Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 369 Preparing For The Wedding

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"Mommy, you may dislike summer, but please don't insult her with such vulgar words. She is the

woman I love, and you insulting her is equal to insulting me!" The insulting words of his mother ignited

Walt's anger.

Mary was annoyed by her son's attitude towards her. And he even defended her and contradicted her

for the sake of Essie. Mary said, "Zac has sobered up. He doesn't want her anymore. Why are you still

so stubborn? Do you really want to destroy yourself for her, then you can feel at ease?" She was

almost shouting. Of course, she knew very well that it wasn't her two sons that Essie was able to

destroy, but herself that she could. The fact that Essie still lives in the Rong family's house is a great

threat to Mary. She can't let her marry into the Rong family again!

As for her son's love, it didn't matter at all. There were so many girls in the world. It didn't mean that

they had to marry Essie. Mary could find them another girl that was ten times or a hundred times better

than Essie.

Walt was so disappointed in Mary. He knew her too well. She was such a vengeful woman. It was

impossible for her to change her attitude towards Essie. In consideration to her character, she would

surely do something bad and sabotage his plan of pursuing Essie. What he could do now was to try his

best to avoid her and avoid meeting her as much as possible.

"Mommy, I'm not Zac. I'm not obsessed with other women. Zac is the future boss of Rong family. The

one who will live with you in the future is him, not me. If you don't like Essie, we can avoid meeting. As

for the key of my apartment, please give it back to me first. When you come here later, you call me first.

And you can come when Essie is not here. "

Hearing this, Mary almost fainted with one breath stuck in her chest. Her youngest son forgot her

mother as soon as he had a wife. As for the eldest son, he was not even married Essie then he had put

his mother aside.

Before, he had always been obedient to her and never disobeyed her. But now, for the sake of a

insignificant woman, he began to disobey her. He must be poisoned and was even more powerful than

that of his younger son.

She took a deep breath and another. She forced herself to calm down. She had to keep calm. If she fell

out with her son, she would not only not solve the problem, but also let the little coquette sow discord

between them.

"Walt, although you are not the next head of the Rong family, you are the eldest grandson and your

future wife is the biggest daughter-in-law. After all, Essie had married to Zac. If you let her be the eldest

daughter-in-law of Rong family, what would grandpa and grandma think? What would other elders

think? " She had to be sensible and move.

Walt shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Grandparents and elders will be very happy. Anyway, Essie

can finally be a daughter-in-law of the Rong family. All members of the Rong family get along well with

each other except you. Everybody likes her except you. Haven't you realized that the problem is not

with her, but with you? " He asked.

Mary's face was pale. "What's wrong with me?" She half-lowered her eyes and tried her best to hide

the cowardice in them.

"You're on good terms with aunt Elizabeth, and Essie's mother used to be Baron's wife, so it's

inevitable that some conflicts will happen between you and Essie's mother. You're a person who won't

let go of the past grudges, so I'm sure you'll keep it in mind. Now it's an opportunity for you to vent your

anger on Essie."

What Walt said hit the nail on the head. Mary's mouth twitched. "It's not true. I don't know her mother

well and we didn't contact with each other so much, let alone the hatred." She was in a hurry to cover it

up, but Walt was good at observing people's expression. He had already seen the subtle expression on

her face. He had just guessed it before, but now he was pretty sure.

"Mommy, no matter what, the grudge between the two families of the last generation is the matter of

your generation, and don't affect our generation. Otherwise, not only the younger generation will feel

uncomfortable, but the elders of the Xu family will also be affected. Our Rong family has already had a

strong enemy of Qin family, so we can't have another Xu family. We cannot let Xu family become our

enemy, and we will be guilty for our family. " His voice was as light as a goose feather, but what he was

trying to say was more serious than lead, which really scared her.

But in fact, the Rong family didn't welcome their new daughter-in-law as much as she said. Albert flew

into a rage when he heard the news. He shut Zac up in his study and questioned him for a long time.

When he came out, his face was serious. Fortunately, Albert's father and mother had returned to

Switzerland and they still had no idea about it. Otherwise, a storm would be caused in the Rong family.

What they cared about was the interests of their family, while what she cared about was her own

interests. She had never been a tolerant and generous person. It was impossible for her to

accommodate Essie just in order to protect the interests of her family. She couldn't tolerate anyone who

had threatened her. So no matter what, she and Essie couldn't coexist.

