Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 573 Lure The Enemy Into The Trap

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At midnight, the cold wind blew in from the slightly open window. The woman on the bed was sleeping

when the door was suddenly kicked open.

Several men in black broke in, with bloodthirsty and terrifying aura and frightening killing intent on their


The leader was Ford. He walked up and lifted the woman up from the bed.

The woman looked at them in horror, trembling. "Who are you? What are you doing?"

Ford raised his hand and gave her a slap. The woman fell on the bed and spat out a mouthful of blood.

She cried out in pain and shouted, "help! Help!"

"Even if you scream, no one will come to save you." Ford sneered with a ferocious look on his face.

The woman curled up and tried her best to shrink to the head of the bed. Her body trembled so

violently that even the bed trembled together. "Do you know who I am? I'm the daughter of the Xu

family and the daughter-in-law of the Rong family. If my husband knows that you broke into my house

like this, he won't let you go! "

Before she finished speaking, Ford slapped her hard again, making her dizzy.

"The quality of these fake goods is really good. They haven't deformed even after being beaten like

this." Ford sneered.

The woman's body trembled violently. She held her face in her hands, crying and begging, "don't hit my

face. Please don't hit my face!" If he slapped her face again, her face would be ruined. She had already

done dozens of plastic surgeries, and she didn't want to do it again.

Ford moved a stool, sat on the edge of the bed, crossed his legs, and looked at her insidiously. "It's

okay if I don't beat you. Tell me honestly, who the hell are you?"

"I'm Essie, the third daughter of the Xu family and the wife of Zac." The woman replied in a trembling

voice, like a rabbit pressed on the chopping block, struggling desperately.

Ford fiercely waved his fist and said, "if you don't tell the truth, I'll dig a hole in your fake face today.

Let's see if you dare to pretend to be Mrs. Essie. "

The woman was shocked. "You... Who are you? "

Her tongue was tied in extreme fear. Before she could finish her words, she saw Zac come in with the

extremely cold air followed him. The air in the room froze in an instant.

The woman held her arms and looked at him timidly. From his bloodthirsty eyes, she knew that she

was exposed. He had found that she was not Essie.

Vincent really underestimated him. He was the most famous cold-blooded man in Dragon City. He was

extremely wise and sensitive. Even if she was the best actress of Oscar, there would be some clues,

not to mention that she was just an ordinary woman. It would be strange if he did not find her.

"If you still want to keep your tongue, you have to tell me everything honestly, or you won't be able to

speak again in the future." Zac threatened her word by word slowly. His contempt for her was like a lion

king looking at a small ant. As long as he lifted his foot, he could crush her into meat mud.

The woman's face was even paler than paper, and there was no trace of blood on her lips. The

coldness rose from the soles of her feet and quickly spread through her body. "I say, I told you

everything. Don't kill me." She begged for mercy in a hurry. She had no time to care about anything.

The most important thing was to save her life.

"My name is May, a saleswoman in a convenience store. One day, I met a man named Vincent in a bar.

He said he could give me a free plastic surgery and make me a super beauty. He could also help me

marry into a rich family and become a rich wife, so that I could have endless glory and wealth. I didn't

believe it at first. I didn't expect him to be so generous that he gave me two hundred thousand as

pocket money. I worked overtime every day in the convenience store, and only two thousand dollars a

month. It's a poor amount. Now I have such a good opportunity, of course I don't want to miss it. So I

agreed. "

May paused and continued, "later, Vincent took me to a deserted island. I stayed there for three years,

receiving plastic surgeries continuously, and finally I became what I am now. Half a month ago, Vincent

came to me and told me that it was time for me to marry a rich man. I thought he really introduced a

rich and handsome man to me, but I didn't expect that I need to pretend to be Essie, and my face was

also plastic surgery according to her appearance. Vincent told me to be careful. I thought you wouldn't

doubt me as long as I pretended to lose my memory. I didn't expect... "

Her voice was getting lower and lower, but in the end, she couldn't be heard at all. What she didn't

expect most was that Zac had a hidden disease and couldn't touch her at all. If it went on like this, he

would doubt her.

"Where is my wife?" Zac said in a low voice. This was what he was most concerned about.

May gave him a bleak look and said, "Vincent told me that she was dead." Her voice was as low as a

mosquito's. She leaned against the head of the bed as she spoke, fearing that her words would irritate

him and make him angry and kill her.

Zac's handsome face twisted in anger and fear. He rushed to May like a gust of wind, twisted her up

like an eagle catching a chick, and then heavily fell to the ground.

