Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 416 As You Wish

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But now, it was another woman who was going to marry him. Her happiness and sweetness could only

be in the dream.

Tears burst out from her eyes like the flood of a torrent, instantly wetted her face. He had recovered

from his hidden disease and could be a real couple with Leila, and the only memory about her


As the wedding ceremony of Zac approached, she was like a peony flower which had lost most

nutrition, withering day by day.

She couldn't smile any more. She couldn't sleep every night and she couldn't eat anything everyday. It

seemed that she was dying.

Holy soon noticed her abnormality and asked, "Sis, what's wrong with you? Do you feel


"No, I'm fine. I'm just too busy these days." She tried to smile at him, but it disappeared before it took

shape, as if the smile was blown away by the cold wind.

"Sis, are you sad about the wedding between Zac and Leila?" Holy sighed. He had heard about it from


"They are married. Of course they are going to have a wedding." The very thought of the wedding

made her feel like thousands of ants gnawing at her heart. The pain almost drove her crazy.

"But you have been married for so long, you haven't had a wedding." Said Holy in a low voice, as if he

was talking to himself. He felt a little sorry for his sister. How could Zac do that to her.

"Holy, you're too young to understand what's going on between adults," she said, patting his head.

"I'm almost twelve years old. I'm no longer a little boy. Don't treat me like a kid," After finishing his

words, Holy curled up his lips. He had reached his puberty and was confused about sex. He could see

that his sister liked Zac very much, which was better than to his brother Hanson. But...

"I used to like him, but now I really hate him. He's a bad man. He divorced you and married someone

else when you were still in a coma. Don't like him anymore and feel sad for him. It's not worth it to hurt

your own body. " Holy clenched his little fists, his face full of anger.

"Holy, you know what? Sometimes people's eyes and ears could deceive themselves, and some things

were not as simple as they imagined. Everyone has his or her own helplessness and regrets, no matter

how powerful he or she is. " She murmured. Even though Zac really betrayed her, she didn't want his

image in Holy's heart to be completely destroyed.

"Sis, you are still defending him. Both of them had consented to the marriage. If he hadn't been willing,

would there have been anyone who could put a knife around his neck to force him to marry? Besides,

who is he? He is the number one cultivator in Dragon City. Anyone has to make a concession to him.

Who dares to force him? " Holy didn't believe what his sister said at all. He only believed what he had


"OK, Holy, you should study hard now. Don't worry about others. I can handle my own things. Don't

worry." Essie patted on his little hand.

In fact, she also couldn't understand why on earth he would marry Leila? She racked her brains and

couldn't find a reasonable explanation. Most of the time, she was afraid that he was only deceiving and

playing with her. More importantly, she was afraid that he was possessive about her and wanted to

treat her as a plaything to satisfy physical needs.

So she didn't dare to gamble. When her mother came out to stop her, she immediately backed off and

no longer tried to maintain this relationship. She was afraid that she would lose, and lose everything.

Now that he was going to marry Leila, it seemed to confirm her guess. The person he really cared

about was Leila. She couldn't compare with Leila, never.

She lowered her head and a layer of mist gradually appeared from her eyes and blurred her eyes.

Seeing this, Holy became more furious in his heart.

After leaving the villa, he didn't go back to school. Instead, he asked his driver to drive him to the

Emperor Group, preparing a gift to say "Congratulations" to Zac.

Seeing Holy coming, Zac was a little surprised. This little guy had never come to him in person.

"Brother Zac, I heard that you would hold a wedding, and I come to send my congratulations to you

especially." He looked calm and there was a smile on his face.

"Take a seat, Holy." Zac called his secretary and asked her to bring desserts and fruits here.

"Brother Zac, this is a gift for you." Holy handed him a well wrapped box.

Zac said as he raised his eyebrows. A deep look flashed across his eyes.

Zac quietly took the box and opened it. It was a USB flash drive.

"Thank you." He smiled and did not ask more.

"My sister sent you a blessing video. Do you want to see it?" Holy opened his small mouth and smiled

very kind and harmless. There was only a slight imperceptible darkness passing through his black


When he heard it was the blessing from Essie, Zac felt restless in his heart, which was like the Pacific

Ocean right before the storm.

