Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 554 The Secret Of The Yard

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However, although Essie was timid, she didn't believe in the so-called ghost. Moreover, in order to find

out the secret between her mother and Mary, she had gone all out. Even if there was really a ghost,

she would do anything.

"Zac, please tell me something. I promise, no, I swear I won't tell anyone."

Zac turned to look at her, and a sharp light flashed through his dark ice eyes. "Honey, you can say

whatever you want, but you can't swear."

Hearing that, Essie covered her mouth in a hurry. Indeed, she had to exchange secrets with Ivy. She

couldn't swear, absolutely not.

She smiled awkwardly, and then hid the corners of her mouth, revealing a little dissatisfaction. "Icy guy,

I remember that you once said that the most important thing for a couple is to trust each other and to

be honest with each other. I'm very sincere to you, and I don't hide anything from you. But how about

you? How many secrets have you hidden from me? How can you treat me as your wife? You just treat

me as an outsider. It's dangerous to live like this! " As she spoke, she shook her head and sighed.

Looking at her performance, Zac didn't show it. He found that his wife had gone to Hengdian several

times and her acting skills had improved greatly.

He stood up, walked to the bar counter, took a bottle of rose red wine, poured two glasses, and handed

one to her. After taking a sip, he opened his thin lips and said, "What's the danger?"

"A couple doesn't trust each other. Of course their marriage is dangerous." Essie pouted.

Zac flicked her forehead and said, "Honey, you can do such an unkind thing to set up a secret for your

husband. Marriage is indeed dangerous."

Essie's face turned pale. It seemed that he had already known her plan. Yes, what kind of person was

the big devil king? He had a pair of sharp eyes and a deep sense of sophistication. He killed her in an

instant with his intelligence and strength. How could he not know how strong she was and what she

was thinking?

She pouted and said, "I didn't set you up. I'm just curious. I'm your wife and the future hostess of the

Rong family. It is good for me to know more about the affairs of the family. You know the secret, but you

don't tell me. That's not good. " After saying that, she drank up the wine in the glass angrily, lay down

and covered her head with the quilt, ignoring him.

Zac did not coax her, pretending not to see, and took a sip of wine alone.

Feeling a little depressed, Essie rolled her eyes two times and came up with another idea. She pulled

down the quilt and poked her head out. "Forget it. It's better to ask Jim directly. He is the person

concerned. He must know better than you. Tomorrow I will take Mili to Hengdian to cook a table of

dishes, drink a bottle of good wine with brother Jim and coax him. He will tell me when he is happy. I

have been his nominal girlfriend, and we are the most popular couples on screen in the history. I

believe he will not treat me as an outsider. "

A shadow flew over Zac's face. He reached out and pinched the tip of her chin. Although he knew that

this stupid woman was trying to goad him, he was still very unhappy and irritable.

"Stupid woman, you are out of your mind again. You have completely forgotten my ban, haven't you?"

His cold eyes, like daggers, swept across her face.

"Why don't you tell me? You forced me." She wrinkled her nose.

He pursed his perfect thin lips into a straight line. After a while, he sighed helplessly. "Well, if you really

want to know, I'll tell you."

He took a sip of red wine and said slowly, "Jim did spy on our ghost yard. He is the most curious man in

the world. As long as there is anything strange, he will spare no effort to dig it out. "

"Did he sneak in?" Essie's eyes widened.

"Since it's a restricted area of our family, how can we let anyone in casually?" Zac shrugged. The wall

around the ghost yard was more than five meters high, and there was a sharp iron net on it. No one

could climb in.

"Then how did he get in?" Essie's curiosity was like a fire balloon that had inflated to the extremity.

"People can't get in, but there is one thing that can definitely get in." Zac smiled and looked out of the


"What is it?"

Zac didn't answer. He took a sip of wine and said slowly, "The cat!"

Hearing that, Essie burst into laughter. Jim was called the number one evil man in Dragon City,

because he was so evil that his mind was full of tricks and strange ideas. It seemed that his name

really deserved it.

While she was deep in thought, Zac's low voice came again, "Since he was sensible, he must have

been curious about our ghost yard. Every time he came to see me, he would wander around alone for

hours. One day, he finally found a breakthrough. At that time, because of the typhoon, a big tree fell,

and the branches fell horizontally to the wall of the ghost yard. The branch was so thin that it was

impossible for a person to climb up, but a cat could. So he set up a camera on the cat's neck, coaxed it

with fish to jump onto a branch and enter the ghost yard. "

Speaking of this, Zac stopped. He walked to the window and closed it, as if he was afraid that his

words would be heard by others.