May didn't catch her breath for a long time and almost suffocated to death. "I didn't lie to you. What I

said is true. Vincent told me the truth. He said that he had planned to do an explosion trick and keep

Essie in his hand so as to control you. He didn't expect that Essie was so violent that she jumped off

the building to commit suicide." She cried and said.

Zac shook his body violently and almost fell down. Fortunately, Ford held him in time.

"Boss, those people are very cunning. Don't trust them easily. I think that Vincent said that on purpose.

She is just a pawn in Vincent's hand. Vincent won't tell her the truth. "

Zac took a deep breath.

Indeed, he had to keep calm at this time. He couldn't believe what his enemy said.

He glanced at Ford. Ford understood what he meant. He twisted the medicine box at his feet and took

out an injection. The other men in black pressed May to prevent her from moving.

May was frightened, "what are you doing?"

With a sinister smile, Ford stabbed the injector into her arm and said, "this is a new kind virus which is

the advanced version of the Ebola. Its power is several times stronger than that of Ebola. It can make

people's whole body fester, internal organs bleed, blood vessels melt, and die in extreme pain. "

May was so frightened that she blacked out.

Ford fetched a basin of water and poured it over her head to wake her up.

She crawled to the feet of Zac and burst into tears, "I was wrong. I shouldn't have pretended to be your

wife. Please forgive me. I'm only twenty years old. I don't want to die. I don't want to die!"

Looking down at her coldly, Zac said with a cold smile, "I can control the virus. As long as you are

obedient, I will give you the antidote every month to prevent the virus from taking effect."

"I will listen to you. I will listen to you." May nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

With a hint of mockery in his eyes, Zac said, "now tell me, where can I find Vincent?"

"I don't know. I called him by satellite phone." May rushed to the wardrobe and gave the phone to him.

Zac checked the phone and found that it seemed to be customized, with an anti-eavesdropping and

monitoring system installed in it. "Give it to Reed and let him study it carefully."

Ford nodded and took it over.

Zac turned to May and asked, "how is Vincent going to help you solve the problem of fingerprints?" If

he could get the fingerprints of Essie, it meant that she was still alive and was in their hands.

"He said there would be a package to deliver the fingerprints membrane for me tomorrow. As long as it

is stuck on my finger, I can do it." May said honestly.

Zac snorted. He was really cunning. He asked the deliverer to come but didn't show up.

However, he had a way to lure the fish into the trap.

"If you don't want to die, do as I tell you." His eyes were as cold as blades, and his tone was as cold as

the wind from Siberia. May shivered and nodded in a hurry.

On the second morning, as expected, a package was delivered to her house. In order not to be noticed

by the enemy, Zac took May to the lakeside villa to fetch the wedding ring.

May put the fingerprint mask on her index finger and pressed it on the identification device, which

showed that it had passed.

A glimmer of hope flashed through Zac's dark ice eyes, followed by a flame of rage. The bastard got

the muddled's fingerprints. It seemed that the fool was still alive.

At the thought of the possible harm that the muddled fool might suffer, he felt as if a knife were piercing

his heart, and he was burning with anxiety. It was all his fault that he didn't see through May earlier and

delayed for more than two weeks. He didn't know how the enemy would torture her.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He couldn't panic. When he caught Vincent,

he would be able to save the muddled fool.

After returning home, Zac asked people to spread the news that he was on a business trip to Europe.

May called Vincent for help as he ordered.

"Vincent." She cried as she spoke. In order to survive, she was willing to do anything now. "I fell down

the stairs by accident today and broke the artificial part in my nose. What should I do? I don't dare to go

to the hospital to see a doctor. Zac has a lot of ears in Dragon City. If the doctor spills the beans, he will

find that my nose has done a plastic surgery. "

"Damn it! What's wrong with you?" Vincent cursed on the phone.

"Hurry up and find a way. Zac is on a business trip these days and is not in Dragon City. I have to repair

it before he comes back." May sobbed.

"Come to the mountain villa in Beauty village tomorrow night. Be careful. Don't be followed." Vincent


"Don't worry. He treated me as his real wife and never doubted that." May said indifferently.

Vincent didn't doubt her words. After all, no one would doubt a person who looked almost the same.

The next night, May drove to the designated place alone. She wore a mask to cover her injured nose.

Her nose was badly hurt. Zac wanted the vivid effect, so he let her choose from nose and life. If she

had to choose one between two, of course she would choose life.


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