Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 309 The Extra Existence

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"Don't worry too much. Since the doctor said that she was out of danger, she should be fine." Essie

comforted Zac. She knew that Leila was very important to him, and now she was injured in order to

save Rabi. Zac must be very distressed and worried.

"If Rabi wants to go out in the future, he must have bodyguards with him." Zac's eyes were dark and

deep. Such a thing could never happen a second time.

Essie nodded, "tonight, I'll go to sleep with Rabi. If children are frightened in the daytime, it's easy for

them to have nightmares at night."

Zac raised the corner of his mouth and put his hand on her shoulder. "Silly fool, I find that you know

well how to take care of children. Where did you learn these experiences?"

Essie's dark eyes flashed, "well... My neighbor in the United States has several children, and I often go

to help take care of them. " She faltered.

"If only our child were still alive." Zac's eyes became extremely dim, as if they were blackened by the

night outside the window. The loss of his child was a deep, incurable pain in his heart. He moved his

hand down and put it on her abdomen. "Let's have another child. You will be a good mother and I will

be a good father."

Her heart was like a plucked string, trembling slightly. They were no longer possible to get back

together, let alone have children. "Nonsense, we have child, and Rabi is our child." She said in a low

voice, with a bitter taste spreading from the tip of her tongue all the way to her throat and to her heart.

"But he's not..." He sighed, "if the child was still alive, you wouldn't have left me, would you?"

Essie didn't answer. She left because of her resentment with Mary, and her disappointment with him

had nothing to do with the child.

"Let bygones be bygones."

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Zac's mouth. He wanted to turn over the story, but it seemed

that the knot in her heart had not been solved, and she was still indifferent to him. If she was not still

entangled with the past, or she could not forget Hanson in her mind.

He hoped the reason would be former because the former problem could at least be solved. If the latter

was the case, it only meant that he was too failed.

"I'll go to see Rabi." In his silence, Essie went out. Her heart was in a mess. Since she returned to

Dragon City and met him again, her heart had never been peaceful again.

On the early morning of the second day, Zac received a call from Leila. Leila was awake, but she was

very excited because she was blind and couldn't see.

Zac and Essie rushed to the hospital together.

Leila's parents were all in the ward.

Leila covered her head with a quilt and kept sobbing. The doctor examined her and found that her head

was hit in the car accident. The residual blood clot pressed the visual nerve, which led to blindness.

"Leila, don't worry. After you recover, the doctor will arrange an eye operation for you. As long as the

congestion is removed, you can see the world." Leila's mother comforted her daughter.

Zac walked to the bedside and slowly pulled down the quilt to let her tearful face show. "Leila, don't be

sad. It's just temporary. You should take good care of yourself and then you can have the operation."

"Zac." She grabbed his hand and said, "I'm so scared. Don't leave me. Stay with me all the time,


"Okay." Zac nodded, "I'll be with you until your eyes become bright again."

"Zac!" Leila sobbed and buried her face in his palm. Only he could give her peace and comfort, so that

she would no longer be afraid.

Looking at them, Essie suddenly regretted. She was here, except for witnessing a pair of little lovers

who had been in love for many years but could not be together, she was simply unnecessary.

She put the fruit on the table and left quietly.

When she came out of the hospital, she walked on the sidewalk alone with an empty head. She forced

herself not to think about anything, but she was still very upset.

She didn't know how long she had walked or where she had been until a harsh car horn came to her

mind. Turning around, she was surprised to see Zac's car. Why did he come out so soon?

"Why didn't you call me when you left alone?" He opened the door and let her in.

"I have something else to do in the company. I'm going back to my office." She made an excuse.

Zac's deep eyes blinked, looking absent-minded. He didn't see that there was an urgent matter to rush

back. "I thought you were jealous again." He raised the corner of his mouth with a teasing smile.

She glared at him angrily, "you have a bad memory. I'm afraid of acid the most. How can I be jealous?"

"I only remember that your biggest characteristic is duplicity." When the car stopped at the intersection

and waited for the traffic light, he turned his head to look at her with such sharp eyes as if he could see

her through at a glance. She didn't know why she felt a little guilty and flustered. Her thick long

eyelashes couldn't help falling down, covering her eyes for fear that her little secret would be


"I'm straightforward. How can I be duplicitous? There must be something wrong with your eyes. You

are wrong. " She refused to admit it.

