Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 373 Keep The Relationship In Secret

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In the CEO Office of Hengyuan Co., Ltd. Different roses would be sent in every day, but today there

was a special bunch of purple hyacinth.

Its flower meaning was apology.

She took a look at the card and saw the words on it, which read, "I'm sorry for what happened

yesterday. Please don't take my mommy's words to heart.".

It was from Walt.

In fact, she had been accustomed to Mary's sarcasm and oppression. She knew that she would

definitely not have a better end than her mother if Mary hadn't cared about Zac.

Vicki was an arrogant and domineering lady, while Mary was a snake heart of a Buddha face. It was

much more difficult to deal with Mary.

The feud between her and her mother could not be resolved, and the grudge between the previous

generation was destined to affect the next generation. Even if there was no Leila, there was little hope

for her and Zac to recover.

However, people were just so strange. They could control their bodies, but they couldn't control their

hearts. They loved the people they shouldn't love. Although they knew that there would never be any

result, they still loved the people they shouldn't love.

The relationship between she and Zac was like the positive and negative pole of a magnet. Once they

got close to each other, they would be attracted together involuntarily. Nobody was able to separate

from each other.

As soon as it was off duty, Walt came and invited her to have lunch with him which served as

his sincerely apologized to her. He knew if he didn't do it himself, Essie wouldn't go to his apartment to

change his gauze for him anymore.

"Brother, you don't have to feel sorry about it. I already forgot what happened yesterday," with a smile

on her face, she said indifferently.

"Although you have divorced with Zac, we should not cut off our relationship. We should keep in touch

more often," Walt said with a smile.

Essie nodded. She didn't want to lose a friend just because of outsiders' suspicion and gossip. It would

make her feel guilty if she kept hiding.

She and Walt found a nice spicy food restaurant for lunch. Walt had a wider acceptance to food than

his younger brother. He could eat all kinds of food, including sour, sweet and spicy food. He was indeed

a man who had traveled around the world.

After lunch, they went back to the car. When Walt took off his coat, she was surprised to find blood on

his shirt.

"Brother, is the wound on your back bleeding?"

"I just felt a little pain. It doesn't matter," In fact, the scab on his back, which was about to heal, was torn

up by him intentionally. If the wound was healed, Essie would not come to see him again.

"It is bleeding. How can you say that it is okay? Go back to your apartment first. I'll change the gauze

for you," Essie said in a hurry.

"Mommy have changed it for me. But she has never done the housework since she was a little girl. She

probably could not do it well." Walt shook his head and sighed.

Essie returned a thin smile.

Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Mary had been brought up in a wealthy and influential family

since she was a child. It was natural for her not to do such trifles after she came back to the country

and married into Rong family.

When they arrived at Walt's apartment, Essie took out the medical kit. Walt took off his shirt. She

looked at the gauze wrapped around his back, and found that that was really clumsy.

She opened the gauze slowly. When she saw the broken wound, she took a deep breath. It seemed to

be more serious than yesterday. The wound was red and a little inflamed.

"Brother, did you get wet at the wound?"

"I just took a shower," Walt said dismissively.

Essie touched her forehead and sighed, "Brother, but your wound couldn't be wet with water, or it will

become inflamed. I'll buy a waterproof band aid for you. You can wear this first when you take a


"Okay." Walt nodded. Of course he knew that the wound couldn't be wet, but he didn't want to recover

so soon, or she would never come again.

Essie applied hydrogen peroxide, iodine and anti-inflammatory ointment on his back and bandaged him

with gauze. "Does it still hurt?"

"I don't feel pain if I don't move." Walt smiled and enjoyed the moment when she was caring about him.

"Have a good rest these days, keep away from water. And don't do strenuous exercise. I will check it

tomorrow when I change the medicine." She comforted him in a tone as if he was a child. He was

totally different from an icy guy. Walt was not as cold and domineering as icy guy was. He was much

easier to get along with.

"I'm glad that you're willing to come and change the gauze for me. I'm afraid that you'll be angry and

ignore me," Walt said with a pleasant smile on his face.

"A clean hand wants no washing. It's others' business as long as you have a clear conscience." Essie

smiled, revealing two sweet dimples on her cheeks.

Zac nodded, with a touch of unexplainable spirit flashing across his eyes. He couldn't tell Essie his

feelings for her now that his mother had made a scene. If she knew about this, she would definitely be

scared away and would never contact him again.

"Have you met Zac recently?" he asked in a low voice.

