Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 358 The Wedding Night

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"Well, sweetness is better than sharp tongues." Essie's long eyelashes fluttered, and she raised her

glass and clinked it with him, "I heard that you've been doing business in Europe. How long are you

planning to stay this time?"

"I won't go back for the moment. I heard that you are in danger, so I'll stay and protect you." Fell was

ready to be her escort.

"Mr. Fell, as a bodyguard, you should take some actions," Eva said. There was no chance for the rich

men because even if Essie divorced Zac, there is a Hanson who stand by Essie's side.

"I'm never good at arguing. I'm only playing boxing. If I catch that asshole, I'll cut him into pieces." Fell

said angrily.

"Since you all want to pursue my sister, I'll give you a fair chance to compete." Vinton took a sip of

champagne and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He opened a sketch, which was drawn by Essie

according to her memory. "This is the bastard who attacked my sister that night. If any of you find him

first, my sister will have a perfect date with him."

"Send the picture into Wechat group." Said Fell.

"He also has a special viper tattoo on his wrist. I can send it to you on Wechat. You are all nobodies in

Dragon City. Shouldn't it be difficult to find him?" Said Vinton.

"As long as he's still in this country, I am sure to find him." Fell was full of confidence. He believed that

he could find this bastard.

"Then my sister will wait for your good news." With a mischievous smile, Vinton winked at his sister,


Essie understood what she meant, but she didn't show it and took a sip of champagne in silence. Since

these young men all admired her power, why not make use of their power? Without Zac, she could also

cope with her enemies and keep the Xu's Group under her control.

"Zac, the party is so boring. I want to go back." Leila shook his arm and said like a spoiled child. All she

was thinking about was tonight's wedding night with him.

But Zac was in fact not in the mood to talk to her. Right now, his mind was occupied with Essie. He

could hear vaguely what they were talking about. How could the idiot find the murder in this way? Was

she just like a sheep into a tiger's mouth?

"Zac --" Leila dragged her voice and said.

"You go first. I will leave after the party is over." Answered Zac, who was absent-minded. He would

never rest assured. He had to see this dull woman in person in case that she would do something

terrible again with a fever in her brain.

Leila felt extremely depressed. How could she let him stay here alone? What if he went to find Essie?

She would never let them have any chance to get back together.

Not far away came Essie's silvery laughter. "I want to dance. Who wants to dance with me?"

All men stood up and went to the dance floor with her surrounded by them.

Zac looked at them with a murderous look. He wanted to kill them all. He tried his best to control the

sudden bleeding and the internal injury.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." He stood up gloomily and walked outside. Instead of using

the bathroom, he turned a corner and went to the control room.

When they were dancing to the music, the lights in the venue were suddenly turned off. When the lights

were on again, they found that Essie was gone.

She was carried into a room upstairs by a tall and angry man.

"Zac, what are you doing?" Curling up on the sofa, she glared at Zac with her eyes full of anger.

"Stay away from them." His tone was as domineering as before, as if she were still his pet. Her hatred

and resentment were stirred up. "Zac, can you be more shameless?"

Zac didn't respond. Instead, he reached out his hand and grabbed Essie into his arms.

"Let me go, you bastard!" She tried her best to push him away and beat him on the shoulder, but failed.

So she kicked him and kicked him, but he wouldn't let her go. "You idiot, don't move. Let me hug you. I

miss you so much!" He buried his head in her hair bitterly.

She trembled violently and stopped struggling. "What did you just call me?"

"Idiot! My idiot!" His voice was more and more gentle.

"Have you recalled everything?" She looked up at him, a faint mist rising from the bottom of her eyes.

"I found the former Zac back for you." Essie grabbed his collar and grasped it tightly. "Then why did you

divorce me and marry Leila?" Her voice trembled.

"I..." He wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought. Before she regained her health, he

couldn't tell her the truth.

A gust of death stood between them.

Her heart fell into the bottomless abyss again, and she was completely desperate in the silence.

He didn't love her. It turned out that everything was wishful thinking. She was just a substitute. She

should be ruthlessly abandoned when she lost her value.