The several main bedrooms of the Rong family were soundproof. As long as the doors and windows

were closed, they wouldn't worry about being discovered.

Essie could see that he was very cautious about this matter. After all, the ghost yard was a taboo in the

Rong family. As the future leader and the crown prince, he naturally should abide by the family rules.

Sitting up, Essie kneaded his shoulder attentively to please him. She knew that when Jim did this, he

must be there, but she did not speak it out directly. There were some things that did not need to be

asked too clearly, and the most important thing was to find out the secret of the ghost yard.

For her obedience, he was very satisfied. He took a sip of wine to moisten his throat, and slowly said,

"The ghost yard is overgrown with weeds, and the cat is wandering around. We can't see anything

clearly, but it later entered the house."

Zac paused again. The curiosity in Essie's eyes widened. "Then what's in it?"

"The ghost yard has been abandoned for many years. Logically speaking, it should be in a mess with

dust everywhere. But strangely, the room is very clean and almost spotless, as if someone lives in it."

"Oh?" Hearing that, Essie raised her eyebrows. It was weird, indeed. Was that ghost a neat freak when

she was alive and cleaned the house every day?

Zac continued, "The cat ran around for a while and slowed down, as if it had seen something. Then it

jumped onto a table, on which there were many photos, one of which was a wedding photo, on which

there was a man and a woman in red wedding dress..." He stopped and his expression became very

strange, as if he had recalled an extremely terrible thing.

Shocked by her words, Essie asked, "Is the photo a member of your Rong family?"

"I don't know. I don't know them. I have never seen the person in the photo..." As he spoke, he reached

out and held her in his arms, as if he was afraid that the following words would frighten her. He kept

silent for a while, giving her a little time to buffer, and then said in a very low voice, "The eyes of person

in the photo seems to be bleeding."

Before he finished speaking, the hair on Essie's body stood up and her scalp went numb. "You... Didn't

you see it wrong? " She curled up in his arms. The scene was horrible just to think about.

Zac rubbed her nose and said, "You are so timid. I'd better not tell you, right?"

Hearing that, Essie immediately straightened up and took two deep breaths. "It doesn't matter. Tell me

now. I'm not afraid at all. I'm bold."

Touching her head, Zac continued, "After the cat jumped off the table, it went to the corridor, ran and

stopped, and a red shadow appeared in front of it. The woman was wearing the wedding dress, almost

exactly the same as the photo. Her hair was long and almost dragged to the ground, covering her

whole face. "

"The cat screamed and the scene disappeared. At that time, Jim and I were hiding on the edge of the

slope outside. When we saw this scene, we were afraid of being discovered and hurried to leave. "

Squinting her eyes, Essie said, "So there is indeed something in the ghost yard? It was not just rumors

out of nowhere, right?"

"I suppose so." Shrugging, Zac said, "On the second day, someone found the cat in the bamboo forest.

It was dead."

"What?" "Did ferocious ghost in red do it?" Essie asked, trembling violently.

"I don't know. But Jim fell ill after he went back. He was in a coma and kept talking nonsense, as if..."

Before Zac could finish his words, Essie finished it for him, "haunting by ghosts."

Zac nodded, "The Jing family has invited the best doctors here, but they are all at a loss. They have

done all kinds of examinations, but they don't know what's wrong with Jim. I was so worried about him

that I confessed it to my family. Grandma sent uncle Li to the Jing family and held a rite. We didn't

expect that Jim would miraculously wake up and there was nothing wrong with his body. After this

incident, he seemed to be frightened and stopped his curiosity about this yard. "

Startled, Essie opened her mouth wide. It was so mysterious and bizarre that she could even shoot a

horror movie.

With a flick of his index finger, Zac closed her mouth and said, "After that, I was grounded for three

months, and Jim is not allowed to come to our Rong Mansion again. Jim and I didn't tell our family what

we saw in the camera. We only said that we saw some weeds, and then the camera was broken.

Otherwise, it might not be as simple as confinement. "

Hearing this, Essie felt a chill in her heart. It was so terrible. It turned out that the yard of the Rong

family was not for fun. There was really a ghost!

But there was one thing that confused her.

"Icy guy, you have seen the ghost either. Why does it haunt Jim instead of you?"


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