Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 615 Something Happened To Suzan

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After going back, Essie applied ice on her face in case that Zac would notice it when he came back.

Mary's attitude was bad and fierce. She didn't want to listen to her explanation at all, nor did she

believe in Dr. Li's diagnosis.

She had no choice but to tell Zac about it and ask him to persuade Mary.

However, Mary ignored their suggestion.

"Grandma's attending doctor is the most authoritative expert in Dragon City. How could he make a

mistake?" "You have a big belly. Are you too free to stay at home and wait for the baby to be born? "

"Mommy, no matter what the doctor's diagnosis is, the medicine for grandma has been tampered.

Shouldn't we investigate it carefully?" Said Essie.

"Of course I will investigate it. You don't have to worry about it." Mary replied crossly.

Her attitude confused Essie. She didn't seem to care about or be surprised at the falsehood of Suzan.

Instead, she tried her best to prevent her from getting involved in this matter. Such a reaction was not

what a child should have.

Didn't she want Suzan to recover?

That night, Mary sent Suzan back to the nursing center and didn't allow anyone to visit her.

This action made Essie even more confused. For some reason, she had an incredible idea in her mind.

Even if it was a little ridiculous and terrible, everything in the world could happen.

Anyway, she had to find a way to meet Suzan when she was sober.

In the afternoon, she went to the nursing center.

"Mrs. Essie, I'm sorry. Your mother-in-law has specifically told me not to let you see Mrs. Suzan." Said

the caregiver, who was taking care of Suzan.

Essie took out a bank card from her bag and said, "there are two million dollars in it. The password is

six figures behind the card number. I know that your son has borrowed usury and needs money very

much. As long as you do as I say, this card is yours."

Nowadays, money makes the mare go. No one would be against money. Looking at the card on the

table, caregiver's eyes were shining with gold.

"What do you want me to do?"

Taking out a bottle of vitamin from it, Essie said, "change the medicine for Suzan. Don't give her the

previous medicine. Arrange for me to see her in three days."

"Yes, madam." The nurse picked up the card on the table and quickly put it into her pocket.

After leaving the nursing center, Essie went to the InterContinental Hotel to visit Lady Rose.

"Auntie, don't you remember anything about the past?" She took a sip of tea and said in a casual tone.

Lady Rose sighed, "except for having some strange dreams after falling asleep, I basically have no

impression of what happened in the past."

"What dreams have you had? Can you tell me?" Essie smiled.

There was a strange expression on Lady Rose's face, and her two cheeks were slightly red. It was

really difficult for her to tell those dreams.

"Nothing. I just dreamed of something about the family." She said lightly.

"My mother's classmate in college is now an expert in psychology. I have contacted her and she said

that she could try hypnotherapy for you. Maybe it can arouse your memory. Would you like to have a

try?" Looking at her, Essie thought that as long as Lady Rose could regain her memory, all the puzzles

would be solved.

"Then please arrange it for me." Lady Rose nodded. She also hoped that she could regain her memory

as soon as possible.

After a short silence, she took a sip of tea and asked about Suzan, "how is my mother now? I'm going

to visit her tomorrow."

"My mother-in-law sent grandma back to the nursing center," said Essie with a sigh.

"Why? Is her condition getting worse?" Lady Rose's face tensed and she was very worried.

"Maybe grandma has always made a mistake between you and my mother-in-law and made her

unhappy." Said Essie in a joking tone.

Lady Rose was slightly shocked. She didn't understand why her mother always messed up her and her

sister, even when she was occasionally awake.

"It seems that your grandma's Alzheimer's disease is getting worse and worse."

Taking a deep look at her, Essie didn't say anything. She didn't want to tell Lady Rose that Dr. Li had

diagnosed Suzan for the time being, in case that she would be agitated and disturb her plan. She had

to see Suzan first.

Three days later.

The caregiver called in secret. She had already arranged it for Essie, and she could come to visit

Suzan now.

After stopping the medicine, Suzan looked in a good condition.

She was very happy to see Essie, as if she had met her savior.

"My child, try to get me out of here as soon as possible. I don't want to stay here any longer. I don't

have Alzheimer's disease, nor am I crazy. I'm very sober. "

"Grandma, don't worry. I will figure it out." Comforting her, Essie patted her hand and gave her the

desserts she had brought. "Grandma, please have a taste. These are the desserts I made."