"That's good. From now on, we will live our own lives and we don't need to have any interaction with

each other." She said dejectedly.

"Are you talking nonsense?" He grabbed her shoulders and felt a sharp pain in his eyes. It was like

stabbing his wounded heart again.

"Not at all. To be honest, it's the best result that you have Leila and I have Hanson." She blocked all the

emotions and only indifference left on her face.

He let go of her and laughed bitterly, "in your heart, do you think I will never be as good as Hanson?"

"Yes." She said in a fit of pique and sadness, "when I was in need, only he will stay with me. But my

husband chooses to divorce me and marry another woman."

"I..." Dejected, he fell to the ground and held his head in his hands, speechless and helpless. He could

not bear to tell the truth, but he did not dare to gamble. It was related to her life. As long as she could

return to health, he had to bear no matter how much misunderstanding and hatred.

"I don't blame you. You saved my life, so I will respect your choice. Please respect me in the future.

Let's get together and get apart." Then she went out.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, he hit the wall with a punch in depression.

The venue was in a mess. Everyone was looking around for Essie. When they saw her walk in safe

and sound, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Essie, where have you been? We are about to call the police. " Eva grabbed her hand and asked.

"Was the power off just now? I feel a little hot, so I went out for a blow." Explained Essie.

"What about Zac? Have you seen him?" Since Zac didn't come back for a long time, Leila was afraid

that he would go to see her.

"He is your husband now. How could I know?" With a sniff, she walked to the bar counter, followed by


"You'd better keep in mind that he is my husband." With a snort, Leila returned to her seat.

When Zac came back, the party was about to come to an end.

The moment that Leila had been looking forward to came at last.

And tonight, she finally got what she wanted and became his woman.

The light was off when the man in a night robe walked in with two glasses of wine in his hands.

"Why did you turn down the light?" She took the glass, shook it and took a sip.

"I like to turn off the lights." He said casually.

"Okay." She lowered her head and blushed. "I'll listen to you."

In a dark room on the third floor, Zac sat at the window, gently swirling the wine in his hand.

It was late at night and it was very quiet outside the window. There was only a woman's scream coming

from the room downstairs.

Considering that they had been friends for many years, he didn't want to treat her the same way as he

did to Valery at the beginning. But when she tried to hit the wall, he had to let her do whatever she


There was a malicious and cold light flashing in his dark eyes. He looked up and drank up the wine in

the glass.

In the morning, when Leila woke up, the pillow next to her was already empty, only leaving a note on

the bedside table. It read, "I went to work and had a good time last night.".

They could stay together forever and ever after they had kids. They didn't need to worry about being

interrupted by Essie.

Last night, Essie stayed in the room alone for a long time. Since she was discharged from the hospital,

she went to sleep every day with tears. She slept badly and kept dreaming, in which there was the man

who made her sad and resentful.

"Mommy, did you cry last night?" Mili reached out her small hand to stroke the tears on her face.

"No, Mommy didn't cry. It was a blow of wind and sand got into my eyes last night." Essie rubbed her

swollen eyes again.

After she left, Mili acted like an adult. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed, "you cried just

now, but you refused to admit it. You must have been crying because of daddy. You have been crying

in her bedroom since daddy married another woman. "


There was a malicious and cold light flashing in his dark eyes. He looked up and drank up the wine in

the glass.

In the morning, when Leila woke up, the pillow next to her was already empty, only leaving a note on

the bedside table. It read, "| went to work and had a good time last night.".

They could stay together forever and ever after they had kids. They didn't need to worry about being

interrupted by Essie.

Last night, Essie stayed in the room alone for a long time. Since she was discharged from the hospital,

she went to sleep every day with tears. She slept badly and kept dreaming, in which there was the man

who made her sad and resentful.

"Mommy, did you cry last night?" Mili reached out her small hand to stroke the tears on her face.

"No, Mommy didn't cry. It was a blow of wind and sand got into my eyes last night." Essie rubbed her

swollen eyes again.

After she left, Mili acted like an adult. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed, "you cried just

now, but you refused to admit it. You must have been crying because of daddy. You have been crying

in her bedroom since daddy married another woman. "


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