Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 597 Being Punished To Reflect Themselves

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"Was there a wedding in the yard?" She pouted.

Wedding photos and wedding dresses in the yard.

Rubbing her head, Zac didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. "Honey, you have such a rich

imagination. You really should write a novel."

Hearing that, Essie turned her head to take a look at him. A hint of slyness flashed through her black

eyes. "Zac, you are the fourth generation leader of the family. The secret will definitely be passed on to

you, right?"

A smile played at the corners of Zac's mouth, and his eyes became deep and sharp. "What do you

want to say?"

"I mean, you are the master and I am the hostess of the family. You will in charge of the Rong Group

and I will take the responsibility of the family, and the mansion will be under my jurisdiction. I should

have the right to know the secrets of the yard, right?" Essie smiled awkwardly.

Zac gently rubbed her nose and said, "don't worry, honey. If the secret is really told to me, I won't hide it

from you."

Hearing that, Essie was overjoyed. She stretched out her arms to hold him in a flattering way. A couple

should trust each other unconditionally.

In the afternoon, Mary held a family meeting and announced the punishment for two daughters-in-law

and niece.

Leila wrote down the family rules two hundred times as a punishment, and Essie and Ivy wrote down

one hundred times as a punishment. At the same time, the three of them had to reflect themselves in

the hall for two weeks in the daytime. If they did it again, they would be punished according to the

family law.

Essie had never seen the family rules of the family. It was said that it was a golden whip, which would

cut her skin and flesh. Only those who broke the first three rules would be punished. There seemed to

be only one person in the two generations, from Abel to Albert, who had been executed such a severe

punishment. But Essie didn't know who the person was, and the family seemed to keep it a secret.

There was no entertainment in the hall, and their mobile phones had to be taken away. They had

nothing to do except to copy family rules. Zac felt sorry for his wife and wanted to help her plagiarize.

But Essie thought that since she had made a mistake, she should be punished. Moreover, as the future

hostess of the family, she should take the lead and not to violate the family rules.

Holding her chin, Ivy sighed by the window. It was so boring!

Leila was still in shock, but only Essie was the calmest one. Sitting at the desk, she was quietly writing

the family rules.

When Jim and Zac explored the yard, it only entangled with Jim and didn't hurt Zac. Did she have the

preference for people to be hurt? Zac was the future head of the family, and Essie was the future

hostess. So she didn't dare to hurt them. She only dared to bully the "outsiders" like them.

"She must be a member of the family when she was alive. Otherwise, it is impossible that every time

there is an accident, the accident happened to outsiders. There is nothing wrong with the family

members." Leila pouted and said in a low voice, which was only within the range of three people. She

was afraid that the words would float into the ghost yard and be heard by the fierce ghost in red, and

then came to ask for her life.

"Sister-in-law, you are the new daughter-in-law of our family, and also one of Rong family." Said Ivy


Leila shrugged. She was a fake. She could hide it from others, but she couldn't hide it from ghosts. She

had just read a spiritual theory that ghosts could see through people's hearts. In her nightmare of being

killed, the ghost in red called her real name, not Laura. It could be seen that she had read her heart.

"No matter what's inside, we can't be more curious. Curiosity Kills cats. It's not wrong." Essie warned.

Ivy nodded.

The servant brought lunch: rice, cabbage and bamboo shoots.

They had no choice but to accept it.

However, it seemed that the servant hadn't finished yet. She opened another basket, which was

chicken soup, braised fish and pork.

Ivy's eyes lit up. Was this an extra reward from her aunt?

"Cabbages and bamboo shoots are for the two ladies and miss Ivy. The chicken soup, braised fish and

pork are specially ordered for the baby in the belly by Mr. Zac." The servant said in a low voice.

Zac knew that his wife liked to eat meat, and would eat meat every meal. Now it was a meal for two

people. How could she not supplement good nutrition?

Lowering her head, Ivy said, "it's good to be pregnant. There is an exemption card."

A hint of coldness flashed through Leila's eyes. 'The exemption card is just a bastard and has nothing

to do with the family. If it was given birth to and done the paternity test, it will definitely be a great

shame for the family.'

"It doesn't matter. I'm much better now. I can't finish it all by myself. Let's eat together." Essie said as

she put two pieces of pork into the two girls' bowls.

At the sight of this, Ivy smiled happily. "Sister-in-law, fortunately, you are pregnant. I can be lucky with

my nephew."