Suzan tasted it and immediately smiled, "it's the Jasmine Fragrance After The Rain. Can you cook it


"My aunt taught me to do it." Said Essie with a smile.

Suzan turned to look out of the window and said, "she always feels that she and Mary were born at the

same time, but their fates are completely different. It's all my fault. I didn't let her be a lady of the upper

class in the United States. She wanted to turn herself into Mary, forcing herself to eat something she

didn't like and wear clothes she didn't like. She will learn what Mary can do. She did hide it from

everyone, but she can't hide it from me. "

Blinking her eyes, Essie said, "grandma, mother-in-law and aunt look almost the same. How did you

recognize them?"

"How can I mistake my own child? In other people's eyes, they may be the same, but in my eyes, they

are different. Mary is Mary, and Charlotte is Charlotte. I can recognize them at a glance. " Suzan


"Then who is at home now, Mary or Charlotte?" Asked Essie in a hurry.

Suzan kept silent for a while. When she was about to say something, the caregiver ran in and said, "my

lady, Mrs. Mary is coming. You must leave as soon as possible."

Essie stood up from the chair and said, "grandma, I'll come to see you next time."

"You will take me home, won't you?" Suzan looked at her eagerly.

"I will find a way." Essie nodded and followed the caregiver out from the back door.

On the way, Essie was thinking about Suzan. She didn't ask the nurse to give her medicine these days,

and her condition seemed to be much better. It seemed that she really didn't suffer from Alzheimer's

disease, but someone deliberately hurt her.

But who would be so vicious to hurt an unarmed old lady?

A shadow suddenly appeared in her mind, but she couldn't believe it. After all, Suzan was her

biological mother. How could she have the heart to hurt her?

When she returned to the Rong Mansion, she found that Lady Rose had come. She wanted to discuss

with Mary about taking Suzan out of the nursing center and let her take care of her in person. Her

foster mother also suffered from Alzheimer's disease. She was experienced in taking care of such a


Mary arrived not long after. She rejected Lady Rose's proposal without hesitation.

"Mom is fine in the nursing center now. You won't stay in Dragon City all the time. You will go back to

France next month. It's not good for her health."

"Mommy, grandma is not safe in the nursing center. Someone changed her medicine without

permission and wanted to harm her. Are you so relieved to let her continue to stay there?" Said Essie.

Mary glared at her angrily, "you have no right to speak here."

Hearing this, Lady Rose was shocked. "Is there such a thing? Who did it? "

"I've found out the truth. It was a nurse in the nursing center. She secretly changed her medicine

because mother scolded her a few times and held a grudge against her. The nursing center has fired

her and handed her over to the police." Mary said casually.

Hearing this, Lady Rose was a little relieved. "Sister, I've thought about it. I'll leave the Rose Manor to

Irene and stay in Dragon City to take care of mom. Mom is old. I don't want her to stay alone in the

nursing center."

The corners of Mary's mouth twitched slightly, and a cold light flashed through her eyes. "Charlotte, are

you blaming me for not taking good care of mom?"

"I didn't mean that. You are the hostess of the family. You have a lot of things to deal with, so you don't

have time to take care of mother. Since I gave the Rose Manor to Irene, I have nothing else to do. It

must be better for me to take care of mom than others. "

"No need to say anything more. Mom had better stay in the nursing center. She often goes crazy. If you

can't handle it by yourself, who will bear the consequences? " Mary said in a tough tone.

At this moment, Albert came downstairs and said, "I think it's a good idea. The elderly are old and want

to live with their family. At that time, we can hire a few nurses to take care of her with Charlotte."

"Albert..." Mary wanted to say something more, but she just moved her lips and didn't say it, leaving an

indescribable deep look on her face.

"Now that brother-in-law has agreed, I'll go to the nursing center tomorrow to take mom out." Lady

Rose smiled with a firm expression.

Sitting next to them, Essie breathed a sigh of relief. It was the best thing for Lady Rose to take care of

Suzan, so that she didn't have to worry about her being hurt deliberately.

On the early morning of the second day, Essie and Zac went to the nursing center with Lady Rose.

Zac decided to let Lady Rose and grandmother live in the villa by the lake.

As soon as they entered the door of the nursing center, they saw that the doctors and nurses were


"What happened?" Asked Essie in a hurry.

"Mrs. Suzan suddenly fell ill in the early morning. She was so emotional that the nurse couldn't hold

her. She rolled down the stairs with a wheelchair. We have sent her to the resuscitation room



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