Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 482 Limiting Her Freedom (Part One)

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Essie, had a glance at Mary from the corner of her eye. She pushed Zac and said, "Your mommy is


Withdrawing his arm from the woman's, Zac turned his head to look at the woman standing at the door.

"Mommy, are you here for Rabi?" he asked deliberately.

As soon as Mili and Dot saw Mary, they rushed to Essie and protected her with their little arms. "Bad

grandma, don't bully my mommy!" Mili shouted. She knew Mary was up to something by looking at her

sullen face.

Rabi was timid. Fearing that his grandmother would hit his Mommy again, he hid behind Zac.

Mary really had the urge to slap Essie for a score of times, so that she could get even with what Luce

did to her last time. However, she was in the most advantageous spot. Her parents would definitely

punish her if they knew that she did such a stupid thing.

"What an ill bred child! How could you be so rude?" She turned to Mili and glared at her. The little tramp

was detestable, so was her little bastards.

"Grandpa Mao said that we need to treat a bad person as the ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping

away the falling leaves. No matter who the bad person is," Mili said confidently.

Essie stroke her head. "It's okay, sweetheart. Grandma just came to visit you. You can go on playing."

Although she didn't want the children to hate Mary, she didn't want to retouch her and speak for her.

She was so terrible that she wanted the kids to be on the alert.

"Mommy, if you have something to say, just go outside. Don't let the kids see you." There was an

impatient expression on Zac's face. To be honest, he felt a headache every time when he saw his

mother, because she had almost nothing to do except blaming Essie and then stopping them from

contacting with each other.

"You two come out with me," Mary said gloomily, turned around and walked outside.

With a glance at each other, Essie and Zac followed her.

Mili was worried, "She really won't hit Mommy?"

"I don't think so. Great grandpa and great grandma are at home," Dot said thoughtfully.

"Yes, if she dares to hurt Mommy, I'll tell great grandpa and great grandma." Mili snorted, arms akimbo.

This bad grandma had never been kind to Mommy. She particularly hated her!

In the study, Mary closed the door because she didn't want to be heard by others.

"Essie, I know you are not engaged, but Zac is married. You shouldn't try to get back at him." She

looked at Essie with obvious disgust in her eyes.

"Mommy, if you want to talk about something else, we can sit down and listen to you. But if you want to

talk about it again, we won't accompany you." Zac frowned. He was sick of it and didn't want to hear a


"You have an affair, an extramarital affair. It's immoral. How can I turn a blind eye to it?" Mary was


"Aunt, don't you always like to create an affair out of marriage?" Essie sneered and her eyes were full

of ridicule.

Mary's face turned pale. "Did you do this regardless of Leila's feelings?" She had to put up with moral

high and uphold justice for her daughter-in-law. It was perfectly reasonable for a mother-in-law to help

her daughter-in-law to hit a mistress.

"Didn't she take the advantage of my coma and grab my husband? Didn't she take my feelings into

consideration? Besides, the two elders have admitted in front of the whole Rong family that I am their

granddaughter in law. As long as we stay in Rong Mansion, I'll be Zac's wife. Only outside of it can she

be his wife. " Essie deliberately pissed her off. The more she tried to get rid of her, the more dissatisfied

she would be.

Holding her by the shoulder, Zac said, "Mommy, if you don't admit that, you're set yourself against your

mother-in-law, grandfather and the whole Rong family. I believe that you are a person of sense and

sensibility, and won't do anything harmful to the family interests."

Mary's heart was broken. The two people echoed each other. Were they going to work together against


"Are you still my son?"

"Of course I am your son, just because I am your son, I have to atone for you and pay off your debts.

You don't have to admit the mistakes you made in the past, but you have to pay the debt you owe. If

you don't want to pay it back, I can only help you pay it back," Zac said firmly and forcefully.

"You..." Mary clenched her fists, and her eyes were filled with anger. Blue veins stood out on her

forehead. "I did nothing wrong. I did the right thing."

"Maybe you think you are right, but God thinks you are wrong, so he arranged me to meet Cathy and

become a couple. The son have to pay a mother's debt. I am destined to pay your debt. You can't

change anything."

Zac's deep voice was like a cold wind, blowing great waves in Mary's heart. She didn't believe in fate.

She only believed in herself. Whoever dared to block her way to ruin her plan, she would never let her

go easily.

She took a deep breath and then waved her hand. "Never mind. Whatever you want. I will leave you

alone. I'm too old to poke my nose into your business. " Since the tough way didn't work at all, she had

to retreat for the sake of advancing. Sometimes, a soft knife was better than a hard knife. If a hard knife

could not deal with the little tramp, she would use a soft knife, which could kill people invisibly.

"Mommy, there are still a lot of things for you to do in the Rong family. It's almost grandpa's birthday.

You should focus on preparing for it." Zac came over and held her by the shoulder. As long as she

could let go and ignore him, he solved a big problem for her.


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