Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 396 How Could They Be The Best Match Couple

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She gave the video to her younger brother Holy, "Holy, help me take down the champagne from the

video and magnify it."

"Okay." Holy nodded and brought the laptop. Soon, he processed the photos as she ordered.

"Eva, see? What was Landis's assistant, Kent doing there?" Essie said, pointing at the screen.

"She put her left hand into the pocket." Eva widened her eyes to check it carefully. She didn't know

what was going on, but she was sure that Essie must have found something.

In the second photo, Kent pulled her hand out of her pocket. It seemed that she was holding something

in her finger. Then, Essie asked Holy to magnify the photo, and they saw it clearly. It was a white pill.

In the third photo, Kent put the pill into the champagne glass at the far left of the second floor. And from

the following photos, it could be seen that she gave the cup of champagne to Landis.

At that time, everyone was standing in front of the champagne tower and no one noticed her small

movements. The camera was on her left and recorded the whole scene.

"It was Kent who drugged Landis!" Eva was shocked.

"It turns out that you must have to have a good relationship with your assistant, or she will betray you at

any time." Essie sighed.

"Kate and I are good friends. She will never betray me." Eva was not worried about this kind of thing at


Essie smiled again and looked thoughtfully at the computer screen. It was well known that Landis had a

weird temper and was not good at her assistant. However, Kent was new here and she had only stayed

with her for a few days. Therefore, she believed that there was no deep hatred between them. She

shouldn't hate her so much to drug her to miscarry, unless...

"Should we tell Landis about this?" While she was thinking, Eva asked.

"Of course we have to say it. But first we have to find out why she did it. If she only takes money to

help others relief the disaster, it is useless to just get her out. We have to get the person behind the

scenes as well," Essie said.

Although Zac didn't want to pursue it anymore, she couldn't pretend nothing had happened. Leila threw

the bad water on her. As long as the murderer was not found out, she would be suspected. Now since

she got the clue, she must follow it up to find out who was behind all this and clear her name.

At the same time, she was going to give Leila a hard blow and let her know that she was not someone

to be trifled with. If anyone dared to attack her, she would certainly fight back. She would definitely fight

fire with fire.

Eva nodded. The next day, she went to Sino Star to collect the files of Kent as the instruction of Essie.

Essie gave her ID card and bank account to Holy and asked him to enter the bank system for

investigation. To her surprise, there was no big amount of money for recent months.

Essie was puzzled again. Was she wrong? This had nothing to do with Leila. It was Kent's own

behavior. And Leila was just using it to give her a blow?

She raised her hand and rested her chin on her hand. After thinking carefully for a while, she decided

to have a talk with Kent.

She picked up her cell phone and called Landis. It never occurred to her that Kent would be quit the

second day after she checked in the hospital.

"Landis, how about we have some tea this afternoon? I have something to tell you," she said in a low

voice and hung up. It seemed that Kent had planned it for a long time. She must be hiding now. The

only way to get the truth was to find her first. The only thing she could do was to tell Landis about what

she knew, Landis must know more about Kent than she did.

At a tea lounge in the afternoon of the next day, Essie waited for a while before Landis arrived.

"You said you have something to tell me. What is it?"

Essie showed her the key pictures that she found from the video camera.

"Yesterday, I accidentally found this scene when I was watching the video at the celebration party with

Eva. The photographer was so happy that he forgot to turn off the camera and captured the critical


Landis looked at the picture with a livid face, and her eyes continued to spit out anger. "Oh, it was the

bitch who tried to kill me. No wonder she resigned with me when I was in trouble. It turned out that she

fled to avoid punishment."

"What happened between you and her?" Essie asked.

"No, she is sweet and diligent. I used to have a good impression on her and planned to keep her

around for a long time. I didn't expect that she dared to hurt me!" Landis said angrily.

"That's not so strange. I asked someone to look into her bank account, but there was no such large

amount of remittance. She had no grievance with you. Why did she harm you?" Essie was even more


"Who knows if she is crazy?" Landis held the cup tightly in her hand.

"She must be hiding now. We have to find her first if we want to know the truth." Essie sighed.

"I will find her at all costs." Landis swore to herself that she would never let go of that bitch.

"When you find her, remember to inform me. Now that someone wants to frame me, I have to find out

the truth," Essie said slowly. She had too many things to deal with, so she had no time to look for a

person. It would be better to let the victim do it.

