Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 576 Whose Baby Is It

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"Zac, tell me the truth. Is it true the rumor spreading outside? Is the baby in Essie's belly the

kidnapper's child? " Mary looked at him seriously.

"Mommy, it's obvious that someone has ulterior motives, so there is such a vicious rumor. Of course

the baby is mine. Before the kidnapping, Essie was pregnant. " Zac said slowly and calmly, as if he

didn't care about the gossip outside at all. The only thing he wanted to do now was to protect his

woman from any harm.

How could Mary believe it? There was no wind without waves, and Essie was powerless. If she fell into

the hands of the kidnapper, it would be strange if she could keep her innocence. She was pregnant for

more than two weeks. It was obvious that she was pregnant during the kidnap. Ninety-nine percent of

the possibility that the baby was not her son's.

"Zac, you should know that this matter is related to the reputation of you and our family. If Essie wants

the child to stay, she must have a paternity test. Our family will never allow anyone to cheat on us with

the kids."

"Mommy, I know better than anyone else whether the baby is mine or not. Don't worry." Zac pursed his

lips and looked determined. Naturally, the paternity test should be done. He also wanted to know the

real identity of the child. If the result was not what he wanted, he would choose to keep this secret


Hearing what he said, Mary knew that he wanted to hide the scandal, but she would not give up. It was

a good opportunity to drive away Essie, and she would not miss it.

After she left, Zac called Ford over, "what's going on? Who sent out the news? "

"The IP address of the other party is in Manchester. When we sent people in Europe there, the other

party has escaped. It is very likely that Willi did it." Said Ford.

Zac's beautiful thick eyebrows twisted in a straight line. Except for this dead mouse, no third person

would know about it.

The dead mouse did it on purpose to irritate him, but he was doomed to be disappointed. For him, the

life of Essie was more important than anything else. As for the so-called purity and reputation, they

were nothing. He didn't care it at all.

"Send more people in Europe to monitor all suspicious movements. He must be hiding somewhere."

Only by seizing this dead mouse and dealing with it could they be safe for the rest of their life.

"Yes, sir." Ford nodded and went out.

At this time, Essie was in the villa of Phoenix Road. As soon as Lucy heard the rumor, she called her

daughter over in a hurry.

She had thought that her daughter wouldn't be in danger after Baron woke up, but she didn't expect

that she would suffer such a pain again. What's worse, the enemy even found a fake one who had a

plastic surgery to deceive them. She felt strange when she saw the fake before. She didn't expect that

it was really not her daughter.

Although she had lost her memory, Essie was happy to know that they were her family.

"Those bastards are so hateful. Your father has sent someone to deal with these scums in Dragon City.

They will come to no good end." Lucy said angrily.

Lowering her head, Essie didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She didn't remember the

past, and Steven was dead. Now the only remaining problem was probably the baby in her belly.

"Essie, tell me the truth. Who is the father of your baby?" Lucy asked. She had to know the truth to

make a decision.

"I... I don't know. " With her chin almost against her chest, Essie lowered her head. Zac said that the

child might be his, so she was not sure now.

"Then tell me, did the bastard treat you on the uninhabited island?" Lucy was so anxious.

Biting her lips, Essie rubbed her hands uneasily and kept silent for a long time.

Although Steven slept beside her every night, he didn't touch her, because as long as he slightly

crossed the line, she would have a splitting headache. Only on the night they got married, she couldn't

remember what had happened. She only remembered that she was on the deck at first, but when she

woke up, she was lying on the bed. Steven said that they had become a real couple, which meant that

he had treated her while she was unconscious...

Seeing that she was silent, Lucy knew that she acquiesced. She was so anxious that she almost


"Essie, you already have Mili and Dot. You can't keep this kind of unclear child. You should go to the

hospital to have an abortion when the baby is still small. It's good for both you and Zac." She

comforted. Before Essie came, she had discussed with Baron and Bob and they all agreed. If such a

bastard was born, it would do no good.

Whether she decided to live with Zac or Hanson in the future, this bastard would be like a thorn stuck in

the middle, affecting their relationship.

Essie was shocked. She knew that she had to face this problem sooner or later, but she was conflicted.

