Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 267 She Never Give Up Until She Drive Essie Away (Part One)

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The old man with white beard said, "I not only read your birth date, but also looked at the place of birth.

I figured that you must be born on the main road to the nine provinces, where the two rivers met. This

is the place of reincarnation of the heavenly fiend."

"Master, where is the main road to the nine provinces and the place where the two rivers meet?" Essie

asked again.

"Jiang City." The elder with white beard said.

"That means the one must be born in Jiang City and born in the same date as mine, right?"

"Of course." The old man with white beard was very sure.

Essie sat down next to Alena and said, "master, do you want to figure out by yourself or you can go

online and check the date I told you in lunar calendar before?"

"What?" The old man with white beard quivered, and a hint of panic appeared on his face, but he

quickly calmed down. "I am clear about it in my heart, don't worry about it."

"You don't know, do you?" Essie let out a sneer and said in a cold voice, "I made up the date at my will.

The year I told you was in 1961 and I hadn't been born at that time. Besides, though I grew up in Jiang

City, I'm not born there. The person who gave you money let you talk nonsense seems to know little

about me."

The old man's face suddenly turned as red as a turkey cock. Seeing that he was brought to light, Valery

was afraid of being suspected. She widened her eyes and pretended to be confused. "What are you

talking about? I don't understand."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. The master will understand." There was a mockery in her


Hearing this, Mary stayed silent. Even if the old man was a liar, she still believed that Essie was an evil

spirit, just like the woman Luce before. She had brought bad luck to men.

Alena put down the heat insulation Cup in her hand with her calm face, but her heart was as clear as

mirror. "Well, let's take him as a story teller. It's late, go back."

When Alena got back to the Rong Mansion, she began to speak, "no matter who did it, I will not

investigate it anymore. However, if it happens again, I will not let it go easily. The reason why my family

has made so many rules is that we have to prevent some people from making troubles and destroying

the peace of the family."

Valery shivered at Alena's words. She had a feeling that Alena said those words for her. Essie made a

sarcastic glance at Valery and thought, 'it has something to do with you. How could you make up such

an exaggerated story as empress?'

At noon, Essie and Zac were woken up by the knock on the door by Mary. She had something to talk

with her son.

Zac wore his clothes and followed her to the study room.

"Mommy, what can I do for you?" Asked Zac when he saw her extremely serious look.

"Today, I specially went to the Huang Temple to find a master and check it out for Essie. She is really

the reincarnation of a heavenly evil. She is an extremely vicious nemesis. Your life will be in danger at

any time if you are with her." Said Mary.

A sense of disgust came to Zac unconsciously. "Mommy, that's ridiculous. Don't believe it."

"I didn't believe it before. But since your uncle and aunt had an accident, I had to believe it. Before they

got married, your aunt and uncle had checked their birth dates. It was said that they were the most

powerful people in the world and couldn't get married. Otherwise, everything would be ruined.

However, after only two years, a terrible thing happened and both of them died." After swallowing some

saliva, Mary continued, "the fortune teller in the Huang Temple is very efficient. Last time you were

assassinated in the eastern region, I went to him to divine a story for you. He said that your fate would

be controlled and that you would definitely get married that day. You have read it through. Now he said

you and Essie are not meant for each other. You'd better divorce her as soon as possible. Don't ever

see her again and don't let the same tragedy happen again. " Then, she showed him the record.

Zac looked at her with no expression in his eyes. With a kind of drama in it, he asked, "Mommy, why

don't you like Essie?"

"It's not that I don't like her. I also want to treat her as my daughter-in-law, but she doesn't look good.

So she can't be with you." Mary explained.

"Really?" Zac raised her eyebrows, and said with doubts, "since I took her home, you've been picky

and made all kinds of complaints. You not only intentionally take Valery home to stimulate her, but also

made Cherry and Jenny appear to destroy our relationship. If you're dissatisfied with her in any way,

you can tell me. If not, I'll think that you're making trouble out of nothing."

The corners of Mary's mouth twitched. She hated to see Essie's face, because Essie was like the one

she hated most. But how could she say something like that? She couldn't even speak a word.

"I'm your mother. I've done everything for your good. Can't you just listen to me for once?"

If you really care about me, you should have been nice to Essie in these days. You should have let our

life live peacefully, but you have caused a lot of things to destroy our relationship from time to time. "

Zac said in a sharp tone.

"She will bring you bad luck. She'll do harm to you." "I can take a step back. As long as you and Essie

get divorced, I will agree to your marriage with anyone."


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