Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 315 Act Now (Part One)

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"Zac Rong, you can continue to deceive yourself, but you can't deceive me. I don't believe a word of

your explanation, not even until I die!" she said coldly. Then she turned around and walked to Hanson.

"Put on the ring for me, Hanson. I will never be separated from you again."

Hanson smiled and put the huge pink diamond ring on her ring finger.

The people off the stage were at a loss. They didn't know whether they should sigh or wish. In fact,

they couldn't hear what Zac and Essie said on the stage, but the situation was clearly the competition

between two men and the choice of a woman, and the result was that Hanson won.

Essie held the roses in one hand and held Hanson's arm in the other. When she walked to Zac, she

said lightly, "I wish you and Leila a happy marriage."

In an instant, the blood all over Zac's body was frozen, and his soul seemed to be detached from his

body by a sharp blade, turning into a ghost of despair.

On the second day, the entertainment headline read: Hanson's proposal was successful, the fashion

fairy returned home and remarried Bella's young master.

Jim knew that at this time, Zac must be drunk. When he arrived at the lakeside villa, he waited beside

and waited for him to wake up.

Zac didn't wake up until night. The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to look for wine.

"I'll drink with you." Jim handed the bottle to him and said, "I remember that when Janice died, you

drank with me for three days. This time you are a little better than me. At least there is hope. I will drink

with you for two days."

"Are you comforting me?" Zac smiled bitterly.

Jim poured two glasses of wine and added ice, "It is just a proposal, not a marriage. Why are you so


Zac picked up the glass and took a big gulp. As long as he didn't agree, she wouldn't want to marry

anyone else, because... He stopped thinking and there was a malicious cold light in his eyes.

Jim patted him on the shoulder and said, "You'd better think about my suggestion. It is impossible for

Leila and Essie to coexist. If you choose one, you must abandon the other. There can't be pure

friendship between men and women. If you still can't let go of Leila, Essie can't turn back."

Zac sneered. Even if there was no Leila, she would not look back. She only loved Hanson in her heart,

not him at all.

"You don't understand. She probably didn't care about me at all. She just made an excuse."

"Do you know what 'the spectators see the chess game better than the players'?" Jim raised the corner

of his evil mouth and said, "She is currently in the Xu family, helping Cathy to fight against Elizabeth.

Her relationship with you, there is no harm but only profit. If she doesn't care about you, she can

maintain a seemingly intimate relationship with you, as long as it is good for this fight. But now, she

chose to break up with you and marry someone else, so that everyone knows that you and she are

over and put herself in a disadvantageous position, which means that she is really angry. When a

woman is angry, her head will be hot and she will do something impulsive so that men can't get it

back," he said with a sad look on his face. He took a sip of wine and said in a low voice, "At that time,

Janice was also angry with me, so something happened."

Zac's dark and cold eyes flickered slightly. His little fool was really care about him? This time, she was

really angry with him and impulsively decided to marry Hanson?

While he was thinking, Jim's voice came again, "A woman's heart is so small that she can't even hold a

grain of sand, let alone another woman. In fact, you can also have a second choice. Marriage is just a

form. If you and Leila don't get married, you can spend the rest of your life with her together. If I guess

right, that's what Leila should think."

"It's impossible," Zac said decisively and simply.

"Because of your hidden disease?" Jim raised his eyebrows, "You can only touch Essie?"

Zac coughed and avoided the question, "Aren't you a saint in love? Can't you think of any other

feasible way?" He changed the subject.

"You can't have it both ways." Jim shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "Unless you are

charming, she finds that she can't leave you at all and takes the initiative to change her mind. However,

the possibility is zero, because your rival in love is also very strong."

Zac took a gloomy gulp of wine, which meant that he didn't say anything, "She will soon know that

leaving me is a wrong choice." His hand holding the cup tightened, and the bloodthirsty rage

overflowed from the corner of his mouth, which was extremely cold.

After calming down, Essie also felt a little worried. In the past few days, she had been outrage by the

stack of photos, leaving the struggle of the Xu family behind. Now, the announcement of her marriage

with Hanson was equivalent to announcing to the enemy that she had broken up with Zac and that he

was no longer her backer. If she didn't guess it wrong, the enemy would take the opportunity to take

action in the next few days.

She told Pana to be careful. She would be the number one target of the enemy. When Pana went to

the company in the morning, something happened. A mud truck hit her car. Fortunately, she was good

at jumping out of the car to avoid the trouble.

Essie decided to keep Pana in the villa for a few days. She knew that the enemy would not let it go.

"Malcolm, go and check it for me. What does Sally usually like to do?" She couldn't sit still and wait for

death any more. She had to take the initiative to attack. Since Zac suspected that there was something

wrong with Bles, she started with Bles.

Malcolm soon got a reply. What Sally loved most was playing mahjong. She also had a fixed location to

play it, it was the Tiffany Club, which was a place for the ladies to have fun. A cunning light flashed in

Essie's big eyes. She was good at it.


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