Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 605 Be Smart To Tackle Problems

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The little girl's eyes were burning, and the corner of her eyes looked out. Her eyes flashed, and she

suddenly laughed. "Bill, don't pretend to be ignorant. Your father just runs a small company. What's the

big deal?" She pointed to the Aston outside and said, "Since your family is so rich, why don't you buy a

cool sports car like that? Your father only drives a Mercedes Benz. Only upstarts like Mercedes Benz! "

Bill was irritated by her words. He rolled up his sleeves in anger, ready to make a big move. The smell

of gunpowder in the air became more and more intense.

Sitting in the cubicle, she heard their conversation clearly. Eva remained silent. She had encountered

such a scene many times when she was a child, and she had long been accustomed to it. However,

the boys were all impulsive. They needed to mediate in order not to escalate the conflict.

She smiled at Vinton and said in a relaxed tone, "I'll ask the waiter to make a cup of ice for each of

them and let them calm down!"

"Powder ice is useless!"

Vinton shook his head, stood up and went out.

The girls' eyes were immediately attracted, and the little girl became anthomaniac again, staring at

Vinton. The boys' quarrel seemed to be meaningless. They turned their heads sulkily and ignored each


Vinton patted Jade on the shoulder and said, "Tomorrow is weekend. Please invite Carrie to Disney

land!" Then she turned to Carrie and asked, "Little beauty, would you like to accept this handsome

boy's invitation?"

Carrie stared at him in a daze, "You... Do you know Jade? "

Vinton smiled, "You are my cousin's street dance teacher. He is good at it and has won the

championship of the teenager competition."

"Really?" Carrie looked at him with admiration, "Jade, I didn't know you know street dance."

Jade looked up at Vinton in a daze. He moved his lips and wanted to say something, but he felt that his

hand on his shoulder patted him gently, as a hint. So he pursed his lips and turned to look at Carrie,

smiling shyly.

"I'm busy with my homework now, so I haven't dance for a long time."

Vinton's voice came again, "That little beauty was right. Mercedes Benz is too common. Only upstarts

like it." He paused and smiled at the anthomaniac but loyal girl. The little girl's heart floated into the

clouds, unable to extricate herself for a long time.

Vinton's charming eyes returned to Carrie, and he slowed down his speed. "In fact, showing off the car

is the thing the only up starts like to do. The most romantic thing for the two is to ride a tandem bike

together on the riverside and watch the sunset. I often do this with my girlfriend. "

"Oh my God, it's so romantic. I also want to find a boyfriend to watch the sunset on a tandem bike."

The little girl exclaimed. Every word coming out of her dream man's mouth was classic!

With a sweet smile on her face, Carrie said, "Then we won't go to the Disneyland tomorrow. Let's go for

a ride by the river."

"Okay. Jade will pick you up tomorrow morning." Vinton smiled charmingly.

Carrie's beautiful big eyes twinkled with Vinton's words. She smiled and asked the person who

indirectly invited him, "Is that real, Jade?"

Jade didn't know what to say. At this time, the big hand on his shoulder patted him again, as if instilling

a kind of power and encouragement. He raised his head slightly and grinned, "Carrie, are you willing to

accept my invitation?"

"Yes." Carrie nodded shyly.

The boy didn't dare to say anything in front of Vinton. He lowered his head like a defeated cock. But

Jade raised his head even higher.

In the compartment, Eva listened to their conversation and smiled secretly.

Vinton was really good at acting. No wonder he was once a master of love!

After the dessert, the students left. Seeing that no one noticed, Jade slipped into the cubicle of Eva.

Caressing his head, Eva said, "Jade, don't pay attention to that kind of classmate anymore. Just ignore

what he says. In school, the competition is not about money and family background, but academic

performance. So you must study hard! "

Jade lowered his head, with an imperceptible depression in his eyes. "What's the use of good grades?

This is a world that depends on the back ground of your parents. If the back ground of your parents is

good, then you can success thirty years less than others."

"Nonsense!" Eva knocked on his head and didn't want him to be influenced by these messy thoughts.


is nothing to depend on your parent. You are awesome if you can start from scratch and succeed."

"Starting from scratch? It's not that easy. " Jade pouted.

With a playful smile on his face, Vinton said, "It's not that you have a bad back ground. Isn't it the same

for you to rely on your sister and brother-in-law?"

"But my sister didn't allow me to expose my identity." There was a little dissatisfaction on Jade's face. If

his classmates knew that he was the younger brother of Eva, he would become a famous figure in the


"Jade, the wealth of the heart is more important than the wealth of the material!" Eva caressed Jade's

head and said, "In my heart, as long as you and mom are fine and our family can live a peaceful life, I

feel very rich and happy!" She paused for a moment and smiled, "Now, every time I see the smile of a

family, I am very grateful to God. I tell him silently, as long as this can last, it is good, I don't want to ask

for more!"

Vinton looked at her in silence, there was a beautiful light shining on her face. It attracted his heart and

soul deeply.

But Jade didn't understand. In his school, all kinds of people showed off their wealth, so in his opinion,

the most successful and happy life was to live in a villa, drive a luxury car and hold a beauty.