He walked to the computer and inserted the USB flash disk into it. In an instant, the original picture on

the computer disappeared, and only darkness was left.

Then a couple appeared in the screen. The bride held the groom's arm and they seemed to step into

the wedding ceremony. Suddenly, a death man with sickle appeared. He waved the sickle in his hand

and the bride's heads fell down at the same time. The blood splashed in all directions. Then, two heads

were lifted up by the death and instantly became human skeletons.

"How is it going? Do you like my blessings to you? " Holy smiled, but his smile became extremely cold.

"It's good. Thank you." Said Zac in a calm tone. There was not even a trace of anger on his face. He

knew that this little guy was here to make trouble.

Zac's reaction made Holy a little unhappy, and Holy wanted to see him flustered and exasperated. He

said, "brother Zac, I forgot to tell you, it's not only a flash cartoon, but also a super virus. I named it

'death god'." It could damage all the computer system in ten seconds, even the CPU would be burnt.

So you need to change a new computer. "

Zac shook slightly, but recovered quickly. All the data in his computer was backed up. Even if the

computer failed to work, there would be no loss.

"That's good. The IT industry of the Xu's Group depends on you in the future." He smiled instead of

being angry.

On Holy's handsome face, a piece of muscle was plucking slightly. "Brother Zac, do you think my gift is

not enough? How about this? I will prepare a bigger surprise for you on your wedding in two days.

What do you think? "

The corners of his mouth twitched. He didn't want this little boy to go on like this. "If you have finished

playing, go back to school. Don't worry about adults' business."

"I'm not a child anymore. I've grown up. I can protect my sister." Holy jumped up from the sofa at once,

"if anyone dares to bully my sister, I will not spare him!"

"You won't understand me and your sister." Zac sighed. He had never given up Essie. It was her that

had given up.

"You have abandoned her. You hurt my sister. You are a jerk." Holy clenched his fists. Whenever he

thought that his sister was haggard because of him, he got very angry and had an impulse to kill him.

"Isn't Essie with Hanson? She doesn't need me at all. " Zac snorted. She never cared about him. There

was no need for him to risk his true feelings.

"That's because Hanson is better than you. He never bully my sister, but you make her sad." Holy

stared at him with anger.

Sadness streaked across his face. In fact, he was hurt again and again by this muddled woman.

"In this case, I quit, to fulfill your sister's wish, and let her be with Hanson. Isn't it good?"

Holy was choked by Zac's words, and all his anger seemed to be blocked by his words.

"Yes, it's good. My sister is going to marry Hanson. After your wedding, Hanson will also hold the

wedding and let her become the happiest bride in the world."

He intentionally provoked Zac, and he succeeded. Zac's heart twitched violently. A sharp pain flashed

like lightning. He gritted his teeth and pulled it through. "If she wants to get married, I will bless her." He


"Don't go to find my sister ever again. She would be happier without you." Holy said coldly and went


Zac's internal organs were twisting into a ball.

Would she be happier without him?

If it was true, he was willing to do it!

After work, Essie didn't want to go home, so she wandered on the street aimlessly.

She arrived at a wedding dress store unconsciously.

Wedding dress? The word was so dazzling that the snow-white color was now like the cold light of a

dagger, stabbing in her heart brutally, causing her to feel a pang of pain.

"Miss, are you going to buy the wedding dress?" The shopkeeper came out and smiled at her. "We

have many new styles here. Do you want to try them on inside?"

A bitter smile was plastered on Essie's face. Her husband was now someone else's. They were going

to hold a wedding, and who would see her in wedding dress.

"Thank you. I just want to have a look." She waved her hand and walked forward slowly.

There was a river bed not far away.

It was a bad day with strong wind on the riverside.

But the weather was agreeable to her mood which was gloomy.

She stood in front of the guardrail for a long time, staring at the boundless river in a daze.

Her hair was disheveled by the wind, and her delicate body was like a leaf that could be swept away at

any time.

She felt weak and dizzy, either because she stood for too long or because of the strong wind.

He turned around and took two steps before he fell backward as darkness came over his eyes.

A tall and strong figure ran towards her, and the strong iron arm quickly reached out and took her into

his arms.


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