Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 241 Someone Was Playing Tricks

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Jim deliberately make a shiver and rubbed his arms, "Wow, wife domineering guy is indeed the most

horrible and most ferocious species in the world."

"Good that you know it." Zac said in a low voice in a domineering manner.

After the barbecue, Jim went back to his villa in Hengdian. Zac went back to the hotel with Essie and

Eva. They had to rest early and went to the filming site early the next day.

Eva's play was the first scene. She entered the dressing room at seven o'clock.

She sat on her dresser. While the dresser was about to apply makeup for her, she waved her hand and

said, "I have cosmetics with me. I can use my own." This is Helena Rubinstein's makeup. It was from

the cooperation supplier of SUMMER 100℃. And Essie seldom wears makeup, so she gave it to her.

Actors and actresses always wore make-up, and they had to use a good make-up in order not to

damage the skin.

The makeup artist asked her assistant to put the makeup on the table next to her. Soon an actress

came and sat there for makeup.

When Eva was putting on the wig, her junior sister, Wendy, went into the dressing room. They were

playing the first opposition acting today.

"Eva, I heard that there was an accident yesterday. It was your friend, Essie, hanging on the wire. Is

she all right?" Wendy asked with a gloating look in her eyes.

This was how the entertainment circle of the Internet worked. All news would spread over the country

with supersonic speed. Last night, there were more than ten thousand comments on Essie's micro

blog. They were all sent by fans, who were very concerned about their idol.

"She is fine. Thanks for asking," Eva replied casually.

"The people in the special skill group were so careless. They even didn't notice that their screw was

loosed." Added the makeup artist.

"Is there any problem today?" Wendy asked in a strange voice, her eyes shining with coldness. Today,

Eva would hang wire.

"I'm not worried at all." Knowing that she said that on purpose, Eva shrugged her shoulders

indifferently. It was said that Jim had deducted the salary of the special skill team for three months.

Anyone who dared to ignore the checking of the machine would be fired. It was known to all in the

entertainment circle that those who had been fired by King Jim were not accepted by other crew. It was

impossible for them to work anywhere anymore.

"That's good." Wendy said with a smirk.

As they were talking, the young actress next to them frowned. The dresser had just finished applying

makeup for her. She felt uncomfortable with the makeup. "Miss Li, what kind of rouge are you using?

Why do I feel hot on my face after that?"

"Hot?" The make-up artist was a little surprised, "We all used Olay's make-up. How could it be hot?"

There was a rash on the actress's face. Eva also saw it from the mirror and screamed, "Are you


The actress screamed in high voice, and the dresser quickly took her to the bathroom to wash her face.

Hearing the scream, Clarissa and the staff outside rushed in. Since the wire accident yesterday, her

vigilance had risen to the maximum. No matter it was an accident or anything else, she had to be


"Eva, are you okay?" She ran to Eva.

Eva shook her hand, "I'm fine. It's that actress. She seems to be allergic to rouge. Fortunately, I didn't

apply it. I used the makeup you gave me yesterday."

Essie picked up the make-up on the actress's dressing table and asked, "Is this the one you're talking


Eva nodded, "Yeah. It was on my desk. I don't need it. So Miss liu put it on that actress's desk."

"Was it on your table?" Startled, Essie put the rouge under her nose and smelled it. Shock filled her

eyes. However, she didn't say anything. She just said lightly, "Give me this box of rouge. I don't want it

to be used by any other actors."

The dresser nodded.

The actress ate a anti allergic medicine and applied some ointment on her face, so the rash went away.

But she couldn't wear makeup now, so she had to move to the back and started shooting from other


Essie came out of the dressing room and called Jim and Zac to the limo.

"Smell at this rouge, do you feel something weird in it?"

Jim took it over and sniffed. Then he sneezed, covering his nose with his hand. "What kind of rouge is

it?" He cursed from his throat.

Zac poured out the rouge powder, and looked at it carefully. There was some dark powder in it. "Take it

to test." He said in a low voice.

A cold light flashed in Jim's eyes. Who dared to make trouble in his crew? Was he crazy?

"Keep it a secret. Don't let anybody else know it." Zac reminded them and whispered in Jim's ear. Jim

nodded his head.

The shooting in the morning went on smoothly. In the afternoon, the assistant brought the inspection

report, and there was red pepper powder in the rouge.

"Did someone do this on purpose?" Jim frowned.

"Yes, it could be someone acting against Eva. This box of rouge was on her table. Fortunately, I gave

her a set of makeup of Helena Rubinstein yesterday, so she didn't use the crew's makeup. The makeup

artist assistant Miss Liu put her make-up on the table of the actors, and the actors were out of luck,"

Essie said slowly.

