Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 421 A Fierce Battle Between The Love Rivals (Part Two)

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"Two million dollars."

"Five million dollars."

"Eight million dollars."

"Ten million dollars!" Essie raised her paddle again, and it seemed that she wouldn't give up until she

got the doll.

"Fifteen million dollars." A possible buyer raised their paddles.

When Essie was about to compete with the doll again, Hanson turned his head and said, "Essie, do

you want this Barbie doll?" A hint of shock and pain flashed over his face. It was the Zac's thing. Did

she really care about it so much? Why couldn't she forget him?

It was not until then that she realized the abnormality on his face. She realized she had made a huge

mistake. "I'm sorry, Hanson," she apologized. She lowered her head and said, "This is my Barbie doll. I

gave it to him when I was a child. I want to take it back."

Hanson was shocked. He suddenly realized that she was the prototype of the Barbie.

"Okay, I'll take the bid for you." As he spoke, he raised his bid tag. "Thirty million dollars!"

It became quiet at the spot and no one seemed to want to fight any more.

The host lifted the hammer and said, "Thirty million dollars once, thirty million dollars twice, thirty million

dollars the third times..." When he was about to drop the hammer for the deal, a low voice came, "Forty

million dollars!"

It was Zac who spoke. An uproar broke out in the hall.

It was one of his possessions. Now he wanted to buy it for himself. Did he had too much money that he

did not know how to spend it elsewhere?

Essie gave Zac a fierce look. He was such a crazy man. She would never let her favorite Barbie doll be

possessed by this reckless demon. She was about to raise her card, but Hanson stopped her and said,

"Let me do it."

He could see that Zac was deliberately picking on him. He wouldn't lose.

"Fifty million dollars." He accepted the challenge.

"Sixty million dollars." Zac said with a bloodthirsty expression on his face.

"Seventy million dollars." Hanson said without showing any weakness.

"Eighty million dollars."

"Ninety million dollars."

"One hundred million dollars!" Zac did not tried to make any concession.

All the people present took a deep breath. They could tell that it was not an auction, but a battle of love

rival had begun.

Hearing that, Hanson's eyes turned red, as if he was not fighting for a Barbie doll, but for Essie. When

he was about to raise his paddle to quote it two hundred million dollars, he was stopped by Essie.

"Forget it. Let him take it back if he wants."

"It doesn't matter if I have to spend several more hundred million dollars. I will definitely help you get it

back. I won't lose to him," Hanson said with absolute certainty.

"You didn't lose. He spent a hundred million dollars on something he originally owned. He lost," Essie

tried to comfort him.

"That's not his thing," Hanson said, gritting his teeth.

"It's just a doll. I'm alive. I belong to you." Essie held his hands again.

Hanson swallowed a bit, swallowed the anger in his throat, suddenly lowered his head and kissed her

on her lips. He was provoking the man opposite, announcing his sovereignty. You can take the Barbie

back, but she was mine now.

In public, being kissed by him in front of so many people made her embarrassed, but she didn't push

him away. She just let him kiss her as if she was angry with someone and wanted to take revenge on

his ruthlessness.

Zac was still expressionless, as if he had not noticed what happened here at all. But he saw it. He did

see it. There was a dagger clenching his body. His internal organs were all bloody and blurred. He

gritted his teeth and tried to resist the pain. He didn't want himself to fall down, nor did he want himself

to break down.

Finally, the host finished the hammer in the deathly stillness.

He returned her Barbie doll to the auctioneer.

Leila was speechless. She didn't expect this Barbie which made him treat like the most precious

treasure was really belonged to Essie. Didn't he say that he had no feelings for her but just out of

business? Why did he cherish her thing and even buy it back with one hundred million dollars? She

could not figure it out. She was going crazy.

When the auction was over and they came out of the Century Square, Essie smiled at Zac, "Mr. Rong,

what you have done today is truly puzzling. Since you don't want this old doll any more, why not let

others to buy it?"

"I'm here to donate money, not to auction. No one can touch my stuff, even though it is waste." Zac

said in a low voice in a domineering manner.

Essie sneered at him. She knew very well about his temperament of a devil. If it were not for Hanson,

he would never take it back.

Hanson cast a gloomy glance at him and reached out to hug Essie. "You're right, Mr. Rong. Nobody is

allowed to touch your things." After saying that, he kissed gently on Essie's forehead and as if it was a

way to label himself

on her.

A murderous look rose in the eyes of Zac, "It's still unknown whether it's yours or not." He sneered and

walked outside. The kite line was still held in his hand. He didn't need to rejoice too early.

Staring at his arrogant back, a hint of darkness flashed on Hanson's face, "Even if it's not mine, it can't

be yours."

When she went back, Essie kept thinking about her Barbie doll. She was sure that Zac would throw it

into the dustbin again. In his eyes, it might be worthless, but it was very precious in her eyes. In order

to prevent it from ending up with a miserable life again, she had decided to talk to Zac and take it back.


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