"Yes, it's a compliment to describe you as being duplicitous. To be exact, you should be so confused

that you can't even see and understand your own heart."

This was a straight to the point. Essie's beautiful face twitched slightly. Indeed, she didn't seem to

understand herself now. The person she loved should be Hanson, but somehow she couldn't help

thinking about Zac. She should not care about him at all, but when she saw him with other women, she

felt terrible.

Essie knew that he was full of danger all over his body, but she couldn't help wanting to get close to

him, and even longed for his touch and deeper communication. She felt that she was bewitched by

him. Her brain, heart and body were out of control and no longer belonged to herself. She was like the

puppet of him. Even if she fled to the United States, she was still controlled remotely by him.

She couldn't let herself go on like this. It was a moth to the fire, and she would be burned to ashes.

"Why did you come out so soon and don't spend more time with Leila? She is sad now." She changed

the subject and didn't want to continue the topic without an answer.

"She will be fine with her family." Zac replied lightly.

That's right. Essie could understand that the relationship between the Rong family and the Qin family

was so discordant that he must be very uncomfortable staying among a group of Qin family.

"I hope her eyes will recover as soon as possible." She said softly.

"Remove the congestion and she should be all right." With a shrug, Zac turned the corner and decided

to take her to dinner first.

"I want to eat spicy crabs." She winked playfully.

"Okay, but you can't eat crabs randomly. You have to make sure that you are not pregnant first." His

light words were quite teasing.

"Of course not." She wrinkled her nose at him. He didn't allow her to take the medicine, and she took

the initiative to guard against it. It seemed that in her memory, only one or two times were useless.

According to her luck rate of winning, it should be safe.

"I'm a man. I can only make a woman pregnant, but I can't be pregnant." He raised the corner of his

mouth and smiled evilly. "Honey, I'll let you have another baby. What do you think?"

"Rascal." She blushed and pinched his face when he wasn't looking. Wow, it's so elastic. How well

does this guy take care of himself? His skin is still so good after three years.

"I'll take it as your consent." His deep eyes sparkled like stars in the dark.

"Don't make up for it by yourself. I didn't agree." She glared at him fiercely. She had already given birth

to two children for him, a son and a daughter. Now he still wanted her to give birth to another baby.

There was no way.

"It's not up to you." He regained his usual domineering tone, and the corners of his mouth became

extremely serious.

She shivered, "you are not allowed to play dirty tricks again." He lied to her last time and gave her a

fake birth control pill. This time, she was not sure that he would make two small holes in the condom.

She must be careful and not be fooled again.

"You are a fool." He caressed her head and softened his look. "We just need one child. One belongs to

us. I will protect it this time."

She trembled slightly, and a little bit of light streaked across her face: "what if I give birth to twins by


"Will we be so lucky?" He lowered his head and smiled as if he thought she was joking.

It's really so easy to get twins. The corner of her mouth slightly raised. When she did the B-ultrasound

for the first time in New York, the doctor told her that there were two babies in her stomach. She was so

happy that she wanted to call him and let him share the joy.

Unfortunately, she couldn't.

"Let's go. I love spicy crabs the most." She decided to end the topic as soon as possible, in case she

accidentally said something wrong.

"Okay, I'll satisfy you, little greedy." Zac smiled and drove to South Gate Street.

In the next few days, Zac didn't show up. Essie knew that he was taking care of Leila in the hospital.

Essie knew that Leila was the most important in his heart, and she was the second. Of course, he knew

it clearly too.

It didn't matter to her whether he was there or not. It was better if he wasn't there. She was happy to be


Although sometimes it was a little boring, she chose to ignore it completely.

In the evening, Walt called. He happened to pass by the Hengyuan building and wanted to ask if she

was free to have dinner together. Essie was still working. She was reading a book on project cost in the

office. She had a lot of questions. Thinking that she could just ask him, she walked out of the office.

The two went to the Michelin five star Italy restaurant not far away from the Hengyuan building. Walt

ordered seafood pizza, Florence steak, Naples roasted lobster, Barry turtle, and Miguel macaroni...

Essie found that they were all her favorite food. It seemed that Walt knew her taste well and that she

was a meat eating animal.

"I didn't order the wrong dishes, did I?" He raised the corner of his mouth.

Essie nodded wildly, "it's all my favorite food."

"I know." He casually uttered three words, which made her stunned. "How do you know?"


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