Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 436 The First Encounter Between Father And Son (Part Two)

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While Zac was deep in thought, Dot's voice was heard again. "Will you have a baby with your current


Zac shrugged. This question wasn't for a child to ask. "Dot, you are too young to understand the

complicated things between adults."

"I only know that you will regret for divorcing my mommy one day. But there is no such medicine to cure

the regret in the world. After my mommy and daddy get married, you will never have a chance again."

Dot's tone was very serious and penetrating.

Zac's heart twitched. "If I take my mommy back and your daddy Hanson would have to leave, will you

be sad?"

"We've already made a choice between you and daddy Hanson. We've chosen daddy Hanson," Dot

said slowly.

A sense of sorrow flashed in the eyes of Zac, "He is your biological father. Of course you will choose

him." They were a real family. He was just a fifth wheel. Maybe he should have left long ago.

"We chose him because you gave up Mommy, but daddy Hanson never gave up. He loves Mommy

more than you do, and he won't be suspicious about anything else. He won't find the other women

outside," Dot said seriously.

Zac shook his head with a bitter smile. He found out that he had always been a jerk in this little guy's


"Hey, little kid. It's our first meeting and you are rating me a zero point?"

"Your score is not zero but negative one hundred." Dot's big and black eyes flickered slowly and

attractively against the morning sun.

Zac gazed deeply into his eyes. Somehow he felt that this little guy looked very familiar. But he couldn't

remember who he was? Anyway, it was not Hanson.

When they arrived at the children's Park, the children got out of the car. Mili and Rabi walked hand in

hand beside Zac. Dot stood on the other side of him, creating a feeling of independence and distance.

After they went inside, Mili and Rabi were playing on the children's slide while Dot watching aside. He

didn't like to play such childish games.

Zac sat on a chair not far away. He didn't have to worry too much as Pana and bodyguards were there.

After swallowing the pineapple juice, he looked at the little figure with a smile and said, "This little guy is

not only interesting, but also bold."

Standing by his side, Tim smiled and said, "Boss, do you think that he looks very much like you? Those

who don't know you must think that you are father and son."

Zac glared at him as a rebuked. As if saying, 'Why did you bring it up? You know it clearly that they are

all Hanson's children and have nothing to do with me, but you deliberately poke my wounds.'

Tim realized that he had said something wrong, so he immediately covered his mouth with his hand.

But he still muttered in his heart, 'He is clear looks like boss, he is cool, arrogant and sharp tongued

like boss. He is obviously the mini version of boss.'

"He even touched his chin in the same way as boss does." As he thought of this, he couldn't help

telling himself in a low voice. At the same time, Zac heard his words. He stared at the Dot and his

melancholy face swam in his icy eyes for a long time.

The kids played for a while and then came back to drink water and eat fruits.

Then Pana gave the cherries to Mili, and orange to Dot. Since Rabi said that he liked black grapes, she

gave them to Rabi.

Zac looked at Dot who was now eating the orange and raised his brows. "You like to eat orange, too?"

"Uncle, do you like them, too?" Dot asked indifferently.

Zac nodded. His favorite juice was pineapple juice and his favorite fruit was orange. This little guy had

the same taste as him. How strange it was! He was not his son.

"Does your daddy Hanson also like to eat orange?" he asked.

"daddy Hanson doesn't like them, he loves eating mangosteen and litchi," Dot replied.

"You and your daddy Hanson is so different," Zac said, who wore a forced smile on his face.

Dot stared at him with a hint of sorrow in her eyes. He was afraid that he might have said something

wrong, so he said in a hurry, "I also have the same favorite thing to daddy Hanson. For example, both

my daddy Hanson and I love eating preserved duck, playing go chess and playing the role..." He

enumerated a lot. Anyway, daddy didn't know what daddy Hanson liked, so he could make up some.

When Zac listened to his words, his eyes became dark unconsciously. He was really envious of

Hanson, who had such a lovely daughter and son with his little fool. Should he really quit and let them

have a happy family?

At that time, Essie just came back from the company, and she bought pineapple bread, which was the

children's favorite, fresh and cooked, and it was still hot. Neither of them was there.

"Mom, where are Mili and Dot?" she asked Lucy in a hurry.

"Pana took them to visit Eva. I want to go there with them, but they don't allow me. They said there

would be a makeup party. They thought I was too old to fit in," Lucy said with a smile.

Upon hearing that, Essie realized that the children had lied to her. Now that Eva was in Hengdian, how

could they go there?

They never lied to her, except for one thing. She hurriedly called Pana. When she knew that they were

in the children's Park, she hurried to drive there.

She didn't worry about it when Mili went there. But why did Dot follow her as well? Zac was such a

shrewd person that he would be suspicious if he saw Dot!


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