After all, this child might also be Zac's. what if she killed it by accident?

Besides, Zac didn't mention the abortion. Maybe he was also worried about it.

"Mom, let me think about it, okay?" She said in a low voice, like breathing.

Lucy patted her hand. She knew that her daughter was hesitating because she lost her memory. If she

hadn't lost her memory, she would have done the surgery without hesitation.

After all, this was the best and right decision, and she would not regret it in the future. Moreover, she

already had Mili and Dot, and Zac also had a successor. There was no need to worry that there would

be no son to inherit the family business in the future. Even if it was Zac's child, there was no pity.

After coming back from the villa on Phoenix Road, Essie sat on the sofa for a long time. It was not until

Zac came back from the Emperor that she regained her consciousness.

Since she came back, Zac hadn't mentioned about the child. She didn't know what he was thinking.

Maybe she should figure it out today.

She took a bottle of juice from the refrigerator and gave it to him. When he sat beside her, she said

haltingly, "Zac, I went to see my mother today. She wanted me to have an abortion. I want to hear your

opinion. If you don't want me to stay, I... I'll do the surgery. " She said straightforwardly.

Zac was slightly stunned. He raised his arm and held her. "Give birth to the baby." He said in a low and

clear voice.

She trembled violently and looked up at him in disbelief. "Don't you worry..."

She stopped, and the rest of the words choked in her throat. She lowered her eyes, and her thick long

eyelashes cast two sad shadows under her white eyelids.

Zac gently stroked her pale face, and his eyes were full of pity and love. "In fact, this is not the first

time. You lied to me before that Mili and Dot are other people's children, and I accepted it indifferently.

Even if this is not mine, I will accept it. It's my fault. I didn't protect you well. Just take it as a

punishment from god, okay? "

He said lightly with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Three years ago, when she was pregnant,

the doctor told him that she couldn't have an abortion because of her special constitution. Otherwise,

she would have hemorrhage and even die. He couldn't take the risk to hurt her body.

"I'm sorry." said Essie sadly, trembling with emotion. Tears ran out of her eyes and instantly wetted her


"Little fool, we never need to say sorry to each other." He held her in his arms, lowered his head to kiss

the tears on her eyelashes, and gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

His loving eyes and the heat of his fingers melted her heart into water. She couldn't help but throw

herself into his arms and burst into tears. Now she was sure that he was her real husband. The person

she loved in her heart but she couldn't remember.

"I'm stupid, aren't I? Steven just said a few words and I believed him. In fact, you have always been in

my mind, but I can't remember you clearly. Every time he wanted to touch me, I had a headache and

he had to give up. I think it must be my subconsciousness to resist and prevent him from approaching

me. But at that time, I was completely unconscious. I only remember that I fell asleep after drinking a

glass of milk. When I woke up, I found that... " She said vaguely with tears welling up and wetting his

collar. "I'm sorry, I really don't know why I fell asleep. I slept so soundly that I didn't even know what

happened. I'm sorry!"

The raging flames burned in the bottom of Zac's heart, burning his dark ice eyes and his handsome

face. Essie didn't know what had happened to her, but he had sensed something. It must be that

bastard who drugged her before he could find a chance to do it.

He held her tightly, as if his heart had turned over a basin of iron, burning all the nerves in his body, and

every cell was in sharp pain. It was all his fault. He was too careless and underestimated the enemy.

He thought that the dead mouse had lost its vital energy and there was no need to take him seriously,

so she was insulted and hurt.

"From now on, forget everything on the island. You just need to do two things. First, prepare our

wedding. Second, take care of yourself and the baby. "

There was a firm power in his tone, as if he had made up his mind, but she was still a little nervous.

"Don't you really mind?" She buried her head in his arms and didn't dare to look at him.

"Idiot." He held her face and made her look up at him. "I only want you to be alive in front of me." He

said sincerely and seriously. He looked at her with his deep eyes, which clearly reflected her, as if she

was the only one in his eyes and in his world.

She felt that her whole body had melted into a pool of soft water. As long as he was by her side, she

was not afraid of anything. But she didn't know that many people were trying to use the matter to drive

her away from Zac.


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