Jim rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Though heavenly pepper was hot tempered, she had been a trivial

role player and had never taken part in any drama, so it was unlikely that she got on bad terms with

others. The filming had just begun, and she didn't have much contact with the film crew. She wouldn't

get into trouble, would she?

As they were fell in silence, Essie's voice came through, "It seems that Eva and I have been targeted."

Her words reminded Zac and Jim that the wire accident yesterday was probably not an accident, and it

was deliberately caused by someone.

Jim asked the crew to check all the equipment, including all the clothes and items, to make sure

everything was in control.

Essie didn't tell Eva that someone wanted to hurt them. She was too honest and too straightforward. If

she couldn't control herself and broke out, it would ruin the plan of Zac and Jim.

After lunch, Nicole called her. Her new movie shooting was going to be held in Hengdian, and Essie

decided to visit the Qin Palace district.

Soon enough, Nicole also knew about the accident that happened to Essie. "I'm glad to hear that you

are fine. I was totally shocked when I saw the news yesterday," she added. Nicole talk to Essie as she

drank the water during the break.

"That was my first time to hang wire. I thought it was fun, but now I'm so scared that I don't dare to do it

again. It made such a trouble that I haven't gotten any scenes to act yet," Essie said, sticking out her


After a short silence, Nicole asked her assistant to leave and said, "I have something to tell you." She

lowered her voice.

"What is it?" Essie said, leaning her body again.

"Recently, someone spread the news in the entertainment circle that you helped Eva to get the heroine

with the help of your relationship with Jim," Nicole said in a low voice.

"Do you know who said that?" Essie's eyes darkened.

"I don't know yet. But I heard that 'War Emperor' originally wanted to pick one between Melanie and

Wendy to be the heroine. Both of them had gone all out to fight for the heroine before the audition. No

one would have thought that Eva would finally snatch the heroine out of nowhere." After a pause,

Nicole took a sip of water and went on, "After the finals, Melanie and Wendy became the second

heroine and the third heroine. They are going crazy. Now the movie just starts and the people spread

such rumors, it may be intentional. You and Eva should be careful."

Nicole had been working hard in the entertainment circle for many years and she got used to all kinds

of things in this circle. Such as fought in the open and secretly, took revenge on others and played

tricks behind the scenes, etc. Those are normal.

Essie understood what she meant. It seemed that she also suspected that the wire accident yesterday

was not an accident.

"Thank you for reminding me of that. Nicole, Eva and I will be more careful in the future," she said with

gratitude. In fact, she didn't need to worry too much about it. After all, she was just a guest performer,

and the shooting would be finished in more than ten minutes. But unlike her, Eva was a leading role,

and it would take her three months to get the shooting done. If she didn't find out the culprit, nobody

knew what horrible things would happen in the future.

Back at the filming site of 'War Emperor', Zac saw her worried look and walked over to put his arm

around her shoulder. "Don't worry too much. Jim and I are around, no one can't turn the tables."

"The entertainment circle a mess. This is so terrible." Essie made a face.

"You just a passersby. You will return to your fashion circle after finishing the shooting." Zac stroke her

nose with a teasing smile.

"I'm worried about Eva. She's straightforward and doesn't have any tricks. Probably she won't notice

was someone was plotting against her." Essie sighed.

"Don't worry. I have arranged Demi to be her agent. She is very experienced. I'm sure she will take

good care of Eva." Zac patted her on the shoulder.

Demi was a well-known agent of same fame as Riley, who made many stars popular and was very

good at doing things. Everybody in the entertainment circle respected her.

Hearing that Zac had let Demi take care of Eva, Essie felt much more relieved.

The scene which was shot on the next day needed to be computer synthesis, so they had almost done

it in the studio. The night before yesterday, Jim asked the staff to get the stage prop ready.

Eva would have to walk on a weave bridge that hung at a position five meters above the ground. Jim

asked the staff to build the bridge and after making sure that it was okay, they went back to have a rest.

At midnight, there was dead silence in the studio.

A black shadow sneaked in and climbed up the hanging bridge along the long ladder. There was a

flashlight shone on his waist, with a saw in his hand, and cut the rope of the hanging bridge into a few

unnoticeable small holes.

If someone climbed on it, the rope would not hold the weight and break, causing the person above it to


And the people in the crew would only think that it was an accident because the ropes were not strong.

No one would suspect it was a man-made accident.

He stamped on the rope with his foot, feeling very satisfied with his masterpiece. Then he slowly

climbed down the ladder. A cunning smile climbed on the corner of his mouth, thinking that he could do

it without being noticed.

When he was about to sneak out, a strong searchlight came in.


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