Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 310 It Is None Of My Business (Part One)

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"Didn't we have Italy food together in the Maldives?" He gave a charming smile and his dark brown

eyes shone in the light.

"You have a good memory." Essie opened her mouth and smiled, revealing a row of white teeth. It was

a long time ago. She didn't expect him to remember it so clearly.

An indescribable deep color flashed across Walt's face. Every bit about her was engraved in his heart,

and he could not forget it no matter how long it took.

"A meat eating animal that likes eating meat and is not afraid of growing meat. It's so special that it's

easy to remember." He said with a teasing smile.

Essie also smiled and said, "I always feel like I am the person who is not distinguished in the crowd

easily. I didn't expect that I still have my own characteristics."

"If you were this normal person, Zac would not be reluctant to let you go until now." Walt said in a joking

tone, and the smile on Essie's face froze for a moment. Zac didn't let her go was just due to his strong

possession. He didn't really like her. In his eyes, she was a private thing. To be exact, she was the

perfect substitute for a woman. It was difficult to find another one, so he wouldn't let her go. Now, when

something happened to the Lord, he immediately disappeared without a trace, leaving her out of the


"He and I are just friends now. Nothing else." There was a hint of anger in her words.

"Zac doesn't think so, does he?"

"Only he knows what he is thinking." She lowered her eyes, and her thick long eyelashes cast a dark

shadow under her white eyelids. "Anyway, now I just want to focus on my work. Let things go with their

emotions. I don't want to bother myself any more."

"That's good." Walt shrugged his shoulders. He didn't want her to get back together with Zac. After

drinking the soup, he quietly changed the topic. "How's your work at Hengyuan recently? Can you

handle it?"

"I'm studying project cost today. I have several questions to ask you." She said.

"Let's talk while eating. I'll tell you everything." Walt raised his charming mouth.

There were still a lot of questions about Essie. It was more than ten o'clock when he explained all to


Walt drove her out of the villa.

"Thank you so much today, brother." She said gratefully that she should have paid this meal, but Walt

would never let it, he never let women treat.

"I'm not an outsider. You don't have to be so polite. Call me if you have any problems with the building

in the future." Walt smiled.

"Yes." Essie nodded, opened the door and got out of the car.

Not far away, under the deep shadow, there was an Aston Martin. Its dark color almost integrated with

the dark night. There was a pair of gloomy eyes in the car window. As long as he saw the woman with

a man, no matter who he was, he would be furious and have a bloodthirsty impulse.

Seeing Walt's car drive away, he started the engine and drove to the gate of the iron fence. Essie was

about to enter. Hearing the sound of the engine, she turned around. Through the car window, she saw

the beautiful face inside, and she was slightly shocked. It was so late, why did this guy come here, not

to accompany his childhood sweetheart?

She ignored him and pretended not to see him. She shook her head and was about to enter the door

when he grabbed her from behind.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Don't you miss me?" He drew back his big hand and pulled her into

his arms. His face was buried in her hair, sucking the fragrance of her charming woman.

"Since you are very busy, you don't have to come. I am also very busy and have no time to talk to you."

She said angrily, holding up his head and not letting him harass her.

"If you are busy, how do you have time to go out with other men?" His voice suddenly turned cold, and

his arm jerked back at her waist, as if he was punishing her.

"Let go of me." She tried hard to break his arms, but if she couldn't, she kicked him hard in the legs and

stomach. However, these things were nothing to do with him, and they didn't work at all. "You know that

resistance is ineffective, and you do useless work every time. Is it because your trick to pretend to

refuse me?"

"Fuck off. I just want you to know that I'm forced. I don't want to be with you at all." She was sulking in

her heart, which would just let it out.

Zac's eyebrows twisted, and a flame of anger flashed through his dark and cold eyes. He gritted his

teeth and squeezed a few words from his teeth, "it doesn't matter. As long as I'm here, your heart will

be mine sooner or later." After that, he picked her up and threw her into the car.

She tried to push the door and escape, but he locked the door and window.

"Zac, why do you always play this trick? Don't you know what respect for human rights is?" He would

always bow to her overlord. He really thought he was a overlord!

"This one is not good for you. Why don't I use it?" He sneered.

"It will only make me hate you." She glared at him ferociously with her face full of anger. He had

disappeared for a few days, and there was not even a text message. Now he came out like a ghost to

bully her. He really thought that she was a doll that came and went immediately!

"It doesn't matter that I have been used to it for a long time." He snorted, and there was a malicious

cold light in his eyes, like an enraged lion, ready to open his bloody mouth at any time and devour her



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