Landis nodded. She believed that if she could climbed to her current position in the entertainment

circle, she must have a wide range of connections. It was not hard to find a person.

In the CEO Office of the Emperor group, Mili was a frequent visitor. Today, she had come to visit her

father. But this time, she not only came for fun, but also discussed something important with him.

"Daddy, I'm going to work in the entertainment circle," she sat on the sofa and said casually while

eating snacks.

Zac was in a daze for a second before saying, "You're still young. Did your mother agree to work in the

entertainment industry?"

"Director Li is going to shoot film a fantasy play called 'Ups and Downs of a Haunting Country'. I'm

going to play a role as the little beauty who had transformed from a spiritual stone." Mili said, "I haven't

told Mommy yet. I want to tell you first, because you're my daddy and the boss."

Zac smiled. He knew it was a great ancient costume drama that Sino Star planned to shoot in May.

"Mili, this drama is indeed suitable for you, but..." He paused and took her to sit on his laps. "Mili, have

you ever thought that once you take part in the shooting, you will inevitably enter the public sight.

Everyone will talk about you and your family. Mommy, daddy Hanson, daddy and even Dot will also be

talked about. Do you have any mental preparation for that?"

After all, Mili was the illegitimate child of Hanson and his little fool. Although everyone tried their best to

avoid talking about this matter, once she appeared on the TV, her life would surely become the focus of

everyone's attention.

Undoubtedly, some malicious remarks would make a scene. He didn't want Mili to be contaminated and


Mili lowered her head. She was a smart girl. She soon understood what Zac said. "I didn't think too

much about it. I just thought it was funny when I saw mommy Eva in the shooting site. So I also want to

have a try." Her big glittering eyes dimmed, and the disappointment and depression covered her

beautiful face.

Zac didn't want to see her sad expression. He silence for a while. Then he raised his hand and gently

stroked her head. "If I let you act in the play as a little fairy without showing your face to the public, can

you accept it?"

"How can I act if I don't show my face?" Mili looked up at him, confused.

"Put on a mask or hood so that the audience can't see your true face, just like monkey king," Zac


Mili's eyes lit up. She excitedly wrapped her arms around his Zac's and kissed him on the cheek.

"Daddy, you're clever. This way, I can act on a show without being discussed."

Seeing her happy, Zac smiled too.

After drinking a glass of juice, Mili suddenly remembered her purpose of coming here. She quickly said,

"Daddy, can you call uncle Jim over? I have something to discuss with him."

Zac was surprised. "Are you familiar with Uncle Jim?"

Michelle's thick eyelashes fluttered. "I know him well. I often see him on TV, and I know that you are his

best friend. But he is not familiar with me. He has never seen me before. He doesn't know who I am, so

I want to meet him and make an acquaintance with him. "

Zac raised his eyebrows slightly. "Then you tell me first. What do you want to discuss with him?"

Mili covered her mouth and whispered to his ear, "I want him and mommy Eva to play the hero and

heroine in my play."

Zac laughed. "It seems that you not only want to be an actress, but also a small film producer. You

even assumed the task to decide the protagonist."

"Besides my mommy, uncle Jim and mommy Eva are the second best matched couple on the screen. If

they cooperate with each other again, they will surely make a new rating record. This is my first show. I

want it to be a hot one. I hope it will be a big success. The rating shall surpass four percent,"

Mili said courageously, stretching out four little fingers. Her point laid at the last part of the sentence.

Yet, Zac paid attention to the first part. It made him uncomfortable.

Since the movie his little fool and Jim acted in, they have been regarded as the best matched couple

on screen ever in the history.

He was very disgusted, annoyed and dissatisfy with the title.

How could they say his little fool and Jim were a perfect match? He couldn't see that. He and his little

fool were the most perfect couple in history. Jim should

take a hike.

It never occurred to him that today, little Mili would mention it again and poke his 'Scar'.

"You say mommy Eva and uncle Jim are the second best match couple on screen in history, Mili. Who

is the most matched?" he asked deliberately, hoping that he had misunderstood.

But Mili didn't know what was on his mind. She replied seriously, "My mommy and uncle Jim, I've seen

the movie they played. They are so moving that I almost want them to be together."

Taking a deep breath, Zac said, "It is just a show! It is not true! Don't take it seriously!" He raised his

voice and almost forgot it was a three-year-old girl.

Mili was frightened by his sudden reaction. She trembled and asked, "Daddy, what's wrong with



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