Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 359 Finally Saw Daddy

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"The relationship between adults is too complicated." Dot shook his head.

"It seems that I have to do it myself to get daddy back." Mili said in a serious tone, arms akimbo.

"No, Mommy said we couldn't let daddy see us." Dot waved his hand.

"Yes, he can't see you. You look so much like him. When he sees you, he will know that we are his

children. But it doesn't matter to me. I look like mommy, but only a little like him. So he can't recognize

me. " Mili said with no worry.

"What are you going to do next?" Dot cocked his eyebrows. He was worried about her sister.

Mili said, her beautiful big eyes blinking. A hint of slyness flashed through her eyes.

In the Emperor Building, holding Pana's hand, Mili ran inside excitedly. She would see her "bad" daddy


"Hello, beautiful sister. I will go upstairs to find my daddy." She walked to the front desk and said


Hearing the word "beautiful sister", the receptionist smiled and thought, 'who is this child? She is so

sweet and really pleasing.' She bent over and asked with a smile, "little girl, what's your daddy's name

and which department is he in?"

"His last name is Zac. He is the president of your company."

The receptionist was shocked. It was CEO's daughter! But they only heard that the CEO had a son, but

not a daughter.

"Little sister, are you sure? Your father is really called Zac. "

"Yes, my mommy's name is Essie, and she has the other name Cathy. She's his ex-wife. They just

divorced. To be exact, he's my ex-daddy." Mili said seriously.

The receptionist widened her eyes. It turned out that the CEO and his ex-wife had a very beautiful

daughter. What a shocking gossip!

She called the people in the CEO office to bring them to the office.

"Mr. Zac is having a meeting. Please wait for a moment." The secretary came over with fruits and


"Thank you." Mili said politely.

She was indeed a lady from a rich and powerful family, beautiful, noble, elegant and generous! The

Secretary sighed in her heart.

"Beautiful sister, when my daddy comes here, please don't tell him I'm here. I want to give him a


"Okay." The Secretary nodded with a smile. She was very happy to be called the beautiful sister. Her

little princess was not only beautiful, but also very sweet.

After she left, Mili began to "roam in the office." She had thought daddy's office was the largest but it

was larger. She was almost exhausted after she ran all the way up and down.

She climbed onto Zac's bench and sat down, eating snacks while checking the picture on the table.

It's mommy!

Daddy's photo frame was full of mommy, and there was no bad woman in it. That meant daddy didn't

love that bad woman!

While thinking, her small mouth cracked into a happy smile.

When Zac came into the office, she was playing table football in the entertainment room. When she

heard a door pushing sound next door, she knew that he was back. She let Pana wait in the

entertainment room and went to see him.

Since Zac came back from the party of celebrities last night, he had been in a bad mood. In the

meeting room, seeing his gloomy and serious face, all the subordinates were so frightened that they

dared not breathe heavily.

So, when Mili suddenly appeared in his office like a fairy, he twisted his thick eyebrows, "little guy,

where did you come from?" His tone was not gentle at all, but kind of ferocious. Needless to say, the

child of some employee must be messing around. She slipped in when the people in the CEO office did

not notice. Who was so bold to take care of a child at work? Did he take the company as a


When he was about to call his secretary, he heard Mili's childish voice. "Daddy, you look so fierce.

Don't you like children?"


He was shocked, "little guy, who are you calling?"

"I'm calling you daddy!" Mili tilted her little head and looked very lovely with her big eyes blinking.

Zac's cold face softened unconsciously. "Kiddo, who told you I'm your daddy?"

"My mommy." She said seriously.

"Who is your mommy?" Zac's black pupil shrank slightly. He wanted to see who was so bold to have

her daughter call him daddy!

Mili walked to him and pointed at the picture on the digital photo frame. "This is my mommy."

Zac was shocked. His eyes were wide open.

Was she the daughter of the muddleheaded woman?

He stared at her without blinking. Soon he was sure that the little guy wasn't lying. He looked so

muddled it was like her mini version. No wonder he felt familiar when he saw this little guy just now.

He stood up swiftly, his dark eyes sparkling, "is your mommy here? Where is she? "

"Mommy didn't come. Aunt Pana brought me here. I told her to wait for me in the entertainment room."

Mili raised her head to look at him. "Don't let my mommy know. Otherwise, I can't play with you


All of a sudden, his eyes turned dark, as if they were covered by dark clouds,. How could this muddle

headed woman come? She was still resenting him!

