Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 360 The Secret Was Discovered

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The smile on his face froze immediately. "I have an appointment at noon. Tell her to come back first."

The secretary went out.

Mili rolled her big black eyes around. The secretary just said that the woman must be daddy's new wife.

Daddy didn't want to have dinner with her. That was great.

"Daddy, who are you going to have lunch with?"

"Let's eat together, okay?" Zac said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm hungry. I want to eat pizza," Mili laughed, her big eyes crinkling into a crescent shape.

"Let's eat pizza," He gave her a loving kiss, stood up with her in his arms, and went out with Pana.

Leila was still at the gate of the building. She didn't leave, because she wanted to know who went out

for lunch with Zac. It was not easy for her to get the position of his wife, so she must watch out for her

husband, and never let any tramp take advantage of it.

When the door of the elevator opened and she saw that Zac was holding Mili in his arms, she was

taken aback. Who was the child? But when she saw they talking and laughing like father and daughter,

she was even more surprised.

"Honey!" She shouted and rushed over to hold his arm, disregarding the eyes of the people around.

She wanted everyone in the Emperor Group to know that she was the new wife of their president.

Mili quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and warned, "bitch, stay away from my daddy." Her

voice was so loud that almost everyone in the hall could hear it.

Then, many people looked at Leila with disdain. Leila was embarrassed and angry. "Honey, whose

child is this?"

"My daughter." Zac said clearly and slowly.

"When... When did you have a daughter? " Sharon was convulsed with fear.

"It's enough for you to know that I have a daughter. Don't care about anything else." Zac didn't plan to

explain and went straight outside. Leila followed him closely. She had to figure it out.

Mili turned around and stared at her with dissatisfaction, "bitch, don't go with daddy and me. We are

going to have lunch. You are so ugly, you will affect our appetite." She was born with a silver tongue.

Zac didn't say anything, which put Leila in an passive position to be beaten.

Even the cleaner near the door curled her lips. When Leila passed, she spat at her: "bah, you

shameless bitch, bitch."

Her face was as red as a tomato because of rage. She was not the mistress. It was Essie who took

advantage of this chance to step in between her and Zac and take him away. Now, she just took back

her position.

As for this little girl, who knew where she came from? The more Leila looked at her, the more hateful

she was!

Zac asked Pana to take Mili to the back seat. As soon as he opened the door of the driver's seat, Leila

quickly rushed into the car from the other side and said, "I'll go with you."

"No wonder people always say that bitch is invincible. I didn't understand until now." Mili sighed,

crossing her arms.

Zac glanced at her in the rearview mirror with much love in his eyes. This little guy was very clever, just

like the muddleheaded fool.

Leila was so angry that the blue veins on her forehead almost burst, "wimpy kid, who is your mommy?"

"Daddy's wife is my mommy." Mili made a face and stuck out her tongue at Leila.

"I am his wife." How Leila wished to grab Mili and throw her out of the car! But with the help of Zac and

Pana, she dared not do that. What she could do was only hold back her anger.

Mili stood arms akimbo and glared at her angrily. "You are a mistress, and you have ruined my mommy

and daddy's marriage. In the downpour, you must be careful. If you want to be a mistress, you must be

struck by lightning. You must be chopped by lightning from head to toe."

At the sight of this, Pana giggled beside them. Mili had always been the happy apple of the whole

family. What she said made them burst into laughter.

Zac also couldn't help laughing. He bit his lips and tried to hold back the urge to laugh.

Fool, your daughter is so mean. Do you know that?

Leila was completely freaked out. She clenched her fists and wanted to scream. But before her voice

came out of her throat, she choked because she found something more important. "Are you a child of

Essie?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes, my mommy is prettier, gentler and more sexy than you, and you are never as good as her." Mili

said with a pout.

Leila snorted, with a malicious expression glimmering in her eyes. Like the saying goes, "The daughter

was must like her mother." Essie was annoying, so was her daughter.

She turned to Zac, "Zac, don't you know that she is the bastard of Essie and Hanson? Why do you still

treat her as your daughter? "

"Don't let me hear that again." A sullen look rose from Zac' face. Leila shivered and shut her mouth

reluctantly, but she was still confused and angry. 'does he love Hanson's daughter because of Essie?

Does he take the bastard of Essie and other people as the treasure?' Leila thought in her heart.