Essie sighed in her heart again. The big ogre wanted to be a marmot which would turn her to be his

mistress. How could he let go of her? Now that they were the marmot, they should keep their

relationship as a secret. Otherwise, they would be criticized by everyone.

"No, we haven't met each other since he remarried." She shook her head.

Walt sighed slightly. "Divorcing you is a loss to Zac." But it was a chance for him.

Essie shrugged and said in a calm voice, "He and Leila have gotten married. I will bless them."

Although she didn't know why Zac was going to marry Leila, she was willing to help him hide his

marriage and keep his secret that he didn't want others to know.

"It's good that you think so," Walt said with a comforting smile on his face. He didn't want her to love his

brother too much. The less she loved him, the more likely he would be to win her.

"You have to look forward. The God has closed a door for you and will open another window for you. I

want to find that window, not the door that will not be opened forever," While saying that, she seemed

to have another idea in her mind. The God was a child who liked to play tricks on her. Even if the door

was locked, God would lock her inside so that she would not be able to find that new window.

"Yes, you are right. We should face the fact that there is not only one man, Zac in the world," Walt said

with a smile, who seemed to be in a good mood. He believed that if Essie was with him, she would be

happier than if she was with Zac.

Mili and Rabi were happily playing around in the zoo.

Suddenly, Rabi was startled by a lion and cried loudly. Mili hugged him like a big sister and comforted

him in a soft voice, "Brother, don't be afraid. The lion is locked in a cage and it will not run out. If it gets

out, Mili will protect you."

Stroking Rabi's head, Zac said, "Rabi, I've told you that you are a man. You have to be brave and don't

cry all the time."

Rabi raised her little head, took a glance at him with his tearful eyes, and then looked at Mili, stopping

crying. "I forget that I'm a man. I'm not afraid. My younger sister is not afraid. And I can't afraid either."

he wiped his tears with his small hands as he spoke.

"Brother, you are the strongest." Mili gave him a thumbs up.

Rabi broke into tears and smiled. He took hold of Mili's hand and said, "Let's go, sister. Let's feed the


"Okay." Mili nodded with a smile. While walking, she was singing, "Let's go. Let's go hand in hand."

Zac watched to them with a doting smile. After leaving the monkey mountain, he took them to have

dinner in a restaurant.

Rabi hadn't used chopsticks yet. Seeing that Mili was eating with chopsticks by herself, he was

surprised. "Sister, you know how to use chopsticks?"

"I can use anything." Mili raised her eyebrows smugly. She was a gifted girl. Of course she could learn

faster than others. Dot was more amazing than her. He had become a hacker under uncle's guidance.

Hearing that, Rabi lowered his head and looked a little disappointed. As an elder brother, he didn't

seem to be as good as his sister in everything.

Mili noticed his abnormality and realized that she had said something wrong. She quickly said,

"Brother, eating with chopsticks is very difficult. I've learned it for a long time at home. If you have to

learn, and you must learn it much better than me."

It was normal that her brother was not a gifted kid. But he was smart in front of all the other ordinary

children. She couldn't hurt her brother's self-esteem. Mommy had told him that she couldn't look down

upon others just because she was smarter than others. Everyone had his own strong points and


Hearing what she said, Rabi's face was beaming again. "I will learn to eat with chopsticks too when I go

back home."

Zac looked at them with a knowing smile. He knew that Mili was encouraging Rabi. She was very

sensible. She was able to take care of others at such a young age and she cared about others'


Leila sat beside him, depressed. Since she got into the zoo, she had been disregarded and never paid

any attention to by him. It was Essie's bastard who attracted the attention of Zac and Rabi. As a result,

she had no way to seek a sense of existence.

"You have a sister now. Mommy and daddy will also give birth a little brother for you in the future,

okay?" she said immediately when there was a moment of quiet.

"My brother has a younger brother. My brother Dot is my older brother's younger brother." Mili

interrupted her.

"You and your brother are not related by his father. His daddy and I will have..." Leila wanted to mention

to give him a biological brother, but she swallowed it on the tip of her tongue. She almost forgot that

Rabi was not actually Zac's biological son.

Mili glared at her. She and the Dot were daddy's own kids. But she didn't want daddy to know that now.

Zac cast a sidelong glance at Leila with coldness in his eyes. "Leila, don't say that again." He didn't

want to hear it.

Leila pouted. Did she said anything wrong? They were not his biological kids but bastards of Essie and

another guy. This little girl was as shameless as her mother, and it was really annoying to recognize

Zac as her father. That was really annoying.


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