Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 374 The Mistress Got Pregnant

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Mili put her arms around Zac neck and kissed him on the face. "Daddy, Dot and I and brother are your

kids. Please don't have a baby with another man, okay?"

"Okay. I won't have any baby. I only want you," Zac said with a smile in the tone of coaxing a child.

Leila was very unhappy to hear that. Her situation was not so good. Besides the threats of Landis and

Essie, as well as the resistance of the Rong family. Albert didn't admit that she was his daughter-in-law

at all. He had said that she had to renounce Qin family if she wanted to step into the door of Rong

family and become his daughter-in-law.

How could it be possible?

Her mother's family was her only support. Without Qin family's support, she would have no one to back

her up when she was wronged in the future in the Rong family. Who could help her?

Now, she only hoped that she could give birth to a son for Zac as soon as possible. For the sake of his

great grandson, the Rong family would accept her.

"It's not up to you kids to decide whether to have a brother or not. I guess the baby is in my belly. He

will come out in nine months. " She smiled wickedly.

Mili made a face at her and turned to Zac, "Daddy, did you put the little baby in her belly?"

Zac was choked by what she said. Of course he didn't. But it was hard to tell whether his double body

did or not.

"It's not daddy who put the baby in. It's God. If God wants to give a baby to me, then I will have one. If

God doesn't want to. Then it is impossible to force him to do so," he said meaningfully.

Mili blinked her bright big eyes, as if she could not understand his words.

Leila felt that he was saying this to her, believing that God was not so cruel. She had waited and

endured for so many years, and finally got him. God must give her a child and help her to tie him up.

"We are sure to have a child, brother Zac," She said with full confidence. Her belly would become

bigger in less than two or three months, because she did not take any contraception every time they

were together.

Zac hadn't said anything about it. Anyway, even if she had a baby, it wouldn't be his. If she had insisted

to be the second Valery, he was willing to help her achieve her dream.

Mili lowered her head and took a sip of the soup, her little head spinning fast.

If a home wrecker had a little brother and daddy was reluctant to divorce her, things would get worse.

She turned her big eyes to the sky outside the window. She didn't know how to make the mistress

unable to have a brother. She could only pray to the God.

She decided that if she got up every morning, she would bend over the window and pray to God not to

give the little baby to the horrible mistress.

After lunch, they went to watch the animal performance. They didn't come back until four o'clock in the


Zac pulled over at an intersection in front of the villa. Mili got off the car and took the car of her home

instead. She had thought that she had made it in a clever way so that no one would find out, but she

never thought that Essie happened to drive by and saw what happened.

She stared at her in disbelief.

Oh my God! Mili came out of the car of Zac! She secretly went to visit Zac? Had Zac known about Mili

and Dot's identity?

She was totally confused and flustered.

Although she knew that she could not hide the truth all the time. The truth would come to light one day,

and she could not stop the father son relationship between the children and Zac, but she did not expect

that it was at this time. Zac had married another woman. What if he had to fight with her for custody?

What worried her most was that Leila would not accept her children. If she cooperated with Mary,

nobody knew what would happen to her children.

The moment Mili entered the room, she dragged her in.

"Where did you go today?" She had to make it clear to him.

"To... Sworn mother's home," Mili replied in a low voice. She lowered her eyes, not daring to look at her.

She knew that it was wrong to lie, but it was said in the book that if it was a white lie, it could be

forgiven. In her eyes, the lie she told now should be a white lie?

Essie frowned and asked in a serious tone, "Have I ever told you the story of 'The wolf is coming'?"

"Mommy..." Mili's little head drooped, and her chin almost touched her collar.

"I'll ask you one more time. Where have you been?" There was a hint of anger in her voice. Mili could

tell that her mother was angry. Did she already know her little secret?

"Mommy, can you stop being mad at me if I told you?" she said haltingly, rubbing her small hands.

"You have to tell me everything in detail. You can't hide anything from me. Otherwise, I will lock you up

and punish you for not being able to go out for three months," Essie bit her lips and said in a stern


Mili peeked at her from her thick eyelashes and faltered, "Today, I I went to the zoo with dad and


"You secretly went to see daddy without informing me, right?" With her heart beating fast and her

hands sweating nervously, Essie was thinking what she should do if Zac knew the truth?

