Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 661 Miscalculate The Safe Period (Part Two)

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Steward Wang's legs became weak and he collapsed to the ground. He didn't expect that Essie could

sit for a long time in the position of hostess. No matter how capable she was, how could she fight

against her mother-in-law?

But he forgot that a lean camel was bigger than a horse. Even if Essie couldn't beat Mary, it was more

than enough to deal with a little nobody like him.

Fortunately, he was smart enough not to reveal Mary, the backstage manipulator. It seemed that she

couldn't stay any longer. If he didn't give Mary out, she would definitely give him a sum of consolation

money for his good.

At this moment, Mary's face turned blue and pale. If she couldn't keep steward Wang and manager

Zhang this time, other people who were willing to follow her would definitely retreat and turn to Essie,

which was extremely disadvantageous to her.

"Essie, it doesn't matter whether you are willing or not. I have to keep steward Wang and manager

Zhang. There is no way to discuss it. I'm your mother-in-law. I'm still in charge of this family! "

"Common interest is common interest, while private matters are private matters. You are my mother-in-

law. You have the right to control me in private matters, but in business of the family, you have to obey

the decision of me, the hostess. This is the rule of the family." After saying that, Essie called uncle Li

over and asked him to go through the formalities for steward Wang.

Mary was so anxious that she turned to glare at Zac. "Zac, you just watched your wife oppose me

without saying a word?"

"Mommy, Essie is not against you. She is just doing what she should do. When you were managing the

Rong Mansion, as long as there was no dispute between the family members, grandma would never

interfere. You should learn from grandma and let it go," Zac said slowly.

Mary was speechless. This tramp must have bewitched her son again, which made him dizzy and turn

to her.

"If you want to make steward Wang and manager Zhang leave, I have to save them. I don't believe that

I can't keep the two people if I'm not the hostess." Mary stamped her feet heavily and walked outside.

Steward Wang hurriedly followed her.

Looking at her back, Essie sighed, "Mommy suffers from queen's disease. It needs to be treated!"

"I'll find a doctor for her as soon as daddy's birthday party is over." With a serious look, Zac put his arm

around her shoulder and asked, "Honey, don't you really need a cow?"

"No need." Essie shook her head.

"You got it yourself?" Zac was slightly surprised.

"Keep it a secret. You'll know it tomorrow." With the tip of her index finger, Essie gently touched his

perfect thin lips. Her thick long eyelashes flickered, full of nifty and mystery.

"Well, I'll see how you, the monkey king, will show your omnipotent skill tomorrow." A charming smile

appeared on Zac's face.

After eating a cherry, Essie spit out a core and said, "This Monkey King has reinforcements. He is not

afraid of anything."

"Who is your Savior?" Zac held her waist and asked deliberately.

"What do you think?" She raised her eyebrows slightly.

"You know I'm your Savior. Why did you say those pessimistic and negative words this morning?" Zac

flicked her forehead as a punishment.

Essie wrapped her arms around his neck. She didn't know if she would live a better life if she hadn't

met him before, but she knew clearly that without him now, she would definitely lose the courage to live


"I'm pregnant, so it's inevitable for my emotions to fluctuate. You have to understand."

"If I hear this again, I'll make you unable to get off bed for three days. Let's see if you dare to provoke

me again!" he threatened peremptorily.

"Zac Rong, I'm pregnant." She emphasized with a bit of coquetry in her tone.

"Keep the accounts first. I'll settle accounts with you after the baby is born." He pinched the tip of her

chin and kissed her lips rudely. His plunder was somewhat forbearing, in case he lost control and hurt


She wrapped her arms around his neck and raised her head, allowing him to take whatever he wanted.

The habits of the big devil king plundering couldn't be changed. She couldn't escape the devil palm for

the rest of her life. She could only obey and dare not resist.

After a long time, he reluctantly let go of her and took several deep breaths to calm himself down. He

lowered his head and glanced at her belly. A fire flashed through his cold eyes, as if he had vented his

anger on this little fellow because he had endured too much.

"Honey, we have a safe period. How did he get in?"

Embarrassed, Essie scratched her head and said, "Well... In fact, I never remember when my period

came. I just randomly estimated a day. " Her voice was as low as a mosquito's.

Zac was in a mess. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. How could he forget that she was a muddled-

headed fool and that she didn't even remember her birthday? It was strange that she could remember

her period!

"We'd better use condoms from now on. It's safe!"

The little guy had occupied her belly for more than nine months, completely challenging his patience.

They couldn't make such a mistake again!

After that, Essie took a nap for a while. When she was woken up by the servant knocking at the door,

Mary suddenly fainted and asked them to go and have a look.


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