After a long silence, he raised his head and said in a low voice, "Sister, you know what? Our family

used to be very poor, very poor. No girl was willing to date with me, because I didn't even have the

money to buy a bunch of roses! I don't have anything in common with the boys. They always talk about

the iPhone, the Armani and the Lamborghini, but I don't understand at all. I can only make sand

castles. They won't ask me to sing karaoke, because they are afraid that I don't have the money to

go Dutch with them. " He frowned and said, "Fortunately, I did well in my grades and helped my

classmates do homework, so I made a few good friends."

Eva caressed her brother's head, as if comforting him. She was still smiling, but there was a hint of

sadness in her smile. "But now we are no longer poor. We live in Premium Apartment House and have

a car outside. I just want you to hide your wealth and keep a low profile."

"I know," Jade nodded and said no more. He was more concerned about how to deal with the date

tomorrow. He leaned forward and looked at his sister. "Where will I take Carrie to have dinner after

riding a bicycle tomorrow?"

Eva took out her credit card and handed it to him, "Take her to a French restaurant." If her brother

wanted to date a girl, she had to support him anyway.

Jade smiled and quickly took over the credit card. "Thank you, sister. I'm leaving now."

After he left, the smile that had been maintained disappeared from Eva's lips. She sighed slightly,

"Since middle school, Jade has never been willing to go to the river side to build sand castle with me.

Now I think, I know the reason."

Vinton turned to look at her, "Nowadays, people as indifferent as you are probably rarer than panda."

There was a hint of banter in his words, but his eyes were as gentle as water.

Eva smiled sadly, her tightly knitted eyebrows full of melancholy. It was foggy outside the window, as if

there was a haze shrouding the surroundings, making people unable to see the scenery in front of

them clearly. Eva felt that the burden on her shoulder and the worry in her heart were heavier and

thicker than the haze.

Her sadness was seen by him. He reached out his hand and held her. "When Jade grows up, he will

understand that he is actually very happy, because he has a sister who loves him very much."

Eva nodded and became quiet for a while. When she turned her head again, the melancholy between

her eyebrows had turned into a coquettish look. She gently pinched Vinton's nose and said, "You are

actually helping Jade to chase a girl. I don't want him to become a playboy like you in the future."

Vinton made a strange expression and said, "Next time I'll remind him that even there are countless

girls in the world, he can only choose one to be his girl!"

His expression amused Eva, and the ringing laughter came to his ears, in turn infected him.

The two laughter were connected in a series and echoed in the cubicle for a long time.

In the evening, Essie came over. She ordered Hodgepodge and had dinner with Eva.

Eva told her that he went to York's house today.

She had always been her counsellor, so she might have guessed York's intention.

After eating a piece of dessert, Essie said slowly, "We have something on Wendy. Elizabeth must be in

a passive position, so they want to reverse the situation. If my guess is right, she wants Shelly to be her

backup. Once Wendy lost her power, she would immediately push Shelly up. And Shelly is your half-

sister. For the sake of her and York, she is sure that you dare not be too ruthless. And by doing so, it is

equivalent to turning York and Shelly into two powerful sharp knives to deal with you. "

She paused, took a sip of the juice and continued, "It's undoubtedly a great joy for York, but it's

obviously impossible to force you to leave Vinton directly. Therefore, he intends to play a love card to

repair the relationship with you and pretend to be a good father in law in front of Vinton. In this way,

Vinton has to be polite to him. And Shelly is using your relationship to get close to Vinton and seduce

him from the side. This is much better than Wendy who was taking the initiative to attack. "

Eva thumped the table angrily, "They are too insidious and cunning. I know they have bad intentions.

Fortunately, Essie, you are smart enough to see them through."

With a cold smile, Essie said, "I've been fighting against Elizabeth since I was a child. I know her tricks

very well. And it's easy to break her trick... " She smiled weirdly.

Vinton made a strange expression and said, "Next time I'll remind him that even there are countless

girls in the world, he can only choose one to be his girl!"

His expression amused Eva, and the ringing laughter came to his ears, in turn infected him.

The two laughter were connected in a series and echoed in the cubicle for a long time.

In the evening, Essie came over. She ordered Hodgepodge and had dinner with Eva.

Eva told her that he went to York's house today.

She had always been her counsellor, so she might have guessed York's intention.

After eating a piece of dessert, Essie said slowly, "We have something on Wendy. Elizabeth must be in

a passive position, so they want to reverse the situation. If my guess is right, she wants Shelly to be her

backup. Once Wendy lost her power, she would immediately push Shelly up. And Shelly is your half-

sister. For the sake of her and York, she is sure that you dare not be too ruthless. And by doing so, it is

equivalent to turning York and Shelly into two powerful sharp knives to deal with you. "

She paused, took a sip of the juice and continued, "It's undoubtedly a great joy for York, but it's

obviously impossible to force you to leave Vinton directly. Therefore, he intends to play a love card to

repair the relationship with you and pretend to be a good father in law in front of Vinton. In this way,

Vinton has to be polite to him. And Shelly is using your relationship to get close to Vinton and seduce

him from the side. This is much better than Wendy who was taking the initiative to attack. "

Eva thumped the table angrily, "They are too insidious and cunning. | Know they have bad intentions.

Fortunately, Essie, you are smart enough to see them through."

With a cold smile, Essie said, "I've been fighting against Elizabeth since | was a child. | know her tricks

very well. And it's easy to break her trick... " She smiled weirdly.


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