"I have my own discretion on this matter." She replied perfunctorily, trying to hide all her anger on her


Even though she was good at disguising herself, Walt didn't expect that she would accept her

daughter-in-law. He had been around her since childhood, so he knew her temperament very well. She

was his mother. He didn't want to describe her with bad words, but she was really a very selfish person.

She couldn't tolerate anyone or anything as long as her interests were affected.

He only hoped that she would behave herself and stop going too far, destroying their mother and son's


As soon as Essie got out of the car, she was forced to get into the car by the kidnap of Zac before she

could enter the villa. The bodyguards were very clear about the relationship between the two people. At

a loss, they didn't know if they should save Essie.

Essie knew how bossy Zac was, so she had to let them go back first.

Seeing that Zac started the engine, Essie was very angry. Wasn't it too much to take her away at


"Where are we going?"

"Our new home." He said slowly.

"I'm not your lover!" Essie was very angry and thought that it was impossible to keep her like a canary!

A woman was willing to give up to a married man, either for money or for love. She didn't care about

his money and people, so he didn't deserve to keep her!

"You are my woman." He said seriously.

"I don't want to be involved with a married man." She folded her arms across her chest, puffed up her

cheeks and stared at him fiercely. She was holding a grudge against Mary, and this anger spurted out

upon seeing him.

Zac sighed in distress. He knew that she was not feeling well and he was the same. This

misunderstanding was kept in his heart and could not be explained. It was torturing him every minute.

"Can't we forget it for a while?" He said in a low voice.

"No, I can't. You date two girls at the same time and I'm your mistress. Why should I be blamed?" She

complained as she looked at him with sadness and indignation.

"What do you want me to do?" His voice was low and weak, with unnecessary sadness.

"As long as you and Leila's marriage remains, don't show up in front of me. We're just strangers, total

strangers!" She said coldly. She had sealed up her heart and would never open it up to him again.

"You don't want to see me, do you?" He clenched the steering wheel and a little injury appeared

between his eyebrows.

"No, I don't want to. I can't face you in such a status. If I meet you again, I will hate you even more."

Her ruthless words were like a dagger cruelly piercing into his heart.

He missed her all the time. As long as he could not see her, he was like a fish out of oxygen, and even

breathing was not happy. He was also worried that her feelings for him would be so slight without him

being around. If she gave her heart to Hanson completely, he would never come back.

"If I show up around you time to time, you will at least not make me invisible and you won't forget me. I

don't care even if you hate me." He smiled bitterly, looking miserable and pathetic.

"Do you have so much time? Aren't you going to hold a wedding and be the bridegroom? There will be

a lot to prepare then. You should be very busy. " Her cold voice was flowing inside the car like the cold


Zac was shocked. "What wedding?"

"Your wedding with Leila, of course." She gritted her teeth and said. At the thought that he was going to

walk into the church with Leila and solemnly made a vow in front of the God, she felt that her heart was

bitten by thousands of ants, which made her extremely uncomfortable and freaked out!

"Who told you that we were going to have a wedding?" He frowned and a hint of gloomy and cold light

flashed across his eyes.

"Your mommy told me. Is your mommy wrong?" Essie snorted. Although Mary wanted to hurt her, she

wouldn't make it up like that. Now that he and Leila had been married, their wedding ceremony would

be held sooner or later.

Zac frowned and asked, "have you met my mother?"

"Yes. Before I came back, I went to your brother's house and put some medicine on his wounds. And

she came too." She said understatedly.

A sharp look flashed across his face. No wonder he called her secretary and was told that she wasn't in

the office. It turned out that she went to his brother's.

"Do you often see Walt recently?" He asked casually, but the muscles at the corners of his mouth

tightened slightly.

"That day, Walt was also in the blast. If he hadn't protected me, I would have been injured." She


"What was he going?" On Zac's smooth forehead, a blue vein rolled over slightly.

"He helped me investigate the person who attacked me. He went there after he found some clues."

She replied lightly.

Zac looked a little sullen. He remembered at the party, Essie said that she would date the one who

helped her find the attacker. They were looking for her actively, with the support of the government and

the underworld. Was his brother there because of this as well?

He was even more worried. How could he be annoyed by Hanson and even his own brother?

"Did mommy make things difficult for you again?" He took a turn to get down to business, and decided

not to discuss about his brother temporarily.


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