"Yes." Michelle nodded. "I don't want daddy to be with that bad mistress. I want daddy to be reconciled

with you. But don't worry. I didn't tell Daddy our secret. He thought I and Dot the kids of you and daddy


Essie breathed a sigh of relief, but soon sadness crept up to her. She hugged Mili in her arms and said,

"Promise me, don't go to see daddy secretly anymore."

"Why? Daddy treats me well. He said that although I'm not his child, he still treats me as his daughter. "

Mili put her little face in her arms, playing with her.

She sighed softly. She was worried about leaving Mili alone with Zac. After all, she was just a kid. It

would be terrible if she spilled the truth.

"Baby, daddy has wife at home now. If you go to see him often, his wife will be unhappy," Essie said


"I know. That home wrecker is with us. She said that she would have a baby with Daddy. If they really

have a baby, daddy can't be with us anymore, right?" Mili lowered her head in frustration.

Hearing that, Essie's heart trembled slightly. Leila wanted to strengthen her position by pregnancy.

However, if freezing guy didn't want to touch her, the child would only bring disaster to her. It would be

better for her to pray that she wouldn't get pregnant.

"Baby." She touched Mili's head. "It's impolite to call that aunt like this. That's the business of adults.

You're a child. Don't meddle in it, okay?"

"But if it weren't for her, you wouldn't have divorced with Daddy, would you?" Mili pouted.

"Aunt wants to marry Daddy because she loves daddy so much. It's not her fault to live with him, she

just use the wrong way," Essie explained. She had never spoken ill of anyone, even her enemy, in front

of her children.

"A home wrecker is a bad woman," Mili insisted. No matter what her mother said, she would not

change her disgust for Leila.

"This is the business of adults. It has nothing to do with you kids. As long as she doesn't do anything to

hurt you, you should be polite to her. Don't say the word 'mistress' again, okay?" Essie said in a

harsher tone.

Pursing her lips, Mili disagreed with what her mother said. How could it not be the child's business? If

the adult couldn't handle it well, it would affect the child's life. If they divorced, the baby's happy family

would be broken up.

"Mommy, if I agree that I should be polite to her, can you allow me to see daddy often?" Mili shook her

arm and looked at her pitifully.

The pleading eyes made Essie softened her heart. Wasn't it too cruel to sever the father daughter

relationship now that they had met?

"Do you like Daddy?"

"Yes, I like him very much." Mili nodded like a chicken pecking rice. "Daddy also likes me very much.

He said I was his little princess. He also said that he envied daddy Hanson to have a daughter as

lovely as me. If only I were his daughter."

"Really?" Essie said, stroking her little face. A tyrant like Zac was arrogant and superior. Generally

speaking, it was impossible for him to accept her who cheated on him and their child. He was unusually

generous, perhaps not only because she was the only woman who could vent his desire for him?

Did it mean that he really liked her a little bit?

As she thought of this, her face turned red and she smiled slightly unconsciously.

"Well, as long as you promise me that you will be careful and never disclose our little secrets, I will

allow you to meet daddy."

"I promise!" Mili raised her palm and nodded seriously.

Outside, there was a low sigh outside the door. When Essie opened the door, she saw Dot standing

outside. When he saw his mother ask sister to her room with a serious look, he guessed that she might

have been exposed. He was afraid that she would get angry, so he always hid outside to eavesdrop

and pay attention to the situation.

"You also know sister's secret, don't you?" Essie called him in.

Dot replied in a low voice. He grunted and rested his chin with his little hand. Then he sighed again, "It

is a pitty to look like daddy. I can't go out to play with him like my sister does."

Essie stroke his head. "Baby, mommy promise you that I will tell daddy who you are after I deal with the

matter in your grandpa's home, okay?"

"Okay." Dot nodded obediently. Since mommy took over the Xu's group, she had been very busy. She

had a lot of things to do, and there were many enemies to deal with. He couldn't make trouble for her,

so he have to be obedient to her, so that she wouldn't have any worries.

Recently, the entertainment circle was buzzing again. Because some paparazzi had photographed that

Landis went to the hospital to visit the obstetrics and gynecology department, a news about her

pregnancy spread quickly online.

In the CEO's office of the Emperor group, Zac's face was gloomy.


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