Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 336 You Have Only One Use For Me (Part Two)

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The reason why Jim told her about Zac's emotional entanglement was that he wanted her to make

things clear with him and discuss with him about the kids.

However, she was very hesitant and worried, not knowing what to do. What if she told him about the

kids and that Zac still couldn't regain his memory and wanted to have a fight for the custody of her


Their marriage now was just like a glass bottle hanging on a thin line. Zac was cold. Her mother and

Mary was in the way to obstruct them to be together. And there was Leila who always waiting for a

chance to win back Zac. They were all like heavy items that added to the glass bottle that hung on a

thin line which could break the thin line at any time due to the heavy weight.

If she divorced, they would have to talk about the custody of the kids. She couldn't win over Zac

absolutely. She could do nothing but watch him take the kids away. Mary wouldn't treat her children

well. If Leila became a stepmother, she would think of them as her obstacles and would think in every

way to abuse them and even hurt them.

She couldn't let such a terrible thing happen. At present, the best way was to remain silence. As long

as she could delay to talk about it, she would not bring this up under this situation. The most important

thing right now was to help Zac restore his memory and stabilize their marriage. Then everything would

be handled.

On the way back, there was only a silence tone in the car. The expression on Zac's face was like the

night scene outside the window. It was deep and unpredictable. Essie hummed a song by herself. She

didn't like a quiet place or atmosphere.

"You are not only an eye sore in appearance, but also have an ear-piercing voice. You are full of

negative energy." Zac rolled his eyes at her.

"Am I not a good singer?" Essie stuck out her tongue. She thought playing tricks was the best way to

deal with this arrogant and sharp tongued young master who lost his memory.

"Do you know the difference between the sound of a goose and a nightingale?" He gave a mocking


Feeling depressed, Essie closed her mouth. She lowered her head and drew circles. After a while, she

muttered in a very low voice, "Icy guy, if you have time, maybe you should go to see a psychologist. I'm

not sure, but maybe he can restore you memory."

"Why don't you find a brain specialist to cure your stupidity?" He stretched his long arm and flicked her

head. She shrank back to the corner of the seat in grievance and tried to stay away from him. "Didn't

you say that I was very smart on one side?" She curled her lips.

"That side only takes up one percent of your brain capacity, and the rest ninety-nine percent is

occupied by silly, idiot and stupid." He snorted, making no secret of his ridicule on her.

What a horrible tongue he had! He did not intend to stop until he kill her by those harsh words!

She thought to herself, 'Why does he hate me so much? I don't look like an ass kisser.' Was it because

he loved her too much, so now he hate her equally?

She thought for a while and quickly denied it. He hadn't loved her so much before. It was just that

affection would grow with time. He didn't hate her that much, did he?

"Do you really hate me now?" She couldn't help asking.

"Well, you have a clear estimation of yourself," he answered straightforwardly without any hesitation. It

seemed that she was right.

A little injury flew into her eyes. Or maybe she was wrong. He didn't like her at all. There was no

affection at all. Taking the bullet was just an instinctive behavior without any affection attached to it.

Otherwise, how could he forget her completely and especially hate her?

"It's okay. Nowadays, falling in love after the marriage is a trend. Once we get along with each other for

a long time, you will not hate me." She lowered her eyes, and her long and thick eyelashes cast two

sad shadows on her eyelids. After that, she murmured in a very low voice, "Actually, I have some


He glanced at her coldly, and his eyes narrowed in darkness. "What's the merit you have? Tell me."

"Goofy!" she replied in a low voice.

He sneered, "Is that a merit?"

Didn't it?

She rolled her black eyes and said: "I'm not fussy about food. It's easy to feed."

"Am I lack of money to feed you?"

Well, this was indeed insignificant to the rich young master.

"Then I can cook delicious Braised Beef Brisket with Turnip. Does that count?" She finally thought of

something that deserved to be praised. But his thin lips curled and he looked with disdain. "Can't the

cook make it better than you?"

The cooks the Rong family hired were all first-class chefs. How could she compare with them? But...

"You said, I can cook better than the cook's."

"I must have said that when I have a bad taste." he sneered.

"Not at all." She lowered her head and lowered her voice. It was obvious that she was lack of


When the car stopped at the intersection and waited for a traffic light, he turned his head and looked at

her gloomy and deep eyes. "You have only one use to me."

"What?" she asked in a low voice, depressed.

"Warm the bed." He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then smiled wickedly and coldly.

She was shocked intensely, and her face gradually receded, turning pale.

"| must have said that when | have a bad taste." he sneered.

"Not at all." She lowered her head and lowered her voice. It was obvious that she was lack of


When the car stopped at the intersection and waited for a traffic light, he turned his head and looked at

her gloomy and deep eyes. "You have only one use to me."

"What?" she asked in a low voice, depressed.

"Warm the bed." He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then smiled wickedly and coldly.

She was shocked intensely, and her face gradually receded, turning pale.


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