"I like vegetables and I don't like meat. Enjoy yourselves." Leila returned the meat to her bowl. There

were only resentment and jealousy in her heart. The better Zac treated Essie, the angrier she was.

How could she accept her kindness?

"Sister-in-law, we have to stay here for two weeks. You will definitely suffer from malnutrition if you eat

vegetables every day." Ivy didn't want to be polite. She picked up the meat and put it into her mouth.

She liked to eat meat too.

Then, Essie filled another bowl of Chicken Soup for her, and the two of them enjoyed it happily.

Leila turned a blind eye to it and continued to eat vegetables as a way to lose weight.

In the Luxury Apartments on the other side of Dragon City, Eva finally had time to cook deserts to thank


It was the first time that Jim came to her apartment. He thought it was a mess and obscene place, but

he didn't expect it to be neat and tidy.

"Heaven pepper? Did you clean your room for me?"

"Jim, being narcissistic is a kind of disease, you have to be cured." Eva wrinkled her nose. She

wouldn't clean up her house alone for him. Her house was very clean.

After making tea and bringing fruits and cakes to Jim, she went into the kitchen to make dessert.

This time, what she was going to do was her grandfather's signature dessert party, which was called

Hodgepodge. Her grandfather had been to many places to do pastry business, and he had learned a

variety of local pastries.

Jim had nothing else to do, so he walked to the kitchen door and looked at her. This woman was in a

hurry to cook, but she was good at cooking. She looked completely different. The toughness of the

tough woman was gone, and she looked like a virtuous little woman.

Eva was making snacks in Central China.

She kneaded the dough, mixed the pork and beef together, added the scallion, and then put it into the


With his arms crossed over his chest, Jim leaned against the door frame and looked at her with great


Eva was not that kind of delicate woman, with a heroic look on her face. Her features were very

delicate, and her big eyes were clear, as if they could talk. Her figure was tall and bony, a little thin, in

complete contrast to her big stomach.

In Jim's eyes, she was a contradictory existence from inside to outside. This characteristic was different

from all the women he had known, including Janice. Every time he saw her, he couldn't help but have

an indescribable and strange feeling.

He hated this feeling very much, and then he hated her very much. He couldn't help but want to

conquer her and make her obedient to him.

However, this heaven pepper was born to be bone defying, and was never willing to yield to him. It was

really hateful to challenge his unparalleled authority over and over again.

While he was thinking, a sweet smell came from the oven, stirring all the greediness in his stomach.

More than an hour later, Eva finished her deserts.

She turned to look at Jim and said, "Jim, the tableware is in the disinfection cabinet. I don't have a

servant here, so I can't serve you. Help yourself."

Jim felt a little helpless. He walked to the disinfection cabinet, took out the dishes and chopsticks, and

waited at the table.

Eva took out the pastries and sat opposite him, introducing them one by one.

"The top two are snacks made of corn and yolk in the northern part, the middle two are pastry, pan

armor and five incense soybean skin in the central part, and the bottom two are snacks crystal shrimp

dumplings and braised sausage in the southern part..."

Jim shook his head and laughed. "It's really a Hodgepodge."

With a slight smile, Eva said, "in Jiang City, both salty and dessert are classified as dessert. My

grandfather is a studious person and he can learn wherever he goes. Therefore, our family is a place

full of all kinds of pastries."

Jim picked up a piece of pan helmet and took a small bite. It was crispy outside, soft inside and

delicious meat. It was so delicious that he couldn't say anything to hurt her.

"Heaven pepper, you really have talents."

Raising her eyebrows proudly, Eva said, "this is the unique skill of my grandfather's. You can't have it

outside. Besides my grandfather's shop, you can only eat them in my mother's dessert coffee shop.

There are southern breakfast in the morning, central snacks in the noon, coffee and dessert in the

afternoon, and famous pastries in the evening, which are very rich, right? " She smiled and squinted

her eyes, as if she was advertising and selling him.

"Is there an exclusive spokesperson of you?" There was a sneer on Jim's face.

"Of course, I have to endorse for my own shop." Eva patted her chest.

"You are so perfect to endorse food." The smile at the corners of Jim's mouth deepened, and the

mockery in his eyes also deepened. It was the first time in his life that he had seen such a foodie as


Eva sensed the irony in his words and her face darkened.


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