you want to rebel? How dare you not listen to mommy? "

"I only listen to myself." Vinton snorted and said in a tough tone.

Eva glanced at Valery coldly. She had the same thought with Valery. The enemy of Essie was her

enemy, and Valery was one of them.

"Miss Valery, Vinton is your brother, not your subordinate. You should respect his decision."

"Who the hell are you? You have no right to speak here." Valery raised her hand and was about to slap

Eva, but was stopped by Vinton in the air. "Valery, are you insane again? If so, I will send you to the

psychiatric hospital immediately for a year and a half. You can come back until you are fully recovered!"

Hearing this, Valery shivered and dared not say anything more.

Vinton took Eva to the seat of birthday hero. After a short while, Essie came. Eva waved at her and

asked her to sit opposite.

Ignoring Valery who was standing not far away, Essie went straight to her seat and gave the gift to

Vinton, "happy birthday, brother."

"Thank you." Vinton smiled.

Seeing that he was so friendly to Essie, Valery was furious. Her brother was really seduced by a tramp

and became unfriendly to her.

Standing next to her, Wendy stamped her feet and said angrily, "She's just an actress. What's the big


"Yes, you must defeat her and take Vinton back." Valery patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry. I have a lot of methods." Wendy sneered coldly.

In the club, the lights were flickering and the music was boiling. The top band and DJ in the world were

showing their skills, trying to make Vinton's birthday party high to a climax.

In the middle of the party, they announced something that made everyone excited. A party dancing

queen would be selected on the dance floor tonight, she would spend a good night with the birthday

hero tonight.

Eva turned to look at Vinton and said with a smile, "Vinton, it's a little hard for you to eat vegetables

every day these days. Today is your birthday, you should reward yourself."

Vinton discontentedly made a strange face and said, "Anything can happen when a man and a woman

stay in a room alone. Do you really want to push me to others?"

Without saying a word, Eva picked up the cocktail on the table and took a few sips silently. A faint smile

appeared on her face. "Forget it. I'll give you a pass this time. Anyway, there are many handsome men

here, and I won't be lonely." After saying that, she added, "remember not to overdo it."

Vinton felt as if he had been kicked into an ice cellar.

He remembered that all the women he had before had been soaked in lemonade jar, salted in

lemonade, and were jealous from head to toe.

They fought for him, crazy for him, at all costs, and he was used to being surrounded by the crowd.

Now Eva was so generous, reasonable and considerate, which made him a little uncomfortable.

He leaned against the sofa, a little disappointed and stealthily plundered his coquettish face. "Don't you

really care about me at all?"

Noticing that the atmosphere around them was greatly depressed, Essie hurriedly said, "brother, don't

you hear that? Eva said the opposite words on purpose to stimulate you. Women always say one thing

and mean another. They just say they don't care, but actually they care it very much."

Eva was shocked. She didn't really think so. Now she just regarded Vinton as her confidant. As for their

relationship, she hadn't really considered it.

"Essie, don't talk nonsense. Don't make trouble for me."

"I don't care. I just want you to be my sister-in-law as soon as possible." Essie stuck out her tongue at


Vinton smiled and gave a thumbs up to Essie, "my sister is the most considerate and cares about me

the most."

Eva broke out into a sweat. The two seemed to be on the same side. It was a loss for her to fight

against two.

At this time, Wendy came over with Valery. "I've already announced that I will work hard for Vinton to

dance for party dancing queen."

Vinton didn't even cast a glance at her, as if he hadn't heard her at all.

Eva sneered, "Miss Wendy, I'm afraid I'll let you down."

"What do you mean?" Wendy stared at her fiercely.

"I mean you can't be the queen of the party tonight." Eva said clearly and forcefully.

"Wendy majored in dancing. She was the dancing queen in the parties of the dance school every year."

Valery supported Wendy.

Wendy held up her slender neck proudly, full of confidence.

Eva cast a scornful glance at her and raised her eyebrows, "how about we PK up now?"

"Well, whoever loses, quit consciously and leave Vinton!" Wendy crossed her arms over her chest, as if

she was ready to fight.

"No, no, no!" Raising her slender index finger, Eva shook it and said, "who do you think Vinton is? It's

not up to me to decide whether to quit or not." After saying that, she said softly, "if you want to play,

play bigger."

Wendy's eyes almost popped out when she looked at them. "What do you want to do?" She said

through gritted teeth.

"Whoever loses, dance on the spot!" Eva said slowly, which shocked many people present.

The corners of Wendy's mouth twitched slightly, and she was a little panic, but she didn't show it. She

forced herself to calm down and sat back on the sofa, crossed her legs, took a sip of champagne, and

said, "Okay, if you lose, don't act shamelessly, saying that I bully you, an amateur."

"Who told you that Eva is an amateur?"

Before Wendy finished her words, a clear voice came from the side. She turned around and met the

sharp and cold eyes of Essie.

"Have you forgotten that Eva is one of the four popular female stars in the entertainment circle. She

was good at acting and dancing. She began to learn dancing when she was three years old. She was

the champion of both the young dance competition in Asia and the dance competition for university

students in the country. She is proficient in classical dance, ballet, folk dance, modern dance, Jazz and

national standard street dance. "

Essie stopped and took a sip of the cocktail. "If our Eva take part in the competition today, there must

be no opponents present." Her tone was light, slow and powerful, and a determined smile at the

corners of her mouth made Wendy feel chilly.


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