"You're really a shameless mistress! You will get sores on your tongue if you talk nonsense." Mili's

voice came from behind. "Hanson is my daddy Hanson, not my daddy. Daddy is my daddy. Daddy

Hanson can't be my daddy, and daddy can't be my daddy Hanson either."

She seemed to be saying a tongue twister, which made Leila completely confused by her. "Little kid,

don't call him daddy so randomly. He is my husband now. Your mommy has divorced him, and they

have nothing to do with each other now. You're not allowed to bother my husband any more."

Mili pouted and cried out, full of grievances. Pana held her in her arms and said, "this ladyship, what

you did didn't match your status at all. You should be shameless to argue with a three-year-old kid. You

are not only childish, but also ridiculous."

"You have no right to speak here." Leila glared at her.

When Zac heard Mili's cry, he felt his heart ached. He really wanted to kick Leila out of the car. "I'm

telling you again, she is my daughter. If you really want to be my wife, you have to treat my child as

your own child. If you can't do it, I'll find them another mother."

The muscles on Leila's face twitched. "Zac. We will have our baby soon. You don't have to take her as

our child."

Zac snorted in his heart. Since she wanted to be a second Valery so much, he would satisfy her wish.

He would give her the child, but never his.

"As long as she calls me daddy, she is my daughter. It doesn't matter if we are related by blood." Zac

said coldly and parked the car in front of the most high-end Italian restaurant of Dragon City.

Zac pulled the door open and carried Mili out, ignoring Leila.

After sitting down, Mili took a selfie with Zac's phone.

"Daddy, you should smile."


They enjoyed themselves like father and daughter, ignoring Leila.

Leila spluttered with rage.

Mili looked at her expression, secretly happy. She wanted to take her dad away from her and pissed off

her home wrecker.

A waiter came and served the pizza. Zac took a piece and put it on the plate of Mili, "do you know how

to eat?"

"Yes, I do." Mili nodded.

"You are so clever." Zac said with a smile.

"Daddy, do you forget that I'm a gifted girl?" Her big dark eyes blinked twice naughtily, which made her

so cute.

Zac smiled. "Yes, you are a genius. You inherited all mommy's intelligence."

"I have inherited daddy's intelligence too." Mili muttered in a very low voice, which was a pure whisper

to herself. However, Zac still heard it and felt a little sad. He was jealous of Hanson because he had

such a cute daughter. If only she were his daughter.

"Mili, you have a brother called Rabi who is older than you. I'll take you to Disneyland some time later,


Mili was surprised. Did daddy have another child?

"Is my brother your son with mommy?"

Zac nodded after a long silence. Both of them were still young. There were many things that he didn't

have to make clear to them. It would be better to tell them when they grew up.

Mili widened her eyes in shock. 'Oh my God! There is another child of daddy and mommy. Why have

mommy never mentioned this before?'

"Does brother know mommy? "

"Yes." Zac nodded slightly. "Mommy will visit your brother when she is free."

"Okay." Mili lowered her head and responded in a low voice. It must be the first time that daddy and

mommy had a quarrel and wanted to get a divorce. Brother was taken away by daddy from them. No

wonder mommy said if daddy knew the existence of her and Dot, he would take them away and forbid

them to live with mommy.

She must hide this little secret well and never let her dad know that they were his children. Otherwise,

they would be like her poor brother, unable to see their mommy, and often had to face this hateful

mistress and be bullied by her.

"Daddy, does brother have a Wechat or QQ account?"

Zac was stunned. "You even know how to play wechat?"

"I can type, read and surf the Internet." Mili raised her eyebrows smugly. "I want to have a chat with my

brother on Wechat."

Zac smirked, "He is not a gifted boy. He has just begun learning the words and doesn't know how to

use Wechat or QQ, but you can chat in voice." After a pause, Zac asked, "what's your Wechat


Mili covered her mouth with her hands and whispered in his ear, "I can use mommy's."

"Really?" At first, Zac didn't care much about it. But when he saw the name Essie in the Wechat, he

was shocked. He turned around and looked at Mili with astonishment. "Little guy, you were the person

who talked about Wechat with me before, weren't you?" He said in a low voice because he didn't want

Leila to hear it.

Mili made a face and stuck out her tongue at him.

He shook his head and couldn't help laughing. She was so smart.

Leila didn't know what they were whispering, but she was burning with anger.


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