He held Mili and let her sit on his lap. "What's your name?"

"Mili, I also have a name called Melody." Mili looked at him, her small mouth cracked, revealing a row

of white teeth with a sweet smile. Her daddy was really good-looking. He had beautiful eyebrows, eyes,

nose and mouth... Anyway, he looked beautiful everywhere.

"You are Mili." Zac raised the corners of her mouth and smiled faintly. "How about Dot?"

"She is my brother. We are twins." Mili said with a smile.

"That's great." Zac murmured to himself in a low voice. He felt a little bit bitter and jealous. If the child

was still alive, they would not go further and further like now.

"Daddy!" Mili called his name in a spoiled manner, stretched out her small hands to hold his neck, and

gently rubbed his face with her little face. Although it was the first time she met him, she already liked

him very much.

Zac liked this clever little girl too. Although he knew that she was the daughter of Hanson, he still could

not help feeling protective towards her, as if she was his daughter.

"Little girl, didn't your mommy tell you that I was not your daddy?"

"You are my daddy." Mili said seriously.

"I'm your mommy's husband, not your daddy. The one created you is your daddy." Zac explained in a

low voice.

"You are my daddy." She was pretty sure that the one created her was her father. She was a gifted

child. She could understand much more than other children.

But he didn't know that. He treated her as a naughty and naive little girl. "Who is Hanson in your eyes?"

He gently pinched her little face.

"He is my daddy Hanson." Said Mili.

"What's the difference between daddy Hanson and daddy?" Zac looked at her with a half-smile,

crossing his arms over his chest.

Mili pursed her lips. If she explained to her daddy, the lie would be revealed. She decided to change

the topic and not to answer his question. "Daddy, Dot and I hope you can live with us. You divorce that

bad woman and marry mommy, okay?"

Zac's heart was beating fast. Her words aroused all his love for her. He really liked this little guy. He

liked her inexplicably.

"Mili, If I'm getting married to your mommy, your daddy Hanson have to leave. Are you willing to leave


"Daddy Hanson don't have to leave." Mili shook her head. "I've been told that there is a tribe called

Mosuo. They are the last tribe of the maternal race on the earth. In the future, we can move there and

live. Then you and daddy Hanson will be able to marry mommy together."

Zac was truly amazed by what she had said. But was this little guy too sensitive? It was completely

beyond her age. Rabi was older than her. But he only knew how to play and couldn't understand what

was happening between adults.

"Mili, how do you know so much? Who told you that?"

"Daddy, let me tell you a secret. Dot and I are gifted children with IQ of 200. The world of our gifted

children is different from that of ordinary children." Mili said proudly.

"You are awesome!" Zac touched her head with a smile.

"Daddy, were you a gifted child?" Mili asked with her big eyes blinking.

Zac nodded. "Your mother is also a gifted child." But as she grew up, her brain went blank most of the


"Dot and I are smart. Obviously, we are inherited from you." Mili grinned sweetly.

"If only you were my daughter." Zac said with a faint smile, which looked neither sharp nor sad.

"If you divorce the bad woman and marry my mommy, I will become your daughter." Mili said seriously.

Zac touched her pink face. Anyway, a gifted child was still a child. The adults' affairs were too

complicated for her to understand at this age. Besides, he didn't want these things to affect her

innocence and happiness.

"According to the relationship between me and your mommy, you are indeed my daughter. I like you to

call me daddy. From now on, we are father and daughter." He smiled gently.

"Daddy..." Mili said in a sweet and tender voice, with a slow ending. It was like a warm wind blowing

over Zac's heart lake which was frozen, dispelling the cold and filled with warm love from a father.

At that moment, his secretary knocked on the door and told him that Leila was waiting downstairs and

wanted to have lunch with him.

Zac touched her pink face. Anyway, a gifted child was still a child. The adults' affairs were too

complicated for her to understand at this age. Besides, he didn't want these things to affect her

innocence and happiness.

"According to the relationship between me and your mommy, you are indeed my daughter. | like you to

call me daddy. From now on, we are father and daughter." He smiled gently.

"Daddy..." Mili said in a sweet and tender voice, with a slow ending. It was like a warm wind blowing

over Zac's heart lake which was frozen, dispelling the cold and filled with warm love from a father.

At that moment, his secretary knocked on the door and told him that Leila was waiting downstairs and

wanted to have lunch with him.


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