Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 478 Mommy Has Become An Abandoned Woman (Part Two)

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As soon as Zac came back, she quickly walked up to him. It would soon be the start of the South Sea

project. Their honeymoon trip should be put on the agenda.

"Zac, when shall we go on our honeymoon?"

"We'll go there after the start-up ceremony. But this time I'm going to the South Sea, you are not

allowed to follow me. Otherwise, our honeymoon will be cancelled," Zac said in a gentle tone with a


"Got it." Leila lowered her head. Although she was worried that he would get along with Essie alone,

she held it back for the honeymoon. She had finished her baby plan during the honeymoon.

"Good girl." Zac stroke her head.

Leila bit her lips, hesitated for a while and said, "Is Essie going to the Rong Mansion tomorrow?"

"Grandma and grandpa asked wanted to do this. They just want to win over Essie and repair the

relationship with her. Don't think too much," Zac said in a careless tone, as if he didn't care about it at


But Leila cared about this. She was the granddaughter in law of the rong family, yet she could not enter

that house. But the ex-granddaughter in law came in and out that house as casually as her own house,

and was treated as a distinguished guest. What a shame!

How could Zac not see what she was thinking about? He patted her on the shoulder gently and

comforted her, "This is only temporary. As long as you do well to handle Alice's case, the Rong

Mansion will be your home in the future."

Leila nodded, but a malicious light flashed through her eyes, and she was in control of Essie's life. If

she dared to snort and make peace with Zac, she would kill her immediately.

Early the next morning, Essie took the children to visit the Rong Mansion.

Seeing Dot, Zac shook his head and laughed. "You are really playing the tiger today!"

"Yes, why didn't you dress up like Wu Song?" Dot raised his head and looked at him.

"I am not willing to hurt you little tiger," Zac said, stroking his head. His eyes were full of love.

The sweet smile on Mili's face disappeared. She lowered her head, depressed. She was sad for losing

daddy Hanson. Now that the bad mistress had a baby, her daddy Hanson would definitely not want her

and Dot.

Alena came over and touched her little face, "Who made my baby upset?"

"Great grandma, Mili and Dot did not have a daddy, and also daddy Hanson anymore." As Mili spoke,

she puckered her mouth, and two teardrops fell from her eyes.

"Great grandma doesn't know your daddy Hanson, but she knows daddy will never leave you. You are

always his dearest kids," said the old lady lovingly.

"Great grandma is right." Zac walked over and held her up. "My little princess won't lose me. I will

always be by your side."

"But you have left Mommy, you don't want mommy, and daddy Hanson doesn't want mommy either.

Mommy is left alone. She is so poor." Mili lowered her eyes, tears glittering on her eyelashes.

Essie choked. She suddenly realized that she had become an abandoned woman in the kids' eyes!

"Baby, Mommy is not alone. I have you and grandpa and Grandma as well," she said hurriedly.

"It's different." Mili pouted and said, "You don't have a husband."

"Baby, a husband is dispensable. It doesn't matter if you don't have one. It won't be too much different,"

she explained embarrassedly.

The man's eyes were cold as ice. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with her words. She ignored it.

Dot walked over and said, "Even without daddy and daddy Hanson, Mommy is always surrounded by

pursuers. She is the most rich lady in Dragon City now. There are so many admirers. I called the

secretary this morning and she told me that the people who came to send her roses were queue to the

office from the first floor to the sixty six floor. If mommy and daddy Hanson's wedding is cancelled,

other uncles will have hope and won't miss the opportunity. "

While saying that, he winked at Mili. Obviously, he was deliberately provoking Zac, in order to prevent

him from lowering his sense of crisis.

Mili understood and clapped her hands. "In fact, I think daddy Jim and Mommy are a good match. They

are the best couples on screen." Then she turned to look at Essie and asked, "Mommy, will you go out

with daddy Jim?"

The old lady listened to this and sighed, "Indeed, my grandson's wife is so popular, I don't know how

many noble families are coveting her. If my grandson is not trying hard, my granddaughter in law is

really going to be taken away by others." She was just echoing her great grandsons.

Zac's beautiful eyebrows slightly wrinkled, a little angry flashed through his eyes. Whoever dared to rob

his wife was courting death! No one could think about it, not even Jim. Because he had to guard it well.

Essie wiped the sweat off her forehead again. She thought it was better to keep a low profile for a

woman who had been robbed of the loved one twice. She didn't want to fall in love with any man this

year, even if it was her ex-husband.

She stroked the kids' heads affectionately and said, "From now on, Mommy will pay all the attention to

you. You are all mommy has."

Not far away, there was a figure hiding behind a big tree. He had been where he was when he saw

Essie coming in. He didn't agree with what Essie had said. She wouldn't be lonely this year. Without

Zac and Hanson, she would be his.

He lifted the corner of his mouth, and a very weird smile quietly slipped down, silent and lifeless.

She stroked the kids' heads affectionately and said, "From now on, Mommy will pay all the attention to

you. You are all mommy has."

Not far away, there was a figure hiding behind a big tree. He had been where he was when he saw

Essie coming in. He didn't agree with what Essie had said. She wouldn't be lonely this year. Without

Zac and Hanson, she would be his.

He lifted the corner of his mouth, and a very weird smile quietly slipped down, silent and lifeless.


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